UK Government throws in the towel – calls for General Election on Thursday, 4 July 2024 – any similarity to any other significant date is purely coincidental – re-entry to the EU possible?
One of the most unpopular serving governments in British history, has decided to call it a day and beg for voters to evict them from Parliament (maybe re-entry into the EU – after the vote of curse!)
Here’s a link to the current state of the political parties in the House of Commons
State of the parties - MPs and Lords - UK Parliament
The Tories have 344 seats and Labour 205 out of 650 seats with the rapidly self-destructing Scottish Nationalist Party 43 and Independents 17.
You ca expect the split between Labour and the Toris to at least reverse, which means that there will be at least 140 out of 650 new Labour MP’s – maybe some will have served prior to the time that the Tories took control of the British Government in May 2010 in coalition with the Liberal Party).
There have bee 8 Tory prime ministers over the last 14 years. Much good it did the UK, eve with a glimmer of hope under Boris Johnson that was extinguished after 3 or so years.
Remember the Toris are the majority party that oversaw the entire collusion with big pharma and the US DoD over C19 ad vacated the House of Commons to avid listening to Andrew Bridge, who they expelled from the Party.
14 year is a long time to prove your worth and the Tories have proven to have very little.
Unfortunately, the Labour Party, who will win in a landslide in the 43 days – ironically close the number 36 days it takes for the “safe and effective” double dose of the original experimental Pfizer C19 modified mRNA injection to take effect (first does. wait three weeks, second dose, wait two weeks = estimated effective “primary dosage period”. Don’t forget that all C19 infections, harms and deaths during that 36-day period were treated as being in the “unvaccinated” – there will an equivalent for the period of the election run-up!
I don’t recall any Labour Government since the 1960’s has ever not caused inflation, unemployment, a widening trade deficit, rapidly rising debt, profligate spending without over meeting an objective.
Perhaps the Labour Party’s antisemitism will be swamped by its large Muslim voter base and newly elected MP’s. We shall see.
My money is o crisis after crisis, food and energy rationing, because of “climate change” and other equally scientifically bankrupt policies.
Corruption and arrogance to be replaced with corruption and incompetence.
Just wait for rationig f food, energy and transport because of “climate change” AND, drim roll, re-entry into the EU!!!!
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Who knows, may be the British will reacquire a spleen, and have another civil war, maybe asserting freedom, prosperity, and happiness this time.....? It might help lead the globalist owned corporations of Australia, Canada and New Zealand back to sanity.....?