Ukraine - a divided land of rubble - after half a trillion bucks of military and humanitarian aid, the West is seeking its money back and security to rebuild the western part of the ex-country
My Ukraine briefing document of a counter narrative to the propaganda of the British and western MSM and social media propaganda
Much of the Western MSM and social media has mounted a hate campaign against Putin’s Russia. The US Democratic Party has long been Russia’s enemy and has sought to portray Russia as s “bete noire”.
As I have sad before, th USSR may be gone but the UESR (Union of European Socialist Republics) now exists with its own “Politburo” called a “Commission”.
The western MSM and social media studiously avoids any mention of Zelensky’s intention to invade eastern Ukraine - with tanks and such - in 2019:
Proof from 2019 that Putin was NOT the agressor in Ukraine
Would this same propaganda laden MSM have backed sending a few hundred billion bucks worth of taxpayer’s aid to eastern Ukraine?
The spirit of “detente” post-Gorbachev, the tearing down of the Berlin Wall and the dismemberment of the Soviet Union (USST) and the supply of copious amounts of oil and gas by Russia to heat and cool homes in the US and EU is long forgotten.
“Russian oil makes up 8 percent of U.S. oil imports. In most European countries, that number is much higher.”
Oil prices remain high, implying that marginal suppliers like Russia (and Venezuela and Iran) are key to reducing prices to sub-50 bucks a barrel - and reducing us energy bills by 50%.
How would “renewable” energy prices stack up against $40-50 a barrel oil? Never mind the rip off in natural gas prices!
The verbal promises by US Secretary of State, James Baker - extracted by Brave AI - “did mention during his February 1990 visit to Moscow that NATO would not extend its jurisdiction "one inch to the east," but this was not part of a formal agreement.”
America’s word is not its bond - especially when power shifts to a Democratic Party.
The “maidan” revolution occurred in 2014 - after which the Russians invaded the Crimea to preserve its Black Sea port of Sevastopol,
Revolution of Dignity - Wikipedia
Yankovich wanted to ally with Russia, the US did not want that and wanted Ukraine to align with the EU. Yankovich was forced to flee, and the coup was complete.
2014 Odesa clashes - Wikipedia
This also happened in 2014.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 - Wikipedia
With the Democrats in charge, the US began its “invasion” of Ukraine via biological research facilities as admitted by Victoria Nuland - per Brave AI - “Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 8, 2022, and mentioned that Ukraine has biological research facilities. She expressed concern that Russian forces might seek to gain control of these facilities.” A young Senator Obama was part of a bi-partisan visit examine Ukraine’s potential.
All this under the auspices of the Democratic Party and its “blob” of the swampy intel agencies and neo-liberals in the DoD (another Baker paying millions to Stefan Halper and Clinton paying for the Steele Dossier). The Trump administration from 2016-2020 was distracted by impeachment campaigns based on th treasonous Russia Dossier AND the Trump phone call about that “perfect” Trump phone call) about Joe Biden’s blackmail of Ukraine prosecutors’ case against Hunter Biden.
And, once the war with Ukraine started, the Democratic Party under Biden blew up the Nord-Stream-2 pipeline.
Is Ukraine even in Europe? There is a “far east Asia” - Ukraine fits more neatly into a “near east” bucket, along with Turkey - which is further west than Ukraine and is hardly a European country, though is in NATO - go figure.
Ukraine has long been one of the most corrupt countries in the world - hence Hunter Biden’s Burisma contract for a million bucks a year to give preferential access to the Obama/Biden Administration.
Let’s turn back to the on-going fracture of Ukraine into two distinct part - the west and the east. Ukraine, as was - prior to 2014 - no longer exists - much like Syria, which has been fractured into many regions - following the (CIA inspired?) gift to Hezbollah in order to get Hezbollah out of Lebanon (to secure Israel’s northern border).
Ukraine is under martial law and so o elections - due back in May 2024) - can be held.
Russia refuses to negotiate with Ukraine until it has a democratically elected government and leader.
How does the “occupied territory” of Ukraine in the east fit into this? Do they get a vote in any Ukraine election? Or are the votes cast to align with Russia, evidence of secession from Ukraine?
The Prime muppets of the UK and France, Starmer and Macron, want to station their troops inside Ukraine to act as “peacekeepers”.
Russia has said that any NATO troops in Ukraine is a “red line” though there is chatter that Russia is now amenable to such a proposition.
One of Russia’s claims is that there is a significant Nazi influence within the Ukraine military. Per Brave AI:
“The Azov Regiment, a controversial military unit in Ukraine, has been accused of having ties to neo-Nazis and far-right ideologies.”
“The regiment has also been criticized for using symbols associated with Nazism, such as SS insignia and swastikas, which were documented on the helmets of some soldiers.”
“… significant issues of racial discrimination faced by African students and refugees fleeing Ukraine during the Russian invasion. “
From here:
“Peace Corps positions in Ukraine are currently not open, but Black Peace Corps volunteers who applied were warned to be prepared to be called the N-word and face other racist behavior while in Ukraine, according guidance on the Peace Corps website that is currently being discussed on social media.”
Blacks face racism in most east European (ex-Soviet Union) countries, as well as in Spain and Italy.
How much has been “blown” on Ukraine in the last three years? $350 billion from the US and another 150 billion bucks from the EU and UK.
Half a trillion bucks. Taxes goes up in smoke, literally.
Per Brave AI:
“As of February 26, 2025, Russia continues to occupy roughly 20 percent of Ukraine's territory, which it gained over four thousand square kilometers of in 2024.”
The territory occupied by Russia requires rebuilding as does h entre western side.
Taxes spent to achieve precisely zero, even a negative outcome.
Lives lost, bodies dismembered, wounds inflicted requiring lifelong care and treatment. For millions on both sides,
And now, Ukraine has lost the war, and peace means rebuilding the wasteland of rubble created by the conflict.
Ukraine, apparently, has trillions of rare earth minerals and metals that will be exploited to repay war debt and reconstruction costs. Its debt is rated junk, so it must give up its wealth as it is already mortgaged to the hilt.
Per Brave AI, Ukraine GDP was 200 billion dollars in 2021 and had fallen by just ten billion in 2024! That with almost its entire energy infrastructure destroyed. Seems unlikely!
It is more likely that the half trillion bucks in aid from he US and EU represents almost the entire Ukraine GDP for the three-year duration of the conflict.
Leave aside the 100 billion bucks of US aid that Ukraine says it did not receive!
Half a trillion bucks to destroy the whole country and, what, 2 trillion bucks to rebuild the western part - with Russia picking up the tab for the eastern part of Ukraine?
Mining rare earths is not “environmentally friendly” and would break every “green” law and regulation ever written Iin the EU, UK and US.
Per Brave AI:
“China's rare earth mining has caused significant environmental pollution, affecting both water and soil quality. In Ganzhou, Jiangxi province, rare earth extraction has left behind toxic water and contaminated soil, impacting the livelihoods of nearby farmers.
The process of mining and processing rare earths involves the use of chemicals such as ammonium sulfate and ammonium chloride, which can lead to air pollution, erosion, and contamination of groundwater.
For example, in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, where a large portion of China's rare earths are processed, the wastewater from these operations has led to severe pollution, affecting local water resources and causing health issues for residents.”
One last point. Whilst the British socialist neocons, MSM and social media engaging in hate crimes against Putin and Russia, its Gen Z’ers regard the UK as “not worth defending”.
Per brave AI:
“A recent poll conducted by The Times in collaboration with YouGov reveals that a significant portion of young British adults, specifically those in Generation Z (aged 18-27), lack the willingness to fight for their country. According to the survey, only 11% of Gen Z respondents would fight for their country, while 41% stated that there are no circumstances under which they would take up arms to defend Britain.”
The UK has a legal and illegal immigration problem. A solution to the rabid desire of Prime Muppet Starmer to putting UK boots on the ground would be to enlist the fighting age male adults into boot camp in the UK, prior to shipping them off to the Ukraine front line of combat contact with #Russia - all one million of them. They are only peacekeepers, aren’t they? This would make them earn their “undeportable” residency status in the UK.
A last point: both the EU and UK impose a tariff of 20-25% on all goods imported from the US in the form of Value Added Tax. Hardly the act of an ally, more like a “frenemy” and worth fully reciprocating.
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Corrupt Ukraine made a monumental mistake by allowing the 2014 coup then siding with the West and allowing themselves to be decimated for the gain of the West. Now they'll give up their rare earth minerals to pay for the rebuilding of their shattered country . And of course the war has left millions dead and injured Ukrainians to boot.
In 1904, the Adam brother (Rockefeller institute) stated that there would be a wars to split up Russia (one half to be incorporated into European countries and the other half in Muslim counties) This wars would be between 1914 and 1944 followed by cold war and then from the Ukraine. taken this time span; it is unlikely that some deep state powers will give up.