.....are there any reliable lists existing of CV-19 injection-related deaths by STATE, Peter? With a compliance rate of 82-95% in MA, my suspicion is there's GOT to be at least 100,000 fatalities so far (i.e., approx. 2%; doubling then of the 2010 Harvard Pilgrim estimate) amongst a 6.9 million populace (although by the one-in-500 people metric, it's 13,800 - which seems AWFULLY low to me.....)

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"Most people have been injected twice – 1 death per thousand doses = > one death per 500 people injected." (20:10,000)

Elsewhere, 20M dead currently, 5.6 billion (70.1% global popln) jabbed at least once.

ie. 35.7:10,000

The current death rate seems to be tightening (?stabilising) around 20 - 40/10,000

Is this the number one keeps culling then gradually raises in small increments, staying below the threshold of alarm while maintaining habituation?

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Well now that we know there was no Covid just 5G radiation poisoning we know that is all bogus. The people dying of the shots is probably a low ball figure but ya the scamdemic repercussions are in full effect and the nightmare continues.

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They said the spike protein was deadly, so why didn’t everyone who got vaccinated die? It’s not because of spoiled lots or placebos because who can get one of those three or four times in a row? And they said the deadly spike protein goes into every organ of the body. It should be billions dying, not millions.

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