My chemical engineer mate says carbon capture is possible but actual sequestration is prohibitively expensive and hasn't yet been done on a commercial scale anywhere. Many have tried so just another thought bubble inside a pipe dream.

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Common sense in government would be a culture shock of the first order

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LOL! That might kill people faster than the jab.

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Whilst China and India burn as much as they like, not that CO2 causes global warming or change the climate.

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Present climate warming has NOTHING to do with "CO2".

Which is IPCC UN WEF 'Reset' fraud.

Hard science predicts warming anomaly till 2032

then 1000 year cooling towards a next Ice Age.

Bankers will tell you after 2032, their CO2 measures had effect,


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Nah, they are just gaslighting, as usual.

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The CO2 pipelines are a money and land grab. Landowners are using their own money for litigation against the pipeline companies as CO2 pipelines are considered hazardous waste. Landowners will not be able to get insurance on their property if a CO2 pipeline is installed on their land.


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At the expense of landowners.

“The rules are in part the result of the 2023 Legislature giving Mineral Resources the ability to designate abandoned oil wells as potential locations for enhanced oil recovery. This is a process of injecting gases, water or other chemicals underground to pump out hard-to-recover oil, which is around 30-60% of what is in a reservoir, according to the federal Energy Department.The rules are in part the result of the 2023 Legislature giving Mineral Resources the ability to designate abandoned oil wells as potential locations for enhanced oil recovery. This is a process of injecting gases, water or other chemicals underground to pump out hard-to-recover oil, which is around 30-60% of what is in a reservoir, according to the federal Energy Department.”


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Thanks for this.

CO2 from ethanol production? I am not that familiar with all the ins and outs of GHG emissions of a biofuel like what it’s made from (corn in this case?) , how and where it’s made, and how it’s used, the full life cycle of the biomass, biofuel production, etc.

Environmental concerns are important. So a hazardous waste designation is not good!

J do wonder if the CO2 by product from ethanol cannot be used - somehow - to grow crops, in the same way that "burning" natural gas (plus the water of course). - maybe not massive biospsheres covering the entire prairie - but for some - market gardening? - plants?

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I was more thinking along the lines of putting the CO2 to use outside the oil extraction industry or permanently storing it..

Maybe expanding these uses


would not be all that impactful on the total CO2 emitted.


maybe "greening" deserts that dominate vast areas could be looked at - though I am conscious that, for example, the Amazon basin might need the dust blown over from the Sahara!

Maybe using natural gas to power desert farms - capture the CO2 and H2O to grow crops under giant domes is a little futuristic and implausible now.. maybe later.

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What people must understand that with these green zealots the issue is never the issue. There is no real issue against fossil fuels. The real issue is mobility. They do not want people to move about and be mobile. Same with 15 Minute Prisons. They want you locked up in a very small area in order to control and monitor everything you do, everything you say, everything you think, every human activity. People need to see beyond the lies to the real issue and whatever they tell you is a lie in order to create fear and promises of utopia all to take away your humanity.

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Precisely KB. The hand waving truly idiotic distraction of CO2 is one of several means by which the private vehicle ownership and independent means of transport will be attempted to be removed as personal liberties.

Some limited social credit score dependent use of EVs from a municipal / GOV pool or similar, access to public transport, a bicycle or walking will be the only permitted means.

UN Urban Agenda Habitat III.

How long will it take for people to wake up? The eco-maniacs are merely a front for the WEF/WHO/UNEP cabal intent on the installation their global coup d'état.

Use of H2 powered ICE could be a useful alternative (see Toyota) while the reality of the supranational cabal being thwarted in its attempt to crush the freedom of movement would be a joy.

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The sad part is that the majority of people want to be controlled and cared for by the government. That is why all the handout programs were started in the first place. No to help the poor but to enslave the poor and those handout programs then filtered over into the communities that were not poor. Enslavement, dependency with no moral fiber.

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Absolutely. The litany of demonic D's that the Cabal has released:

destitution, disease, despair, depopulation, de-industrialization, demoralization, depravity, de-legitimization, drugs, dependency, delinquency, death.

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