Jul 13, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Hi Peter, don’t know if you know this guy but he seems pretty bright and thought you may be interested in his YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@Merogenomics

Love your newsletter, thanks much

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There are many very smart people around.

Unless I am mistaken, I saw a video from him a few months ago and suggested he talk to Geert vanden Bossche - I think those two would have am interesting chat over dinner and drinks!

People like these will help solve problems and provide advances!

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Yes there are millions of ticking time bombs walking the planet. This piece of research is the beginning of the breadcrumb trail. I was very fortunate to know prof Vera Stejskal and she helped me through my first implant allergy.

How we respond to metals dictates how we respond to other chemicals in the environment and implant allergy patients all over the world validate this research everyday with their experiences.

It’s why we all react differently to flus and to vaccines and to everything. It’s why some people have long healthy lives and why some have shorter unhealthy lives

Vera was a threat to the pharmaceutical industry. Their biggest fear is that it will become well known that how we respond to metals dictates our lives and people will stop taking all pharmaceutical products including vaccines.

Because their products all have metals in them. And those metals make us respond to the environment and get sick depending on our sensitivity.

Vera has more research which backs all this up. It was her life’s work. But here is the beginning of the breadcrumb trail to how big pharma profits off our I’ll health.

The human body has no value unless diseased but if you avoid metals from birth you will have a long healthy life. Just like the Amish do.


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If Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is correct (I think he is), we will soon see a variant emerge in places like Japan that will hospitalize and kill the vaccinated in astounding numbers. Herd immunity has not been reached and the virus is continuing to evolve to defeat the waning transitory immunity that the vaccine provided. Watch this and make up your own mind. https://www.youtube.com/live/UKDhjASd7ZE?feature=share

Buy guns, ammo and antivirals

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