Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

There is no way to estimate how high the under-reporting became under the CDC's "covid emergency" directive that hospitals must fraudulently classify recently-vaccinated people (who show up dying or dead) as "unvaccinated."

I mean, how exactly does ANYTHING get reported as a "vaccine injury" when the person is formally listed in the hospital records as "unvaccinated?" Nobody has ever explained this to me. Because the CDC's directive required this false classification ("unvaccinated") for all those who had only gotten one jab, and also those who had gotten the 2nd less than 2 weeks prior to showing up at the hospital (dying or dead) it plays out like this:

1. Almost all of the injuries and deaths occurring shortly after the 1st jab would likely never be reported to VAERS, or if reported, would be rejected by VAERS since the person is classified as "unvaccinated."

2. Almost all of the injuries and deaths occurring within 2 weeks of the 2nd jab would likely never be reported to VAERS, or if reported, would be rejected by VAERS due to the fraudulent "unvaccinated" classification.

3. Since VAERS will reject all reported deaths and injuries if the first symptoms appear more than 30 days after vaccination, we might get to that "less than 1%" reporting rate for CV-19 jabs for those who got the 2nd jab more than 2 weeks prior to onset of symptoms, but NOT for those whose symptoms began more than 2 weeks after their 2nd jab. And since the worst lots typically produced symptoms immediately, or almost immediately, after injection, the CDC knew their directive to the hospitals would effectively eliminate almost all reporting of injuries and deaths.

The CDC effectively (intentionally) eliminated potential reports on anyone who got sick (or died) after the 1st jab (alone) and ALSO those who were injured or died within 2 weeks of the 2nd jab. This left only a NARROW portion of deaths and injuries that would even be allowed into their system, to include ONLY those who got sick or died 2 weeks after their 2nd jab, but NOT those who got sick and/or died 30 days after their 2nd jab.

From what I have seen, it does look like the people who are going to get sick and/or die after these jabs, DO have symptoms (of some sort) immediately, or almost immediately after injection. But these people have already been fraudulently classified as "unvaccinated" due to the date their symptoms began.

And we're supposed to believe any of this was an "accident?" I do not believe there was even ONE hospital worker who didn't know WHY they were fraudulently classifying recently-vaccinated (and injured or dead) people as "unvaccinated." They are ALL guilty. Once you know the truth of what has happened here, you'd have to be out of your gourd to ever trust ANYONE in the medical system again.

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Great comment! Posted as an article in full! Happy Thanksgiving!

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THANK YOU! One more thing to be grateful for today.

God bless you Peter! I hope you squeezed some peace and happiness out of this day.


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I did my best!

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Now you are cooking with peanut oil Peter!

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I bet the FVI are all over this and the Inspector Generals, auditors etc


As they have already refused to investigate - conduct post mortems - on those thousands of people that walked in to get injections and died with ONE DAY and more thousands within two days and thousands within 3 days - the DOJ/FBI will not investigate the federal crimes you have unearthed either.

Good job in the interview. I find that numbers grab more attention for decision makers.

As an aside, Katherine Watt makes a real valid point when she says that people should learn from unsuccessful law suits - like Brook Jackson's. No point suing over clinical trial fraud - Pfizer did what the government told it to do.

I think this has to go personal - that is - people need to say, to the police - "pharma and these politicians/bureaucrats killed/assaulted my mother/father/brother/sister with your injections that they knew could be toxic" - the work you do is evidentiary for this, it should lead to discovery for the "private" VAERS stuff too.

Good luck with the House committee - I respectfully suggest you list the numbers of errors by type - death, age, hospitalization etc missed/excluded from VAERS/stashed/throttled etc..

I wasn't clear about whether the "unknowns" being stashed were included or omitted from the public VAERS. (Excuse me if I am teaching my grandma to suck eggs!)

All the best

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I'm court room ready, with no time limit I could lay it all out until the other side simply quits! lol

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Yeah no worries! I regret having to many bundled death examples, I wanted to highlight my example of dead kids with UNK age here: https://www.vaersaware.com/kids-unk-age-deaths . I wish I had more time!

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