Great reporting, Peter. In 2025, it cost households in the UK $7 billion for more the same amount of electricity used in 2024 because of the rising cost of renewable sources of electricity.

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Thanks - I see this as evidence of the "public/private" fascism advocated by the WEF and implemented i the health arena under the WHO.

Increases i the cost of living (quasi taxation) via collusion between state and big companies.

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The UK and the EU will renewal themselves into economic oblivion….The scammers know how to suck the life blood out of society’s every earned/retired monetary designation…just call it climate change, green new deal, change the atmosphere or desire to put a shield around the planet to limit the sun’s rays…just another COVID type slow death…Oh they will call it an “environmental pandemic”…and the WHO will say the sky is falling and the Progressives Dems will mandate another economic disaster…ruin the middle class…tax us some more and make us poor and in huge debt…sound familiar.

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Idiotic Net Zero Ukraine War championed by the Labour Party

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