Now that the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC – pronounced FAKE) and the US Health Emergency are over, US and EU regulatory agencies are no longer reporting on the shipping or administration of C19 injections.
Over the injection period from mid-December 2020, the US administered 676.7 million doses and has either destroyed or is about to destroy 307.7 million doses.
Europe has administered 976.0 million doses and has either destroyed or is about to destroy 481.8 million doses.
Here is a table of VAERS deaths and adverse events for the US and for reports about US makers of mRNA injections from all over the world.
You may notice some negatives In the table. General Dynamics IT is responsible for the VAERS system under contract to the FDA/CDC in a contract worth around 30-40 million bucks – because the 22,000 people in the combined FDA/CDC are too busy.
Enquiring minds want to know if GDIT provide feedback to those that reported to VAERS for onward transmission to families of those affected by death and inhury – for insurance claims and peace of mind.
Using a rough estimate of one death per thousand doses, which correlates to an under-reporting factor to VAERS of 40 for the US, this equates to around 677,000 injection deaths in the US and around 976,000 deaths in the EU.
Most people have been injected twice – 1 death per thousand doses = > one death per 500 people injected.
The figure for the EU is likely understated by a significant amount, because of the much higher (4-5 times) lethality of the Oxford/Astra Zeneca viral vector injection (which is the dominant injection in India and Russia).
China has administered around 3 billion doses of its “traditional” vaccines. There is no data on adverse events for India or China (or Russia). Over 13 billion doses have been administered world wide amongst 5.6 billion people who have received at least one dose – an average of 2.4 doses per person amongst those injected.
Here is a table of the last four weeks of C19 cases from here:
The US has 703,644 active cases – a third of which are in Indiana amongst its population of 6.8 million.
Dominant variants are here: CDC COVID Data Tracker: Variant Proportions pretty well all XBB’s – BA4 and BA5 have disappeared – remember those? They are in the bivalent shots along wth the original wild strain.
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Well now that we know there was no Covid just 5G radiation poisoning we know that is all bogus. The people dying of the shots is probably a low ball figure but ya the scamdemic repercussions are in full effect and the nightmare continues.
"Most people have been injected twice – 1 death per thousand doses = > one death per 500 people injected." (20:10,000)
Elsewhere, 20M dead currently, 5.6 billion (70.1% global popln) jabbed at least once.
ie. 35.7:10,000
The current death rate seems to be tightening (?stabilising) around 20 - 40/10,000
Is this the number one keeps culling then gradually raises in small increments, staying below the threshold of alarm while maintaining habituation?