Want your own bright light bulb? Tough luck, they are now banned by Biden – you can now only buy dimmer LED lights that so you strain your eyes when you need more light
In yet another move to make you more “nannied” by morons, check this out:
Biden’s Light Bulb Ban Just Went Into Effect, Here’s What You Should Know – Potus Toast
For an independent assessment of relative merits - pros and cons check this out here:
The Biggest Downside Of LED Lights (And 5 Reasons They're Better Than Incandescent) (slashgear.com)
“But there is also a downside: the price tag. It's often significantly cheaper to pick up an incandescent bulb than it is to buy an LED. Bulbs from known brands, particularly bright options or those packing plenty of features, will cost even more than basic models. You may find yourself dropping over $20 on a single light. Given that an entire house has one or more lights per room, making the switch all at once might be a pricey endeavor.”
Ok, let’s go a little deeper.
Here's a UK article that makes the case for LED bulbs:
LEDs vs. Incandescent Lights - The Lightbulb Co. UK
Pretty compelling case for LED, right?
Note the emissions claimed at the bottom and the “wasted” energy metric. You may not want heat in the summer, but it comes in handy in the winter in a small room! Note also that one bulb costs 24 pounds a year. That might not be relevant in countries that have not had their energy bills quadrupled i the last five years because of the electricity generated by wind ad solar! See how it works?
Anyway let’s generate a little more context.
Resident Biden’s head energy moron (who couldn’t tell you what any of the variables in W = VI are) has come up with a wizard wheeze to save the planet.
You see, according to U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm, a switch from incandescent light to LED light will save money and reduce emissions.
How much money?
“… $3 billion in annual savings” – that’s it. 3 billion a year. Let’s see – 30,000 migrant criminals cross the border every week, each costs 100,000 a year in direct and indirect costs – so that would work out at the same 4 million bucks a year.
Okay, how much does that work out at for America’s 125 million households a year – ignoring those facilities that require bright light – just the households.
3 billion a year for 125 million households = 24 bucks a year – 2 bucks a month under 7 cents a day.
What’s next? A plan to make Americans better off by making them search all pockets and behind sofas to make a nickel a day? No nickels found – out on the streets with you with a paper cup until someone puts a nickel in it or you find one in a gutter? Maybe recruit a “nickel police force” to ensure compliance?
Maybe a whole bureaucracy could be formed to cater for those that collect more than a nickel a day and go into credit? That might cost 10 billion a year of course, but hey, the swamp knows best!
Ah yes, but what about all the benefits from reduced carbon emissions?
Funny, I had no idea that light bulbs emitted carbon - or carbon dioxide. Are there more emissions involved in the manufacture of incandescent light bulbs compared to LED bubs? Is the packaging more “environmentally unfriendly”?
Does the ban apply to stadium floodlights? Photo studios and film/tv sets? How about fridge, microwave and oven lights – are they already LED or will all manufacturers have to re-tool? How about prison spotlights?
I am not suggesting that there is a massive higher relative demand for incandescent v LED lighting, but what about the relative cost and lifetime of each being left to the discretion of the individual rather than the “nanny state”? (I doubt there will be any “bootlegging” of incandescent light bulbs trafficked to “speakeasies”! But there must already be a bunch of inspectors at the Department of Energy – armed presumably – who will enforce compliance,
On to emissions…
“… the ban is projected to reduce carbon emissions by 222 million metric tons over the next 30 years.”
28 million tons a year in reductions of carbon – well, CO2 – better check your bulbs for suit and monitor the CO2 levels around the different light bulbs!
The logic is absurd. Granholm and Biden think Americans are so dumb as to not be allowed to choose their ow light bulbs.
By the wat, 28 million tons of “my imaginary rabbit Harvey told me” compares to “China alone released 11.47 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2021.”
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Thanks for a heads up. I checked out Amazon for incandescent light bulbs and found a bunch so I'm stocking up. Here's the link (bulbs are labeled either incandescent or LED) - https://amzn.to/4baTsYd
That's just mean.
The LEDs hurt my eyes anyway, bright or dim. Just found a local place where I can buy incandescents for $2.50 apiece. No, I will not tell you where. But the lighting in my house is so much more pleasant now.