We need a panel of lawyers to figure out how to enfoce antitrust and other things...despite the government. If we could get some, we could fund it. And go to the supreme court if need be. the NGO racketeering needs to be abolished...corporations need to not be seen as people so no lobbying, and the entire Federal govt agencies need taking down and re-constituted state by state as they see fit.

Then we need Congress to exit the Who, get us out of any EMERGENCY ACT as presently constituted, put in an emergency act for the violence that is coming to us and our homes by the illegals now getting guns, and we need to move fast.

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Scary thought - a fifth of the ten million illegal immigrants that have entered under biden's junta wo;; be offered citizenship in exchange for military service.

These recruits will become the enforcers of the criminal acts of politicians who will hide behind NGO's like the UN, WHO, IPCC and IMO plus the fascists i the WEF.

"Law and order" will be replaced by a huge organised armed gang.

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I Do not trust these two!

They are 'controlled opposition '!..

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Hi Peter, thanks for expanding on these 2 presentations containing critical tidbits, views we had not seen or heard before. Somehow these were swept aside? overlooked? for the larger audience but shorter presentations in the EU Covid conference in Lausanne Switzerland on 13 Sept. David explains how this long-term plan had been carried off, the main key, or starting point was corruption of Patent Offices, allowing bioweapons developers to patent nature. David Martin outlines a 6-step progression over about 30 years, as they needed zero liability from shot damages to adults included in the Prep Act, passed 4 years after 9/11 and the subsequent Anthrax scare. And they desperately needed investors to continue funding the bioweapon research, therefore the path had to be cleared to allow these weapons released to show their efficacy at population reduction, health damage, SADS, and autoimmune conditions. Truly the culmination of planning by pathological minds.

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Yes. He has assembled a huge jig saw pozzle.

I covered the Swiss submission here:


bare the criminal cartel that is using the WHO to commit genocide – by hiding behind and using immunity from any and all prosecution

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Yes as that man in Switzerland said. That has to first be exited by everyone ad then every country going after their immunity.

This includes the BIS.

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Yes, the WHO was started back in 1947; and according to David Martin, has written into its own charter they cannot be held responsible for their actions! Its a great trick if you can pull that off, as they have for the past 70 years or so.

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It is my understanding that they have turned "directed research" by donors - under the auspices of qualified WHO personnel in areas in the third world, into directed research into selling injections

We have seen a decades long failure in handling pneumonia, malaria, TB, HIV-AIDS and somehow, the Cult is sucking out billions from taxpayers into C19.

The WHO has no track record in solving any "pandemic" - and the directed research is - de facto - ignore the staving and those with dirty water - just stick a needle in their arms" - or rather, stick 500 needles in their arms and everybody else's over their lifetimes.

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Primate Change


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to: Land of the Living Democrat

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