Jun 5Liked by Peter Halligan

AFAI remember, the ARR was only 0.84%, not 9.84% as written here.

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Thanks. I correctd it. Typo's can nbe numbers too! Apologis.

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Fauci is no more evil than his Puppet Masters. I'm more interested in revealing them. They're not retired. Calling Fred Jones? Are there any Fred Jones's among us? Who is Pinochio's Geppetto(s)?


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Jun 5Liked by Peter Halligan

The Golden Rule Still Applies:

1. Don’t Touch Bat Shit.

What ? You Need More Rules …

Okay. Don’t Inject Anything Into Your Body That Is Derived From The Bacteria Found In Bat Shit.

This Is Not Complicated People.

How Do We Know This ?

Because If Every Caveman Had Been This Bat Shit Stupid - You Wouldn’t Be Here.

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PLEASE, support this man and his legal fund...he indeed LOST everything, his family, his marriage and his business-ES....take the time to watch and share!

Alberta, Canada lockdowns destroyed 1000s of small businesses - Pizza Man Who "Lost Everything" Sues Gov't After Charges for Feeding Unvaccinated Are Dropped https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-alberta-canada-lockdowns-destroyed

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Jun 5Liked by Peter Halligan

Whoopsie Peter - typo in the relative vs actual risk para. You write 9.84% when it should be 0.84% actual risk.

Great work as usual though,


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Thanlnks.. I'm on it!

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