And the lack of interest by the CDC or Biden WH shows their deep and continuous contempt for all of us...even the unvac’d for they are just hoping you get injured and require and blood transfusion or you even elect a flu shot with the COVID boosters all in one...and they forgot to say it was combined for you health( in the Afterlife of course).

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This is an excellent statistical summary of the carnage from these vaccines. I'd like to send this to Congress, with your consent. I'll credit you of course.

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For a more global context and more discussion of URF's from different sources, you could check this out if you have the time


that article has many different ways (beyond the many already considered in the Rose/Kirsch paper on URF's (about half way down the article)

Horowitz: CDC data shows VAERS is the tip of vaccine injury iceberg - Conservative Review

The Under Reporting Factor in VAERS - by Jessica Rose (substack.com)

Estimating the Under-Reporting Factor (URF) in VAERS by Way of the Recently Released V-Safe Data – VAERS Analysis

The Lazarus Report: ‘fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported’ – 12Bytes.org

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Sure, no problem. The information base is public, a URF of 40 is based on estimates compiled here:


For what it's worth, I am thinking that the URF has increased since the work of Dr Rose and Steve Kirsch et al did their extensive analysis (from an engineering perspective).

As the time from injection extends, there is likely even more "reluctance to associate" injections with events - on top of the already arduous task of completing a VAERS report by very busy medics.

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Please do...to EVERYONE...and then we see who replies which will show their real interest.

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Arguably, and not unreasonably so, those numbers are a hundred-fold ...

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Slaughter on an unimaginable scale that has most likely just begun. Our world we never be the same. We (Pure Bloods) will never as we watch this nightmare of all nightmare play out before our eyes. God help us.

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Horrific & Horrendous the Death toll & the injured.

The out of date jab juice. Not got the Enviroidians screeching yet? Regarding the incineration caper.

How much of their toxins will be released into the atmosphere then?

BTW & FFS Don't even go anywhere near the astronomical cost of those expired jabs.

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Gosh .

its getting on the same as they lost in viet nam

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Much appreciated! This is madness!

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