"WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus issued the warning"

Terrorist gonna terrorize.

These people have their one play, and they just do it time after time. Even worse when we realise anxiety related comorbidities ranked 2nd in the list of causal factors for deaths in the Plandemonium. That and exploded lungs from forced ventilation. And obesity.

They are not criminal masterminds, mere apparatchiks. Just good family people, working for a salary, selling their souls in the service of pure evil. The Good Germans of our generation, but so much worse.

In this case he is a puppet for GatesOfHell. And his WHO is a puppet for the hand behind the curtain. The soft rainbow coloured puppet covering the coveted NWO/OWG endstate.

What made each government on this planet (stand fast a few African countries - easy to identify, their heads of state died suddenly long before the jabs arrived) roll over and show its belly to Luciferian interests? How did their tentacles get everywhere? I understand the big pieces. But how did they operationalise The Agenda? On the back of lobbyists is my assumption. Legalised and normalised corruption was the perfect vector. There are layers.

WHO will keep stoking the fear, to keep any government assets from reconsidering their morals - given the rising wave of awareness about the criminal intent - as their takeover is codified.

It goes without saying that supra-national bodies won't be a feature in our new normal. Not the UN, not the WHO. Not the ones engaged in child exploitation. Not the WEF for that matter. Nor any trace of Big (P)harma. They'll be reduced to ash once the bonfires have served their purpose. Regulators, too. Governments, most of all.

Returning power - and hoarded wealth - to the people is the goal. Restoring freedom to those who don't realise they are slaves.

Obviously, their bioweapons labs, staff, and specimens also need to go.

They are attacking, daily.

They have promised they will continue to attack.

They can't stop.

They won't stop.

It ends one way.


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Dear readers,

I am looking forward to the day when the world’s Common Law Courts under the Nuremberg War-Crimes Committee try all the evil Covid 19 doctors and nurses and orderlies. That is those who are responsible for giving the Covid-19 deadly jabs to humans, now so sick and dying and those already dead from these filthy poisonous Covid 19 deadly jabs.

I will roar with laughter when we we see these SCUM swinging in the wind by their necks from the highest gibbets in the many countries on Earth.


Richard Leschen. 😀

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The Most Heavily Vaccinated People And Those

Injured The Most - Are Still Wearing Masks.

Enjoy This Moment. It Is Yours.

Because They Are The Same Fucked-Up Morons

That Wanted To Force Inject You; To Quarantine You; To Fire You; And To Deny You Medical Care. They Still Do.

So Tell Them - To Their Faces:

“Don’t Get Sick - Because You Won’t Get Better”

You Owe Yourself That.

They Are Not Getting Better. Make Them Hear It.

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Thanks PH.

Polite suggestion. Deadlier? Would that we could Deadlierly eradicate the "them" before they get us.

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Now this. Internet Rumors Claimed Livestock Getting mRNA Vaccine. It May Be True TrialSite News


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PROFIT PROPHETS. Remove the PATENTS from those WHO use them for HARM.

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Agree 100%

Why should there be a patent on making sick people well again.

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Yes, I agree but closing their eyes and wishing it away won't help. We need them to recognize how their participation made them complicit, in a way, because we needed them to help pull the stops on this long before so many people caved in and took the shots. Since they responded in the manner they did, there will never be an end to this. They have proven to the corrupt psychopaths that they are easily driven by fear. Thus, these psychopaths will never relent. Which is worse: being in the right and not being able to convince others, or discovering that you were wrong and not being able to face up to it? I dare say, neither position is very pleasant.

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I agree neither position is pleasant.

In my view, nations have been subject to a culture war since the likes of Cloward and Piven spewed their sanctimonious crap back in the 60's.

Universal Basic Income and "entitlements" - not welfare benefits to tide you over temporary bad times - entitlements at such a high level as to collapse "the government". unlimited immigrants who vote as told - this is a 60 year old culture war.

we are the government, so the intention to "collapse the government" is to collapse society and ourselves. evil.

to win the culture war, somehow, the striving for virtue and excellence along with transparency has to be re-kindled so that when these psychopaths say "jump" we say "pick a window" in the skyscraper we are in at the time the instruction is given.

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The American people need to , enmasse storm the WHO offices , wherever they are and clean house !

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Me, I personally prefer a nuke, blow them to smithereens, never to walk this earth again! Better yet a nice vaccine bomb, kill em with their own poisons.

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I find it ironic that the story is from "Slay News."

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All this nonsense seems to be culminating at the convenient time in history where the vast majority of people have no discernment. They're so wrapped up in useless foolishness that they are oblivious to what is happening right before their eyes. So sad.

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I think the vast majority know something has gone wrong and just want it all to stop so they can get on with their lives without being attacked by corrupt psychopaths with the moral and ethical compass of a cranky scorpion in your boot - who is twice as smart as the psychopaths.

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Sounds like click bait news

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Ted's is an insane monster, his "new" virus is called DISEASE-X, I laughed out loud when I read that, its going to be like his monkeypox virus, no takers and allot of laughter.

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Tedros is a war criminal.

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Genocidal psycopath. Look up his track record in government power in Ethiopia.

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Good way to express it: They are all talking their book.

The watchdog press is supposed to ask, "What about things that aren't in YOUR book?" But they don't do this. They are all reading from the same book.

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May 24, 2023
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Regardless of what Congress or any other Unlawful Government Purport to make as a "law", it is only a piece of paper;

If there is No Vote, even if we factor in that "voting" is NOT what it appears to be, then ANY "law" they try to push onto the Majority, Us, We The People, is not worth the paper it is written on;

How are so many controlled by so few? It boggles thy mind;

It should be abundantly clear to ALL by now that NOTHING GovCo does is in Our best interests; Right, Left, Blue, Red, Green or whatever they choose to call themselves, all of them work for the same WEF/WHO/UN machine that wants the majority of We The People DEAD or enslaved in 15 minute, no barbed wire prisons;

These self entitled bastards THINK they have total control of our lives and "people" are allowing them to have CONTROL, all over Words-written-on-pieces-of-paper;

I guess "the pen is mightier than the sword" after-all......

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