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This just in ...from Canada....

As We Hurtle, Eyes Wide Open, Towards Another Disastrous Winter Respiratory Virus Season, Where Is Public Health?


...comments are even scarier......

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I will never for a moment believe that Pfizer was unaware of the potential harms of the mRNA injections. Why else would they have insisted on absolute indemnity?

> Big Harma Knew!

-- https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/e0134d830a75

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It's all so sinister and evil, they won't stop until they're forced to stop, even after they knew the injections were deadly, they marched on. $$$ can be an evil motivator and in this regard it is certainly that. God help us all.

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No.no.no one again the platform was not a failure mRNA poisonous jabs were wildly successful as the designed depopulation experiments that they are.

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