Peter Peter Peter. Your serendipitous synchronicity is almost frightening. I am talking about your impeccable timing, of course. I say this because tomorrow morning I will be publishing my extensive post on this subject which is an interview with Canadian energy expert Allan MacRae.

I have just inserted a few of the fine examples you have listed in this post and your other one as well to complement my piece. I have also now linked to both of your posts. So, have a look tomorrow morning (the 12th) by around 10 am as it should be up by then.


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Will do!

Looking forward to the interview with Allan. who has forgotten more than most of us will ever remember!

All the best

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Good job!

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Hi Peter, it’s criminal behavior by Teachers! Schools are teaching this junk to kids, who may already be suffering from isolation during extended lockdowns. Now they are told to believe a highly distorted view of climate and so-called human effects (instead of incessant geo-engineering) Yet another ruse, this one aimed at unsettling and scaring next generations into emergency responses. Doesn’t this remind you of brainwashing youth 80 or 90 years ago in hopes of creating good foot soldiers?

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And "Drag Queen Story Hour" by groomers - plus CRT - plus ratting out parents by the Maoists and on and on.

Indoctrination is the tool of all cults.

Freedom to think is the panacea.

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