Jul 1, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Not sure whether AstraZeneka was any worse. It's clear they wanted to ditch AZ to make way for mRNA platform so they were probably more honest in reporting/not deleting AEs. It also seems Pfizer lots may have been 30% placebo according to report from Kim Iversen a couple of days ago based on a German report (?) and I think Sasha Latypova spoke of potentially 25% placebo based on Danish study. Until we know for sure the % of placebo batches, I guess we can't calculate anything for sure. Congrats for trying all the same!

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Yes. The "truth" is censured.

Here's a link to an older (November 2022) analysis of the AZN numbers compiled by a reader of VaccineImpact.com

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/eudra-shows-4-5-times-more-deaths and adverse events reported per million doses for viral vector C19 "vaccines" compared to mRNA C19 "vaccines" - media silence continues

One thing is for sure, the AZN injection would not have been withdrawn if it was SAFER and MORE EFFECTIVE!

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