Wow! Great analysis and presentation. If only we could get the politicians out of the mix

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Thanks PH. Prior to the current scamdemic & it's evil profiteering. The climate scam was also a bi££ion$ of evil profiteering. The fact that the climate bs is still rampant & Govtards worldwide are falling over their foolish selves to keep on keeping on screaming blue murder about zero this & green that. All part of the great fear matrix of terror. To keep humanity on it's choke chain.

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Yes. All because narcissistic egomaniacs think they must be seen to "lead" because the "know" what is right.

The ability of these psychopaths to plan, lead, organise and control to achieve outcomes that improve human civilization and living standards is ZERO.

the lind leading the blind combined with the stupid gaslighting the gullible.

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This is absolutely invaluable! Thank you so much for pointing out such a simple, fatally flawed assumption upon which all the "Chicken Little" global warming warnings have been based . . . .

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We just have to get the smart people in organisations like UN IPCC and the UN WHO. Somehow the lunatics have take over these asylums and are wielding power that is way above their pay grade - literally burning up valuable human resources and then covering their backs with lies.

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Just now added this article into the new IPCC section of my "red pill" library:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/c61bf4395f24

Thanks again for giving visibility to this important issue!

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it’s nice to see something scientific to argue against the climate cultists.

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