Screws to them the JAB should be cancelled outright !

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Hey! I have no affiliation to the pharmaceutical cartels.

I’m an actor and a dad. I don’t know shit about fuck, let’s start there!

Two years ago I'd never fucking heard of mRNA, but let me tell you what I've learned since:

It starts with the shot they told us stays at the injection site. We know it doesn't. They knew it didn't. Biodistribution studies show that it goes to every major organ, primarily the heart, liver, and spleen where, thanks to the highly inflammatory lipid nano-complex, it transfects the cells. That complex contains a PEGylated lipid being mass injected into humans for the first time ever, while the animal studies showed heart attacks in pigs after the second injection.

They ( the pharma cartels and gov’t is “they”) knew the lipid nanocomplexes collect in the ovaries, where they have the potential to cause devastating effects on reproductive health, yet they did nothing. When women started complaining of menstrual problems they did nothing. Transfected cells in every organ pump out the spike protein that ends up in the nucleus where it interrupts p53 LINE1 Embrica. Maybe they didn't know this because they didn't care to ask the question, and when shown in a study they still did nothing.

Every transfected cell expressing spike protein risks autoimmune disease, the most acute of which is myocarditis. When people started dying of myocarditis they did nothing. The spike protein flows freely in the vasculature, finding its way into the brain, breastmilk, and the environment as the body sheds its protein in exosomes, making those around the vaccinated sick.

The spike protein directly affects toll-like receptors in CD4+ T cells, which are essential to the immune defence against these very viruses.

When the vaccinated repeatedly caught COVID —

( side note AND I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO WATCH THIS FUCKING STUNNER OF A VIDEO: In early October 2022, during a COVID hearing in the European Parliament, Dutch member Rob Roos questioned Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, about whether Pfizer had in fact tested and confirmed that their mRNA jab would prevent transmission prior to its rollout. Small admitted that Pfizer never tested whether their jab would prevent transmission because they had to “move at the speed of science to understand what is happening in the market … and we had to do everything at risk” )

When the vaccinated repeatedly caught COVID — and suffered reactivation of herpes, shingles, papillomavirus in unprecedented numbers they knew this was a massive problem, yet they still did nothing. They just kept repeating “Get your shots and boosters!”

They also knew that the mRNA stays around for months in the lymph node germinal centres causing T cell exhaustion, because the Stanford group performed the study that no one could be bothered to do. And then they ignored that massive safety signal. The CDC, the FDA, the WHO, the NIAID “they” were warned about oncomirs and the effect on p53, yet they did nothing.

When were warned about prion disease and amyloid as a result of the huge amount of spike protein produced by these therapies they did worse than nothing; they silenced those people who raise the alarms. They were informed of fraud in the vaccine studies, yet instead of investigating they colluded with the manufacturers to suppress trial data for 75 years.

Knowing all of these concerns they now want to inject the very young who have zero clinical risk from COVID and for which not one single study has shown any clinical benefit.

Let’s not forget in 2021 Dr. Eric Rubin, a voting member of a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee, on whether or not Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine is safe for 5 to 11-year-old children, said and I quote: “We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it - That's just the way it goes."

The government and the CDC HAVE abjectly failed in your sole duty to ensure the safety of any drug given to Americans. The late Frances Oldham Kelsey would have been ashamed at how you've turned a once respected agency, namely the FDA, into a corrupted vessel for the very corporations you swore to protect the American public from.

If they have one shred of humanity left they will recommend an immediate halt to all the shots and pray that God has mercy on your souls. Might also want to figure out how we're going to diagnose myocarditis in very young babies who are unable to speak.


(Just another side note: I think this is a weapon to reduce the population by injecting a pathogen which causes Amyloidosis, Autoimmunity, Acquired Immunodeficiency and Fibrosis and destroys fertility in women.)

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After a good trial we need to jail these scum of the earth or worse!

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Yep. It is all that and a lot more.

You may know nothing, but you make more sense than the FDA.

Out of interest, here is a video released when the injection roll-out was announced.

I re-view it a lot.


half an hour, it gets worse as you go through

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Thank you for the link, reviewing.

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I would not trust the suggestion that vaccinating is needed for those over 50.....Those who die of strokes heart attacks and cancer over 50 are not immune to the post-jab complications as all are..they are perfect set ups. Yet no doubt tue inpatient treatments for suspected COVID are along the lethal CDC protocols...likely inpatient and out patient use of HCQ and ivermectin are not employed as was done in India...both over the counter.

So why are not effective drugs readily available and people still pushing such “vaccines” even on the elderly? Like the same reasons why our own Hospitals so want the $$$ from labeling a COVID death...fear-mongering.

If there is one lesson to be learned from all those who have had serious vaccine complications...stay the hell away no matter your age.... If you do want that elixir of challenging your body in a risky manner ensure you have great healthcare coverage, very adequate life insurance, your tombstone made and final expenses all paid up. As I have to experience the loss of a soul mate is tough...very tough...so do not risk such...keep experimental particles out of your body at ALL ages....Though our soul are eternal departing this life to the next with this vaccine is to be avoided, it likely was not in your plans before birth.

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You are right. "Thank heaven for small mercies" does not excuse random geronticide from baseless government edicts.

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Well, try to think like an average pshycopat. Fragile and elderly people are only a cost in their eyes (exept them, of course). I think that they have choosen the over 50 becouse, with the changes they have in mind, those people will not be able to adapt to the "newest normal"

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1. We know that the USA data are massively inflated to prolong the scams. They are effectively useless, except to be used against "them".

2. Even the Danish data are inflated. However, not to the same extent. One clue for the inflation is the quite high CFR considering the massive number of tests it had.

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Yes. Most of the data is meaningless. It is my belief that, ever since that fateful CDC announcement back in 2020 that "all deaths with C19 present were to be classified as deaths FROM C19" all deaths caused by neglect, Remdesivir, missed treatments, undiagnosed conditions have been "excused". Actual (largely preventable) deaths should be ascribed to the underlying co-morbidities and "true" primary causes of deaths - reducing deaths with C19 present by around 90-95% and showing the real cost, in lives of neglect, trauma isolation, non-pharmaceutical interventions (adding in the Remdesivir deaths into UPI deaths).

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Obviously, the WEF hasn't completely infiltrated the Danish government yet.

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Why is any health department, in any country, still recommending the covid death shot?

Regardless of age.

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Well, Klaus himself has bragged about the great job the WEF has done placing its acolytes into most governments in the world.

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Especially "penetrating" Trudeau's "cabinet."

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People over 50 need to be eliminated because they know history and are apt to teach it to the children. People under 50 have their noses stuck in their phones and are so busy with social media and all that entails that they pose no threat to the oligarchs and are more easily persuaded to accept the narrative. And of course, killing babies ensures that there will be just enough people around to service them. Did I leave anything out?

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Almost 80 will not be jabbed!

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BRAVO!!! And because I don't get jabbed that I'll see 80 too!

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And then there is Canada... who’s officials want to job every single living thing and have strayed from the “safe and effective” narrative since day one.

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