Jan 18, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

CDC admitted last year that only 6% of the reported dead actually died from Covid. And I suspect that may be an overestimation as well.

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i also suspect the same.

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Wow. I'd like to find the official source of that stat.

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I believe that CDC put this out in November 2022 and it said basically that 94% of the reported deaths had other contributing diseases and were not solely the result of CV19. Of course the "fact checkers" went in after to say that it was not true.

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You can go to the CDC web site and scoot down to the "Co-morbidities and other conditions section"


it says "For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate."

Weasel words "For over 5%" = more than 94% had co-morbidities.

Crucially, the CDC states "For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death. "

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It's more than 50%, the 90% is a better number.

The CDC itself even admitted the 75% died with FOUR co-morbidities., You know those things that would kill folks, FOUR.

What they didn't do is discuss 3,2,1 and the guy running his car into a tree testing "positive" for "covid"

Any reasonable set of approximations for the 3,2,1,Trees ... gets you pretty easily above 92%, my current estimate is 95%.

AND all that above does NOT even consider the deadly hospital protocols. That 50% is an attempt to cover up the truth by partial admission.

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"That 50% is an attempt to cover up the truth by partial admission."

Good point. It reminds me of something called a half-truth, which is a mechanism of deception: to tell a lie, you don't tell a 100% lie. Instead, you only change a small portion of the lie, such that the other person will assume the lie you're trying to say, without you saying it verbatim.

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Indeed, Indeed and Indeed and we are surrounded by this.

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I don't think anyone wants to calculate the cull of the elderly - pull forward of dry tinder - either.

Average age of victims of C19 = 1-2 years longer than average life.

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Exactly. :)

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All intentional!

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When watching that FOX NEWS clip, I noticed that the Dr. sort of downplayed the headlines.

1. For example, the headline said XBB.1.5 was more likely to infect people who had been vaccinated.

However, I feel that the doctor downplayed that, because she said that vaccine status didn't play a differentiating factor, and that the variant was less virulent. (And giving her the benefit of the doubt, she may have been right to make that clarification, but that headline makes quite an admission.)

2. The second headline has to do with over-counting of covid deaths--deaths being the keyword.

Again, I feel that the doctor downplayed that because she conflated the issue with infections, saying that you could go to the hospital because you were in an accident, and then be tested positively infected.

I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, and credit her with trying to make the distinction between testing positive by happenstance vs. dying of covid. That said, that other headline makes a stunning admission--that covid deaths may have been overcounted by 50%.

That speaks to an issue many of us have pondered: how many so-called covid deaths were people who died with covid, rather than from covid? (With vs. from.)

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

My vaccinated elderly friend ( my mom’s companion) had side effects from the second shot. He was admitted to the hospital half a dozen times in the last year. The last time, he tested positive for Covid and was isolated and restrained for days. He’s a very gentle 86 year old man. He had zero symptoms. Now he’s terrified of the hospital. And he FINALLY understands it is all about money and control.

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Sickening to see these bully’s get away with murder and abuse.

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