Eradicate your cancers with fenbendazole. A safe, cheap, available OTC medicine https://fenbendazole.substack.com

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It’s like icing on the cake for these pfizer bastards, who know damn well their gene therapy injections *(covid jabs) are today’s number one cause of cancer right now. I think it rather convenient buying up a cancer drug company to battle diseases that they themselves perpetrated in the first place!

It’s high time to take BIG HARM DOWN!

One commenter posted we didn’t have cancers before vaccines, she is 100%spot on! If one takes the time to research alternative methods they can and will achieve healing, starting with clean organic foods.

God designed us to heal naturally with food and fresh pure unadulterated water not the chit at the local grocery, real foods that need to be cooked not whipped into a nuker. Once Rockefeller destroyed the holistic medical field and replaced it with allopathic sick care and petro chemicals Aka drugs or harmacuiticles as I like to call them, people started to get sick. Fast forward to today, our nation is the fattest, sickest most unhealthy population in the world all due to BIG HARMA!

It’s time to literally destroy them until there is nothing left and get back to real cures and healing, starting in the kitchen.

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Thanks for sharing! I get migraines too and I hope I don’t get any of their medicines. Where’s the justice??

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And to think our tax dollars went for such an experimental chemical which has now become the most lethal “vaccine” in WORLD HISTORY....and what does that say about Faucci, the FDA and the Biden Admin. There was ample data suggestive that this “vaccine” had terrible post vac complications but the CDC just stayed quiet as did the Health Department/WHO through out the world...purposely keeping such data from those they mandated to inject such a substance into their bodies...all of these health administrators should be tried for inhumanities to their own citizens.

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Even after helping to poison more than half the human population of this planet with a delayed action lethal injection those industrious Fizer folks just can't help themselves.

Any other regular corporate psychopaths would rest on their laurels.

Not these guys.

They will build their portfolio of poisons until the very last moment. Using damage from one to drive need for another more dangerous one, as they have always done. As C19 MRNA bioweapons have re-written the book on, with its 1200+ SAEs.

I liked your dark joke about the regulator potentially not approving the deal, Peter. With twice the lobbying power of the fossil fuel sector, I don't believe they fear that outcome in the slightest.

And let's all forget that there were no cancers before vaccines. Though I guess we have a whole bundle of environmental toxins competing on that field these days. Since there also wasn't water fluoridation, etc etc.

The already proven fraud by Fizer should have been enough to strip away their immunity, to shut them down.

In a healthy system.

In a system where they weren't just following orders from The Monster.


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".... with its 1200+ SAEs."

But wait...there's more.

...that we actually don't yet know about or that weren't listed, not to mention the advent of a host of entirely novel pathologies.

Well, if enough people of the World were awake then at this moment or sometime soon, the UNEP/WEF/CEPI/WHO/BigPharma/BigGOV cartel would be unraveling at the seams. Sadly, judging by the number taking up their bivalent pointless covid 'booster' flu shots in New Zealand there is no sign of this.

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