What the Professor saw – and told everyone in “authority” in the UK and US in January 2020 and later – ignring this was negligent medical homicide
Life is full of “if only’s”. Fauci swore to tell “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”. He lied. It would be impossible for him to tell the whole truth, since it would require the examination of each of his waking hours before, during and after the scamdemic.
But there are certain critical items he omitted during his testimony – I am disgusted, as always, with the tongue washing, lickspittling and snivelling antics of the Democrats on the House C19 enquiry. The rules of the Committee allowed 5 minutes per member, and this was used as an excuse to promote Fauci’s position of “I didn’t do nothing”.
In the 45-minute YouTube video linked (way down) below, Professor Angus Dalgleish lays out the malevolent actions of those responsible for causing the deaths and harms to billions of people. He received dismissive answers from all the “high-ups” in the medical and political bodies – one of which was “that’s hindsight, you said nothing at the time”. This is a lie.
What Fauci also failed to disclose was his collusion with Drosten in the collaboration of the markers in the RT-PCR test that created the “testing pandemic” of cases in asymptomatic people.
All images of Drosten and Fauci appearing together have been erased from the internet,
Here’s a link to the absurdity of the RT-PCR (after a few minutes) from August 2021:
Recall that the African leader who sent in samples from papayas and goats died shortly after.
Tanzania's Covid-denying president, John Magufuli, dies aged 61 | Tanzania | The Guardian
Fauci omitted this “truth” that the tests were incapable of distinguishing infectiousness from presence.
I would have loved to have asked him whether he had read “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” with a follow up of “how do you plead to the crimes you are charged with in the book?”
Back to the interview with the Professor.
Perhaps surprisingly, the Professor’s Wikipedia page is still up. It has this for his awards and honours:
“Dalgleish was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2001[2] and is also a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians[when?] the Royal College of Pathologists[when?] and a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.[when?][23] His citation on election to FMedSci reads:
Professor Angus Dalgleish is Professor of Oncology at St Georges Hospital Medical School London. He has made seminal observations relating to the virology of HIV. In particular he identified CD4 as a major receptive for HIV in humans, produced the first report of a link between Slim Disease in Africa and HIV infection. He also identified the close correlation between the immune response and the presence of tropical spastic paraparesis in patients infected with the HTLV-1 virus.[2]!
He mentions that he developed an HIV vaccine that Fauci and Gates “kyboshed”.
Those with a log on (I don’t) might be able to find that work here:
Professor Gus Dalgleish (sgul.ac.uk)
Out of interest, here is a link to a paper published a few weeks ago on the NIH website. I wonder how much it has in common with the Professors work:
His latest book is here:
The Death of Science by Professor Paul R Goddard, Professor Angus Dalgleish | Waterstones
He notes the parallels between the active and malicious silencing of debate around C19 with the same tactics used for “climate change”. Wilful malevolent and political – all about the Benjamins.
Ok, back on to the video. A few things stood out for me.
The relative risk and absolute risk of the clinical trials. Not new, but bears repeating. The relative risk reduction was lauded far and wide as 95%, whilst the absolute risk of 0.84% was not given the same amplitude and volume.
In other words, the Number Needed to Vaccinate (NNV) was 118 injections to precent 1 infection (mislabelled as a “case”). Now we know the clinical trials were not designed to prevent infections, but that was the advertising that formed part of the fear ad bullying (get vaxxed or you cannot travel or work).
The Professor describes this as insane.
One of my “pet peeves” is that neither the clinical trials nor subsequent use of this NNV metric FAIL to mention the RECVERY RATE. Not only do healthy infants and tots live through an infection, but why does no-one mention that the recovery rate from the SAES-COV2 virus is in excess of the much falsely trumpeted “efficacy rate” of 95%. As it is the “case” fatality rate with C19 present (just presence, not cause) is less than 1% of 700 million cases. Many of those “cases” are repeats – (mis)diagnosing the same person with 2-6 repeats. Maybe half those 700 million “cases” are unique, meaning that the global population “case” rate out of 8 billion people is a little over 4% over the 4 years of the scamdemic – ONE PER CENT A YEAR!!! How is this a “public health emergency”, let alone of “international concern”. The definition of a pandemic has been wholly bastardized.
COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer (worldometers.info)
7 million deaths from 700 million “cases” misdiagnosed using the “not fit for purpose” RT-PCR and lateral flow tests that require confirmation with an RT-PCR test.
So, the arithmetic is “inject 118 people to prevent one “case”. The recovery rate from a “case” is over 95% and only 1% of people die with the C19 disease present. To me that suggests that it takes 118,000 injections to precent e death – and with Denis Rancourt’s approximation of one death per 1,000 injections, you would kill 118 people to save one life.
Next – the Professor pointed out that the map of the “virus” contained 6 insertions that would be impossible to occur naturally. He also pointed out that “virus” had a “charge” of 8 when it is impossible to find any virus with a charge greater than 6 in the natural world.
He pointed this out in January 2020, working with a Norwegian colleague.
Here’s the kicker. He sent this to Fauci who ignored him. He also sent this to the UK Cabinet and UK regulators. They ignored him too.
The Professor wrote letters to journals like Science and Nature about the dangers of the “vaccines”. After publishing his letters t the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph on the harms of lockdowns, his views on “vaccines” were suppressed.
18 months ago, when the explosion of cancers occurred following the boosters, he tied again – he keeps trying!!!
The Professor posits that he sees more people with long C19 amongst the vaccinated than from the infection. This may not be surprising since there are far fewer unvaxxed Brits.
Unfortunately, the YouTube does not have links to the scientific papers mentioned by Professor Dalgleish. I may be wrong, but this is the paper referred to about the incidence of cancer following boosters.
Th Professor paints a picture of spineless, gutless medics that breached the cardinal law of medicine “First Do No Harm”. Probably the whole “vaccination” pogrom could have bee precented if a 100 or so doctors had adopted a “JUST SAY NO” approach. The vast majority didn’t. They allowed themselves the luxury of a pay check whilst turning a blind eye to the killing and mutilating of the organs of millions of Brits and, by extension, billions around the world.
Last point of note. The Professor suggests that the cancers that kill people in their later years – as the T-cells that destroy cancer cells diminish – may occur increasingly over the next two to three years in those under 65 who would otherwise still have a strong t-cell response.
As a lay person, I am curious as to why studies on the condition and repaid of any damage to the thymus is not being looked at. Maybe the thymus is not important, but it produces fewer T-cells as time goes by and is responsible for T-cell production. Maybe it produces the wrong T-cells.
Thymus: The Function of the Gland & Why it is Important (clevelandclinic.org)
“Your thymus is a small gland in the lymphatic system that makes and trains special white blood cells called T-cells. The T-cells help your immune system fight disease and infection. Your thymus gland produces most of your T-cells before birth. The rest are made in childhood, and you’ll have all the T-cells you need for life by the time you hit puberty.”
Maybe a thymus “organoid” is possible, or CRISPR can be applied in some way.
Custom Organoid Expansion Service. Get reproducible, assay-ready PDOs. (moleculardevices.com)
With that pre-amble, here is the video – watch it while it’s still there!
The Tipping Point... (youtube.com)
“ If you’ve never listened to any of my other interviews, please trust me, and listen to this one with Professor Angus Dalgleish.”
It occurs to me that this video will be removed, so here is the transcript, for posterity, just in case – and for those that can read/scan In a few minutes what was said over the 43-minute interview. It is too long to edit to just the words, so the time stamps ad mistakes in transcribing remain.
1.1 Transcript
Professor it's great to have you here with me today but and I'm really honored that you take the time to speak
to Professor I have one question of you yes what is it
like to be walking in with the wind with your whole career behind
you of success after success after success to stop turn your face into the
wind and risk everything for what you believe and and
what where your knowledge has taken you what is that like well first of all I can't imagine
doing it any other way uh because that's what you know that's what I believe in what I cannot understand is the
incredible uh I find the words very difficult to find with regards my colleagues and the medical profession
how they've been hoodwinked into uh going along with what the the
governments and agency have have made them do and when I have discussed this with them they're frightened the I've
got nothing to lose I mean I I was past retirement age several years ago so as
far as I'm concerned this is a matter of principle but I appreciate a lot of them are using the excuse that they have been
bullied that if they stand up uh and I regard it as standing up for their
principles and their position because as doctors we're meant to First Do no harm
and when we see harm being done all around us it's our duty to report it and a lot of us have but the youngsters uh
me I say youngsters anybody not at retirement age is basically threatened
uh with being dismissed rather like with the mandates and they they've got mortgages and uh people children at
private school Etc and they tell me we just can't afford this at our stage of our lives so this is what the real
crisis it's is a real moral crisis uh all the way down from the the very top
right to the bottom and I have spoken if I could just say I spoke to a senior physician yesterday who uh I own a lot
of my career to he he' made me a very good physician and when I told him about
this his attitude was you're wasting your time they will just argue they did the best in the best interests of the
country and of the population I said I can't believe you saying this because it's clear that they didn't so I just
leave it at that I had a similar instance with two of my friends who
are um would would put human rights and
Liberty and freedom at the top of the list of their life their their career
their whole career and when I said to them I put my position to them they said
this is not a human rights issue nor a libertarian issue Russell this is a health issue and they were also completely
Hoodwinked one where he said to me yesterday or the day before I've gone
and had my vaccination again the other has woken up Professor
it must even though you're at retirement age um we we have a
legacy at our age of what we've done things we've done in the past the things we've stood up for exactly everything
that we knew to be right yet in this case nobody
questioned I can't believe it it's not only it's not only the medical community
as a whole but the uh the Bureau of
Statistics and and and the health departments and everybody on exactly the same but and
they still are they still are they're completely contaminated with whatever it
is that's driving this I mean our own British office of national statistics so Keen to tell us how many people were
dying of covid suddenly stopped in May 22 and said there was no need to release
all these statistics anymore and we knew why and that's because they were correlating with the vaccine roll out
and uh the uh the boosters in particular and uh we've only just uh got got the
department of the office National statistics to release the data but it's in such a mess it's going to take quite
a while to put it together so what are they hiding we know that they're hiding
the MH we have approached them I've written letters uh with my colleagues
again and again they've only replied to one to let us know they received the letter and that they're the best
regulatory body in the entire world and we're lucky to have them this is a degree of complacency and complete
contempt for not only the population and the patients but the profession I mean I was
one of a hundred really emminent um Physicians epidemiologists Pathologists
you know met uh GPS uh Health leaders who signed this and we don't even get
the courtesy of a detailed reply and I know people here in Australia say
similar things so what what is going on when it affects so many countries there
just just gigant cover up um the mistake is horrendous I mean it
makes the lamide look like uh nothing compared to what it uh what it was
because inmi just affected thousands possibly hundreds of thousands but this
has affected billions and there's been uh no remorse no no trying to um uh
Rectify all the damage that's being done not even an apology just what I I received yesterday we did our best we
were doing the best nobody would have done it different and it's easy to see things in retrospect and here I say I'm
not seeing things in retrospect I was there as soon as that sequence was released in January uh 2020 my Norwegian
colleagues uh who I've have designed a very good HIV vaccine with which incidentally fouchy and Gates seem to
have done everything they can to prevent ceeding which is something which I only now start to see what might be going on
but when they saw that sequence they said it's got six inserts in this sequence this cannot arise naturally
it's impossible and unlike my colleagues who told me of course these things can arise by chance a mere chance
mutation this my colleagues who I worked with they seem to be far brighter and
it's made me realize that my so-called expert friends are not very clever at all because you cannot have changes in
sequences unless they translate to amino acids and proteins and that's what happens you know with with any Gene
makes a protein Etc and immediately they spotted that the charge nobody else
looked at the charge the charge of these proteins on that SARS 2 virus was over
eight now what's relevant here is the charge of any natural virus never exceeds six so this was highly unusual
and in no time at all we could find evidence that Wuhan had published papers where they had inserted one or two of
these uh inserts to increase the charge and infectability so it wasn't actually
exactly sherlockian to work this out of course we were completely told to shut
up be quiet uh the papers rejected from nature science lanet with the same
letter this is not in the public interest uh therefore we can't publish it with within five hours in the case of
nature within less than a day in all of them the same letter this was something that was constructed and going on and
then just to realize when I realized just how horrible horrendous this was we found the spike protein which every
single man um vaccine maker or designer chose to use as the vaccine we showed
that 80% of that Spike protein had homologies to human epitopes and
therefore it was G guaranteed to cause horrendous side effects if he used this we particularly found complete
homologies in a Thing Called plate factor four and myelin and that would mean that high chance of getting clots
microc clots strokes and everything from the platelet interference Gillian bar
all sorts of neurological things both of which have happened this is not retrospect because I immediately gave
this paper to the government through Michael Gove who gave it to all the the
uh the relevant cabinet members Chris witty Valance Farah Sage they all saw it
and decided to ignore it so there's no way they're ever going to hold its easy
in retrospect no we see we saw it introspect and warned them and we were
dismissed witty dismissed me as a oncologist cancer doctor what do I know
well I spent you know 30 years Desiring vaccines HIV and cancer vaccines and I
know a hell of aot more than than he did I discovered the receptor for HIV the CD4 receptor and
everything involved with infectivity and pathogenesis and so we rapidly applied
that to the SARS too and we were able to come up and make these uh predictions
everything in absolute confidence with less than two weeks of research why has it taken four years now before the world
admits well it probably did come from the lab when I believe the data we presented was 100 % that it could not
possibly have been a human um a natural
back to human virus and and when was that doctor Professor we did that in uh it was
published late January we were communicating February official papers
submitted beginning of March and uh to the cabinet too we we we thought it was
of such National Security we actually submitted it to the cabinet so Richard dear love got involved and he backed me
and uh he told uh he told them that he backed me in fact he told them uh so I
had this from a colleague of his he said that if the MRC and the welcome trust
and the NIH are all convinced it's a natural virus jump from a back to human
and he said professor dolash says it's absolutely convinced that it came from the lab and Escape then he would back me
over all the others having done total diligence and this involved knocking on the door of uh my colleagues and if
people I've worked with on Sunday evenings to check me out plus going through all my papers and uh uh
references and everything so they cannot say they did not know but something held
it and I know because so Richard dear love it went through five eyes so it went to the United States it went to
Canada it went to Australia and it went to New Zealand so I know that and that's
that's why Trump decided it had come from the lab you remember that famous thingy I've seen evidence he said that
two days after we sent our our information and we sent it to fouchy
thinking that he was a a collaborator he was the enemy he he muffled it he killed
it who interfered with his Global plan of rolling out very profitable but
useless dangerous vaccines just expand on your experience
erience especially you are an eminent professor
in this field that is known by the world and your achievements are public MH how
could your peers and those around you turn away from you and ignore what you
had said I don't know but I've it was it was rather like being
um condemned and found guilty in a court in a court of your peers and I mean I
found it really really hard I found it incredibly stressful stressful that people who are friends of mine who I
thought were friends basically shunned me told me to stop stepping out your
side your area of expertise and be quiet shut up my own Medical School said that
it was uh they sent a missive around said the medical school had made it um
legal to discuss the origin of the virus we weren't to do it and I had to turn around and say well I've already
submitted it it's clearly from the lab and we all know why this happened they were all terrified of Chinese because
Chinese now fund nearly all the major universities in the United Kingdom so this is another uh big issue behind it
and I was warned to watch my back uh by by many friends who weren't joking
either and that's how how seriously they took it from my point of view I thought
well I'm not going to be silent because I'm telling the truth and then that you know the second instance of this when I
clearly saw that the Boost of vaccines were causing cancer in front of my eyes
and I was experienced enough to know this was not anecdotal Co pure
coincidence I was absolutely sure I'm very good clinician I pick things up I can usually tell the results of
randomized Trials just on half a dozen patients of course you're not allowed to say things like that you got to have
these enorm was randomized trials so I knew this was real and once again I was
told by my old Co my own colleagues to be quiet shut up provide absolute proof
because I was upsetting their patients I mean we had a doctor here named Dr Mel
washer who was a member of parliament from Western Australia and uh I had some sort of cold
and it turns out I had hay fever and he said Russell I am the best diagne tician
in the world world that's Brave to say that it was Brave to say that but he said um it was
words to that effect that he said no this is one thing that I am very very
very good at and your colleagues know that of you how could they after all those years
say all of a sudden you've lost the plot yes well mean I was called I was called
to the hospital directors I was uh carpeted by the Royal College of Physicians for saying this for going
against NHS guidelines breaking NHS I said I don't care about NHS guidelines I
said I'm first and foremost a physician and I first and foremost act by my oath
first Do no harm anyway in both cases I explained to them what was going on and
I said up to now you are basically guilty of medical incompetence I said if
you persist in getting everybody to have a for for booster vaccine a covid
vaccine patients and staff I said now I've explained everything to you and I've articles fully referenced Etc on
this if you persist with this you will be committing medical negligence and
because this is killing people it will be criminal negligence which I'd like to
remind you carries a custodial sentence and both cases I walked out the boardroom and ended the uh interrogation
by the Royal College of wow so today in the UK
Telegraph covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess death
since the pandemic yes scientists have suggested scientists have suggested
now four four years since you raised the alarm well to be be quite honest with
the with the cancer instant rise it was uh about 18 months since I raised the
alarm because the only the the cancer rise instance was only clearly evident
after the booster and it was the booster and just so to tell you why it is the
booster it is that the first of all my three decades of developing vaccines
there's a simple adage if a vaccine needs a booster it doesn't work uh I
mean that's a global at is there are obviously exceptions like tus you need to boost every 10 years or but if if you
need a booster after your first or second because the response wains then it clearly doesn't work it's a waste of
time doing the booster and uh what we measured was when you give a booster you
lose the te- cell response and it is the te cell response that controls
respiratory viruses it is the te- cell response that keeps your cancer you and I have got cancers burbling away at the
moment and they are controlled by a very good te cell immune system once you C
have some significant suppression of this and in my melanoma patients over the years who we've knocked into full
remission that lasted years and then I have seen this relapse before and I know
it's a t- cell one one of we measured responses but it goes with serious uh
depression serious uh bereavements divorce uh bankruptcy this sort of thing
lasting three months so we know that that's associated with a big switch off and T this why people get ill and and
die after events like this but all the patients I witnessed none of this was the case but it was very clearly the uh
the boosters and this fulfilled the the t- cell sration that we predicted and then wonderfully other people have
published this they've actually published in great detail they called it t- cell exhaustion after booster covid
vaccination in cancer patient I mean so it's not just me speculating
it's actually out there and other groups have shown that the the neutralizing antibodies that the first
two do induce but they're transient and useless by the time you've induced them the virus is mutated and escaped but
those antibodies after the booster switch to a tolerization subset and
that's what you try to induce if you have a kidney transplant or a renal transplant so the antibodies don't
reject it uh and so we are actually doing the opposite with the covid vaccination
program for that which we would ideally want we're actually making people more
susceptible to other te- cell sorry yeah more susceptible to other infections
which the te- cells normally control you flu other RSV all these other things
that are going up and that is why the Cleveland Clinic which is uh the closest thing to a big Public Health System
although it's private in the US they have been reporting the effects of their
vaccination program on their staff and patients very openly and since they introduced the booster they've shown
that you're three and a half times more likely to get infected then if you don't have the booster so they've stopped
stopped giving the vaccines and I point this out at home and say why rgp still
phoning everybody up over 70 hounding them to get a booster to protect them to
make them safe when it's going to make them less safe more likely to develop cancer it is beyond belief that nobody
is looking at the evidence nobody the science is not being debated and we would lied to follow the science they
said the science said no it wasn't there was never any debate in fact writing this up I just show you I suddenly
realized it was here I didn't put it deliberately but over this time I published two books here I can hold that
up there can can you see that the first the origin of the virus which we documented this and Stephen key who was
the main person who presented all this data to the American Congress he
basically co-wrote with me on that and I'm really really really pleased and the second one when I realized nobody was
actually following any science that when I was co-writing the problems with the
lockdown and all the lock on effects this would have a colleague who's published a lot of books Professor Paul
Godard said I would like to contribute to this it's very important and after he
uh put his contributions in I did say to him I said do you realize we are
documenting the death of Science and he said great title that's the title of the book and that is the title of the book
The Death of Science and after that we had lots of people say we want to contribute to this in our own field this
is this is what we see as is being killed science is completely being killed uh and sacrificed on the altar of
it political expediency it's not it's not just uh what we've seen with the
pandemic I mean the great parallel that we've seen is the uh uh climate change
carry on it's exactly the same there that debate weighing up the benefits Etc
has been completely stifled by those who have their own agenda and the parallels
between the way the the pandemic was handled in global climate change are are
unbelievably similar in my view and of course we examine that in the book as well that's the science of settled
argument in Australia we have the ndis the national disabil disability
insurance gam which we believe is the world first and we're very proud of one of the ramifications for such a
scheme um government provided scheme costing billions of dollars in Australia
small count but costing billions of dollarss and trying to be wound back now what are the ramifications for in for
injury for such a scheme are we about to see an absolute wave of injured vac
injured people claiming on the national disability insurance scheme in austral
yes you are um and a lot of them are probably tried already we having the
same problem in the UK but the government keep raising the bar you basically got to be uh
uh disabilit enough not to be able to be fit enough to make the claim in the first place in order to be considered
it's it's absolute disgrace now here I I and my colleagues are fully aware of the
government situation and uh we we have made it very very clear the governments
very foolishly gave identity to the uh vaccine makers like fiser and
Mna but they gave identity for the product they did not give identity for
criminal Behavior they did not give identity for fraudulently withholding
the the phase one data for only showing good data which was again fabricated the
claim that the vaccine was 95% uh effective it was one of the biggest smoke and screen and I I admit
it I'm not uh into the epidemiology and statistics the way one of my very good
colleagues is explained it but 95% uh efficiency was a relative
relative risk efficiency if you say what does that mean absolute risk it's
0.84 h what does that mean I as aiss want to know how many people do I have
to vaccinate to prevent one infection that figure comes out at
118 nobody in their right mind would vaccinate 118 people to prevent one
infection uh and that was Pulled Under The All The Regulators passed this
nonsense it's now all being taken apart so The Regulators were incompetent or
bribed one way or the other that all all of them unfortunately there's no there's no really good one who stood up to this
and the the other thing is the the clinicians were bribed the regulatories laters were clearly bribed on this and
again people would say oh this this is outrageous ludicrous claims no it's not
fisa have paid out billions the first uh survey I found out they paid out 31
billion uh fines to the FDA for presenting fraudulent data uh
withholding important negative data bribing Clans and bribing Regulators
they carry on as if that's part part of the cost of doing business now with the pandemic I would say Bri
um all political uh uh uh people and people who fed in because it's the only
explanation uh for what's happened and the bribery goes with the fear and
that's the other thing I uncovered was that well I I call fear I call fear debt they have the same amount same number of
words in them um debt I didn't understand that colleagues
younger colleagues like of yours they have mortgages that are in the
millions so their whole as you mentioned before their
whole life is threatened their whole lifestyle is threatened everything's threatened if they didn't go along with
what your National Health Service was saying our health department was saying and and I am um very forgiving of my
parliamentary colleagues and the former leaders in this country because they actually believed what they were
being told yes that's true they did actually believe what I can forgive them for that
and say all right um but let's face up to it now because what you're telling me if
I'm if I've gleaned this correctly is that the whole of society's immune
system has been diminished and therefore a future uh
event the whole of society will not except for the unvaccinated will not have the immune system to stand against
it I I believe that in obviously there's different degrees of this and different
degrees of people but I do I do believe that the messenger RNA viruses in
particularly have lasting damage and we must do everything we can to ameliorate
this as much as possible the damage from the messenger RNA viruses I mean rather
horrifying they have may set in progress uh uh for cancer to be arising in people
over the next two two to three years which would not otherwise have risen for the next 20 30 years that's my one of my
very big concerns but my bottom line I was making with that prior statement was
that the in one line the politicians and the governments may have given emnity to
fizer and madna for their product they did not give idenity for what they did
and they should be held criminally accountable for those crimes which they've been found guilty of before
except this time it affected billions of people so they must be I actually believe this is nurenberg trial
territory I really do because so many people have been injured you go close to
me nothing to do with my practice I've had three friends who had to have the
booster to travel this is the onerous of the mandatory they couldn't travel to in
fact all three cases it was uh something to do two of them were their wi's 70th
birthday they wanted to travel uh to places and they said if you don't have a booster vaccine within so many days you
can't travel so they had it and two of my friends felt they fo me and they felt awful after the booster they got what I
thought was rather like long Co and I was trying to coach them through uh it's
like a long covid and that by the way I've seen more long covid caused by vaccination than I ever saw caused by
the uh the actual virus in you that and
then in no time at all I mean no time at all I'm talking weeks they were complaining of like serious back pain
and what have you and in both cases I said you got to have Scan immediately
and uh in both cases the GP he said oh well I'll give you a telephone
appointment in 3 weeks this is the how our GP Services collapsed I saidou both well off pay for it privately they both
had scans and they both had metastasis down their back and in their pis um one
of them's already dead the disease was so widespread that uh even the new immunotherapy didn't work the other is
hanging in and then I found another friend coming over for a do who joins us
from America who'd had lymphoma he had to have a booster for this flight the
lymphoma came back and killed him so he didn't even get in all three cases the
people didn't get to travel for the reason that they had the the booster now Professor if you know about
that and you have the experience of three of your
colleagues that's happening that must be happening all around the world exactly
that is exactly the case and I and I am told so when I found a uh a a colleague
at work in another hospital who I actually asked how are you and they said I'm okay although I've had a load of uh
lumps come up uh and they say I've got lymphoma and I naively said goodness
what caused that and a stupid question for a doctor to ask but it was just part
of being empathetic with the person and she said apparently it's the vaccine my oncologist said they have seen loads of
cases of this so I said well have they reported it and she said yes but they they were
told to keep quiet I mean what is the point of being quiet it's like saying
the house is on fire phone the fire brigade well don't tell anybody we you're not allowed to come around it's
out out of NHS guidelines I mean this is the madness that I was witnessing and I think how that is very mentally
stressing to actually think that the world really has gone mad in an orwellian way it's just
unbelievable well you can imagine how I've struggled over the last four years
because of because in the same way I came out immediately and said there's
something uh fishy going on here because I had three people come to me I had a
gynecologist who was working at the local hospital come to me and say I cannot give these to my patients I
cannot give to my clients um I had a GP who came to me and said Russell um I'm
leaving my practice today because my practice want to give these vaccines out
he said I don't trust them they're wrong I would not recommend you take them or anybody else and then I had a retired GP
who had written a whole thesis on this this type of issue and she said to me
Russell what's going to happen here is you're going to end up with a pandemic of the
vaccinated they're completely right a totally accurate prophecy and that was
in 19 that was in 2020 right and so I came out and and I
didn't say don't take the vaccines I wasn't a doctor but I did put a
position that put me at odds with the whole of my
community and the abuse was unbelievable for someone who and from
our national broadcaster of all things and and and the local rural doctors Association that I was putting
out misinformation I didn't put out any information I asked a question well that was it this
misinformation I've been guilty of spreading misinformation I found that they were
running a center of central disinformation unit was set up by David
Cameron I think it was meant to be for terrorism and Etc except it went into
full turbocharge mode when Co the covid pandemic came out and somebody told me
that they'd found out that by questioning various things they had actually been put on it it's like a
terrible thing it means you're equivalent of a suspected terrorist the way and he recommended that I went
through uh the mechanisms to see if I had been reported to that and uh it wasn't just like an ordinary Freedom of
Information this person had to get me a whole load of forms to fill in and send to various places which I wouldn't even
have known existed so I would not known of this that they hadn't suspected and when it came back they finally released
it looked like I had been reported nearly two dozen times once or twice two
dozen times I was up there on the front because I had several questioning the origin of the virus so this was
misinformation then uh I was very public I wrote lots of articles in the
Telegraph and uh the uh Daily Mail I I had dozens of articles in the daily mail
saying the lockdown is wrong stop it down and I had an enormous amount of of
uh um support for that uh the newspaper really really ran and ran and pushed
with that as soon as I pointed out that there was a problem with the vaccines I wrote the script they passed the sub
editor they never appeared and the people who commissioned say terribly sorry something more important came up
and the edit the editor said we'd keep it back for another day that's like
decades in the future and I suddenly realized the mainstream media were not
going to go anywhere near this yeah and this is right right at the beginning and
then with the cancer story um I told all the contacts and colleagues there and
they also say were not allowed to insinuate the vaccines cause this that
and the other until there's absolute proof of course nobody is being funded
to look at the proof and those people who have the proof have been told to withhold it and we have the case with
the office of national statistics saying they will only uh reveal the details uh to the drug companies who made the
vaccines because it is conf uh commercial confid delity I don't regard
Mass Slaughter is not actually being a commercial confid confidential
situation what's the Tipping Point I think we're at it I do I think the fact you and I are
talking here I've been talking to so many people here in Australia the fact when I go back uh within a week of me
Landing I'm going to another big event in written which is done by founded by
Tessa lari who's trying to uh push for an alternative wh which I am totally
against I believe we should leave the wh it's now an evil organization part of
the elites world power control and the fact that the people in it the head of
it is tedris gas scar I can never pronounce his name and our own Farah um
Jeremy Farah used to be head of the welcome trust we now know he woly and
willingly lied about everything in this pandemic uh he was the one who convinced
Parliament I is uh an idiot and didn't know what I was talking about and that the virus was not from the lab we now
know at the whole time he knew that because there was a uh a telephone
conversation which was recorded with fouchy and Farah and Valance and they
agreed to suppress any suggestion that came from the lab even though Farah's
wife thought it did we now find out uh the thing is dreadfully redacted but
it's out there and it shows that farar it's not a fit and proper person to hold any form of
scientific office let alone the chief scientific adviser for the wh so it's therefore a corrupt and criminal
organization who's basically joining the the agenda seems to be very very clear they want the ability to control the
world to lock down for the next pandemic uh to wreck havoc on us hold us all in
until they produce another use this dangerous vaccine which they can all make billions from uh and I mean this is
a ludicrous situation it never been Arisen and in all my research I come up
with a uh people who confuse accuse me of lots of conspiracy theories and I
hold my hand up but as long as they accept that all the conspiracy theories I've been involved have all come
completely true well you know this is am major thing but I actually believe that
um because conspiracy theory which I'm looking into at the moment will also probably true I don't believe that
there's been a natural pandemic since the Spanish Flu which was only lethal
because of the uh the deprivations of the at the end of the first world war
and these people were uh if if today this would not have been a mass killer
uh with the antibiotics and things like that it was just a flu and they all died of secondary infections that believe but
all the other big pandemics I believe on on serious research and looking that
all occurred purely because people were messing around with these agents and Laboratories and they escaped and in the
uh the book both the origins of the virus and the death science we point out that there's been six major escapes of
the SARS one virus from really top quality Laboratories in in the states China
Singapore um from the strongest stringent laor it is impossible to prevent those lethal
viruses from escaping and therefore the whole gain of function I.E making viruses more effective for the ludicrous
excuse so we can make better vaccines against them when they become available
now Obama had the sense to ban all this gain of function stuff which is why fouchy went behind his back and did it
under the table financing Peter daak in the Eco Health Alliance who then funded it all to be done
in the Wuhan laboratory and here is the rub Ralph barck was the only person who
could really uh Stitch R together very well so he was given a load of money by
fouchy to participate in it and his name is on all the papers so once again no
Sherlocks needed I mean the Paper Trails all out there and at the bottom of these
papers uh which again a function Pap papers it's basically I've actually seen
it physically the papers myself it goes back to that money came from the ni ID
by Tony fouchy after he denied this and you know Paul Rand is onto him big time
over this lying to the Senate and the all that is all that is ongoing and I
hope it plays out as it should Professor thanks for your time just be what
message I I I'd normally ask what message if you got for my prime minister Health Minister and uh Disability
Services Minister but I'm going to ask you what message have you got for the Australian
people the message I have for the Australian people is that well first of
all I'm extremely sorry that like uh the British people and people all around the
world that their the governments and their health ministers and the doctors
allowed this to happen to them uh when there was evidence out there to say that
this pandemic should have been handled in a totally different way uh I don't believe the vaccines were ever necessary
I believe the whole thing was played out to roll this vaccine out and what other reason is there but for money and I mean
one of your colleagues said they regard this as the greatest transference from poor taxpaying people to the ultra
wealthy uh in the since the second world war and I mean that is the case but it's
looking increasingly like it was planned and I would say to the great PE do not
trust the people who make these decisions in the future unless there's complete open transparent debate and all
the evidence nobody should ever say ever again this is a National Emergency we
take we're taking over control just do what we say we must never allow that to happen again amen thank you
professor professor God bless you and keep you thank you for being with us today um I look forward to um hearing of
your reports when you get back to the UK and uh and your further work it's
interesting that um Isaiah 40 talks about those uh older people who will run
and not get weary and you found your right uh at that point in at the end of
Isaiah 40 yeah thank you on thanks very much bye bye bye e
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AFAI remember, the ARR was only 0.84%, not 9.84% as written here.
The Golden Rule Still Applies:
1. Don’t Touch Bat Shit.
What ? You Need More Rules …
Okay. Don’t Inject Anything Into Your Body That Is Derived From The Bacteria Found In Bat Shit.
This Is Not Complicated People.
How Do We Know This ?
Because If Every Caveman Had Been This Bat Shit Stupid - You Wouldn’t Be Here.