These evil people have forgotten God is watching, Their day of reckoning is coming

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It's staggering, it's a Shoah. What must always be mentioned is that "unvaxxed" still includes all the ones that are "not fully vaccinated" (for example only one dose, of for example not 14 days after .... the dose, etcetra). Once that correction will made in the data analysis... boooom

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Thank you for this expose of the dreadful evil being perpetrated in the UK, & in reality worldwide.


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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Peter Halligan

It'll be interesting to see how many stupid and lazy parents are out there willing to kill their children because they can't be bothered to keep their children home and raise them properly in a safe environment. Calling a spade a spade.

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1.47 million kids have been injected - not much change in the last month


if you scoot down to "age stratification for US only, you will see that although adverse events for under two year olds are low, the rates per million vaxx are higher than every group under 24.


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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Peter Halligan

I never had children, but if I had been a mother, I would have done to them the same thing I have done to myself - no vaccines whatsoever. Just good clean, natural foods that contain one ingredient only. It's sick what they are being subjected to and we're going to lose so many more. BAAL must be experiencing orgasmic joy right now...

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Peter Halligan

Breaks my heart. How can so many people continue to let these atrocities carry on. The people that are suppose to protect us are killing us.

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