Thanks PH. Another rope place reserved.

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Walensky makes me sick, as does her co conspirator Fauci, I hope they burn in hell for what they and many more have done to not only the American people but the worldwide population.

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My latest article goes to the point: Do not trust our "experts" and government officials.

A big story two days ago purports to provide “smoking gun” evidence that “Case Zero” of Covid in the world occurred with three lab workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in November 2019.

As I show in this detailed rebuttal, this could not be possible as at least 306 people in four countries and 7 U.S. states had also already been infected by this same date - and all of the people I have identified tested positive for Covid antibodies.

The real scandal is that public health officials (and the mainstream “watchdog” press) refuse to investigate or ignore the mountain of evidence that suggests millions of people had probably already been infected by the end of November 2019.

I’m not saying the virus didn’t originate in Wuhan. Only that if it did, the person who was “Case Zero” would have had to have been infected months earlier than November 2019 for the virus to have infected so many other people throughout the world.


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Walensky is a murderer.

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Serial killer!

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The world biggest terrorist organisation, the government, have followed the lead given to them by mainstream media and are now terrorising as many people as possible. When scared the sheep look to their masters for protection, even when they reach the abattoir. More here;


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The world's biggest terrorist organisation is the US government.

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I agree, although all the other governments are in lockstep with them. The entire western world is now under the control of the CIA military industrial pharma complex.

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