VAERS data - have those responsible COMMITTED FEDERAL CRIMES by throttling, obfuscating, deleting and not curating obvious errors? WelcometheEagle88’s - Albert Benavides – exposes the CDC/FDA
To me, this one hour video
VAERS Uncomfortable Truths: Disappearing Deaths, Data Manipulation + More | Childrens Health Defense
shows how a perfectly good adverse event reporting system -even though massively under-reported by victims - is being manipulated by those responsible to intentionally devalue its use as an early warning pharmacovigilance system and mislead the public.
It is a federal offence to submit a false report to VAERS - so it should also be a federal offence to manipulate the data submitted.
The implications for the “safe and effective” mantra, legal cases, claims for compensation and many other issues are enormous. So are the implications for policy makers (and the House subcommittee on C19.
In short, VAERS is intentionally being falsified and obfuscated.
Firstly, to stress, we now know that there are two versions of VAERS – one which we see and analyse and the other which is SECRET and kept from public view.
Okay, here’s the starting point that we are used to seeing - summarised here:
VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 10/27/2023 – VAERS Analysis
Here’s some of the key numbers of the worst outcomes:
These numbers are estimated to be under-reported by a factor of around 30-40 compared to an under reporting factor of 100 in a Harvard Pilgrim sytudy (called the Lazarus Report).
I show these so that the numbers that Albert discloses can be brought into focus.
Here are the links to Albert’s web pages – there are more links to other web pages on the CHD link.
Kids UNK Age Deaths | VaersAware
WelcomeTheEagle88'S Substack | Substack
Right, let’s dive into some of the numbers – here’s my cliff notes:
Misclassifying lots by manufacturer – lot numbers clearly indicate manufacturer – but, for example, Moderna lots are reported as Pfizer and vice versa – 8,000 up to February 2023 –
(Q. does this change some of the “howbadismybatch” dynamics and indicators if some are misclassified?)
A single lot can be transcribed in many ways on different systems - e.g. classified as Dengue Fever vaccine – one below C19 injections on the input screen (many of those) = fat finger and should have been classified as a C19 injection not a Dengue vaccine? 1,690 cases at least 13 need to be fixed.
Unknown vaxx put in a special “stash” - up to May 2022 -1,400 had Moderna in the write up – classified as unknown vaccine because the vaxx manufacturer box was not checked - with clear reference to Moderna – 150 other deaths attributed to “Unknown” instead of to clear ID of the manufacturer in the wrote-up.
(Q. Does this men they are not included in the public number of deaths on VAERS?)
There are 50,000 unknown manufacturer reports on VAERS – probably C18 jabs
Albert curates these obvious misclassifications by manufacturer.
ONLY INITIAL REPORTS ARE MADE PUBLIC – called a reporting issue – one that CDC/FDA create themselves. (Only since 2011 – Harvard Pilgrim study of 1 in 100 events reported was late 2010).
How many initial reports are now since dead or conditions have worsened over time? Possible double the number
Deleted reports – started in 2004
30,000 C19, 1100 death reports have been deleted. Some legitimate, some not.
Deleted report and then reappeared – example for over year to delete and reappear – changing the entered date which should never be touched.
40 deaths were from 2022 plus 20 in 2021 – manipulated the entered date/
Downcoding – person didn’t die, change the box to “No” – next highest event level not even hospitalization but down to ER. Upcoding is rare and takes up to 2 years “we figured out the person was dead”
Bundled deaths – extra 2,000 deaths but multiple deaths bundled into a single report. Portugal says 75,000 deaths – react to social media reports = bundled deaths. 4-5 weeks vetting? = valid.
e.g. 6 people died 6 of 30, 7 of 30 cannot find the whole set – missing 5 individual reports.. Examples of 76 bundled and 19 bundled - others cross walked over from the manufacturer
BAERS not designed for bundled deaths.
Onto questions of wilful malfeasance:
30% of reports with unknown ages should be 8% 350,000 reports found– lids have higher rate of unknown ages. – age was there but disappeared after publication kids deaths are stashed elsewhere.
Retrieve 200 reports of dead kids – no 500 dead kids because there is no age.#
Unknown state location 15% reports unknown state. – but death – 32% of death reports have no state.
Of unknown state deaths are time throttled – delated reporting to VAERS, scrubbed pre-publication.
Less than one in 5 reports followed up – CHD interview – manual checks required?
Albert – yes - ethical cleansing required for rigorous authentication. Must be follow-ups to populate missing fields.
Albert on those working on VAERS – “you guys are purposely stripping out data before you publish it”
Re the Denmark study – placebo lots not correlated with VAERS – serious in the placebo yellow dot placebos – including a few disabilities last week – study only up to early 2022 – 32 reports, some blue (most serious” and green dots – Demark could do nothing about the “throttling” effects – the medical mafia cabal does not spike an entire lot v they spike vials within lots – they are that sophisticated.
Public and private VAERS – only initial report is made public but CFC/FDA continues to catch data but they don’t tell us. “How many people are now since death they are not telling us?”
RFK jr video clip – VAERS workers at the CDC - 150,000 injury reports disappeared from their queues – 10 deaths reported are disappearing daily - less than 1% of injuries are reported.
30,000 VAERS ID numbers have never been reported.
Why not pull the billing software from EPIC hospital systems – not a big deal – to run VAERS
(Q, Why not pull EPIC data now to compile hospitalized patient adverse event data?)./
CDC = big pharma’s lapdog in Albert’s opinion.
CDC could have done all the sort of work Albert has done. VARTS is a great system, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Albert is working with C19 House sub-committee, Reaxt19 and others. !!!
Lastly, I see that two more C19 injection harm cases for a few thousand bucks were settled yesterday by the Countermeasure Injection Compensation Program (CICP), bringing the total to 8. The CICP compensates for uninsured damages and loss of wages. Compare that to the close to one million adverse events in the table above. There must be a lot of claims covered by insurance!
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There is no way to estimate how high the under-reporting became under the CDC's "covid emergency" directive that hospitals must fraudulently classify recently-vaccinated people (who show up dying or dead) as "unvaccinated."
I mean, how exactly does ANYTHING get reported as a "vaccine injury" when the person is formally listed in the hospital records as "unvaccinated?" Nobody has ever explained this to me. Because the CDC's directive required this false classification ("unvaccinated") for all those who had only gotten one jab, and also those who had gotten the 2nd less than 2 weeks prior to showing up at the hospital (dying or dead) it plays out like this:
1. Almost all of the injuries and deaths occurring shortly after the 1st jab would likely never be reported to VAERS, or if reported, would be rejected by VAERS since the person is classified as "unvaccinated."
2. Almost all of the injuries and deaths occurring within 2 weeks of the 2nd jab would likely never be reported to VAERS, or if reported, would be rejected by VAERS due to the fraudulent "unvaccinated" classification.
3. Since VAERS will reject all reported deaths and injuries if the first symptoms appear more than 30 days after vaccination, we might get to that "less than 1%" reporting rate for CV-19 jabs for those who got the 2nd jab more than 2 weeks prior to onset of symptoms, but NOT for those whose symptoms began more than 2 weeks after their 2nd jab. And since the worst lots typically produced symptoms immediately, or almost immediately, after injection, the CDC knew their directive to the hospitals would effectively eliminate almost all reporting of injuries and deaths.
The CDC effectively (intentionally) eliminated potential reports on anyone who got sick (or died) after the 1st jab (alone) and ALSO those who were injured or died within 2 weeks of the 2nd jab. This left only a NARROW portion of deaths and injuries that would even be allowed into their system, to include ONLY those who got sick or died 2 weeks after their 2nd jab, but NOT those who got sick and/or died 30 days after their 2nd jab.
From what I have seen, it does look like the people who are going to get sick and/or die after these jabs, DO have symptoms (of some sort) immediately, or almost immediately after injection. But these people have already been fraudulently classified as "unvaccinated" due to the date their symptoms began.
And we're supposed to believe any of this was an "accident?" I do not believe there was even ONE hospital worker who didn't know WHY they were fraudulently classifying recently-vaccinated (and injured or dead) people as "unvaccinated." They are ALL guilty. Once you know the truth of what has happened here, you'd have to be out of your gourd to ever trust ANYONE in the medical system again.
Now you are cooking with peanut oil Peter!