The only common sense thing to do is to STOP injecting babies, children, or adults, with ANYTHING.

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We’re still playing by Queensbury Rules. Someone with serious clout needs to go on the offensive. Krav Maga, not Tai Chi. Until a major Big Harma name is incinerated to dust for iatrogenic mass atrocity and murder via the jabocide euphemism “vaccine schedule”, CHD and WCH and all the others are doing little more than paper cuts. Or worse, assuming they are wholesome and un-captured, they are inadvertently doing the limited hangout and Judas Goat herding and chaos misdirection operations for the enemy. Omission, abstinence, or inadequate action is as effective as a well funded smear, cancel, censor or gaslighting counteroffensive.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023Author

Civilian populations are at war. The other side has injections, white coats and an obedient military and police..

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Fair point, Peter. They’ve been busy prepping the battlefield while the rest of us were getting comfortable, complacent and corpulent. They’ve caught us on the hop and gone on the full offensive without so much as a declaration of hostilities. That is the way to do it if you’re serious about winning: sucker punch, gloves off, Queensbury be damned. Now it’s a numbers game.

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