What a blatant and bigoted effort. First, the author and the article have no clue that racism is about who has the power and in a white, male, supremacist society it is clearly not people of color or woman who run the show. Calling any program that seeks to balance out the historical bigotry against historically marginalized demographic groups racist is a clear back lash position of people who have had all the privilege and resent having to move over and share that with others. I can certainly state that people with this kind of hostile mentality are not the ones I want teaching my children and grandchildren.

And for those who cry out to "drain the swamp" it must be said that this article does nothing but support that swamp. Very hipocritical.

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Uh, no! You can't fix racism by being racist. That only makes things worse, generation after generation. My gosh, when will people follow the law as is written and treat all people as EQUAL, instead of trying to interpret it to mean what they want!

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As said, most white people have no understanding of racism which IS a white problem. The law is never about treating all people equal--it is written with so many loopholes that whatever lovely sounding intent is promoted to the public, the law allows for the same power structure to remain in place. Racism, like sexism and classism is about how power is structured. Until all people have equal access to power we still have a white male supremacist system--the same as the one that came from Europe to create the settler colonial project that we have which has never changed its core beliefs in white male entitlement and power.

I deal with people all the time who say 'why can't we all be nice.' That's a vacant statement as it does not deal with the inequities we have and prejudices that guide people in how they treat each other as in hiring, wage levels, promotions, etc. And not to forget housing, loans, treatment in stores, and every aspect of our normal daily life.

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You clearly have no intention of EVER treating people fairly, since you have such a low opinion of white people and males, and apparently stereotype them all, regardless of whether they are good or evil or in between. That type of attitude (of not being able to treat each other fairly, regardless of race, etc.) is what has caused division and racism for hundreds of years instead of being eliminated quickly. Think about it...how can the constitution and many laws state that it is illegal to discriminate, but yet, so many think that it is OK to "make things equal" by imposing what THEY think is the solution instead of equality?. So if everyone interprets the laws based on their own biases, things will never be solved. And I think that is the intent for a lot of politicians and others seeking public attention. My personal observation is that most people I know accept each other, recognizing that they have different cultures and traditions based on their background. That might make us different, but they don't mind that and all respect each. You will always have some people who won't like others because of this or that, race or otherwise. There is, and always has been, good and evil. But that does not indicate "systemic racism" or that the laws should value some people more than others or treat them differently. That just alienates people and makes things worse. i have been discriminated against and treated unfairly for most of my adult life but I am not going to use that as an excuse to try to "get even". I just want everyone to be treated the same.

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I stand in a home school camp but support school because all children are entitel to a safe and fair place, with respect and opportunity .

This hartens me to see. Thank you to all involved.

Incidentally at the small High School here, the honors board is more than half represented by ex home school students who decided to go the official way.

It seems that they do very well at school, socially adjusted, pleasant, and self motivated ,the teachers like them and know they can and will turn around and leave if not treated well.

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Peter, as a Voluntaryist and teacher of Parent Effectiveness Training for peaceful, responsibly free parenting, this victory is still taking place within the cesspool of public schooling. As Voluntaryist scholar Robert Higgs put it:

“If anarchists are idealists, they may simply be likened to someone who finds himself swimming in the cesspool and, rather than paddling about looking for the area with the least amount of floating feces, seeks to climb out of the pool completely. When you are presented with a choice between two evils, do not choose the lesser. Choose the exit.” Robert Higgs

And as child advocate Richard Evans Farson put it:

“The only people in our society who are incarcerated against their will are criminals, the mentally ill, and children in school. Of those, school children are by far the largest group. They are incarcerated for a longer time than criminals or the mentally ill in institutions which are, in Charles Silberman's words, ‘joyless, repressive and mindless’.”

So, parents, please bring your younger persons out of their penitentiary and back into your home and value your freedom and theirs and together discover what they love to learn and what they learn to love.

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