Bet you the Canadian WEFer, Trudeau, will do the same.......

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Who knows, may be the British will reacquire a spleen, and have another civil war, maybe asserting freedom, prosperity, and happiness this time.....? It might help lead the globalist owned corporations of Australia, Canada and New Zealand back to sanity.....?

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There's no anti-Semitism in the Labour party. They're mostly Zionist LFI, especially Trilateral commission Starmtrooper

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Being a Zionist does not exclude antisemitism. Zionist are Ashkenazies (e.g., Rothschilds, Soros, Rockefellers) who traditionally treat semitics as a second-tier jew.

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Yes, sorry, I meant the official meaning of anti-Semitism rather than the actual one

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"actual anti semite" is a helpful remark. E.g. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is a Zionist and at the same time he has been partying with the Ukraine Neo Nazies. Bill Gates father, a zionist also funded the nazi scientific experiments in the concentration camps.

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