Are you ready to party? We have been losing the war against Moloch for decades – crucial battles are about to commence.
The MSM and the Democratic Party are irrelevant for now – but that does not mean their capacity for hate and division is dormant
At its core, I see a war between the forces of “one size fits all” socialism and Islamic fundamentalism – against common sense and individua freedom, where egotistical leaders seek to impose their will using brute force and censorship of those that want them to return to the rocks they crawled out of.
I am optimistic that the common sense encapsulated by Trump will win the next few battles, but I am pessimistic that the “udder the rock” dwellers will not re-emerge and spawn new swamp dwellers.
This weekend will see the start of the parties celebrating the removal of the swamp critters, the racist bigots in the BLM, the pressure to remove perverts exposing their junk in drag queen story hours to children, the removal of perverts from girls locker rooms and female sports, the eviction of violent migrant beggars from the streets and the rollback of the insane “net zero” measures. Foor starters.
I got the music in me and am ready for the biting, scratching, hair pulling and pearl clutching that the Cult of libtard demoNrat socialist welfare statists and bureaucrats will engage in as they throw their toys out of the cot – as their hideous crimes are exposed and prosecuted, one by one,
Here’s a few songs hat capture my mood ahead of the eviction of the White House squatter and his “administration” of left-wing lunatics,
First one - Dancing In The Street - David Bowie (& Mick Jagger) (1985)
Second one - The Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling (Official Music Video)
Third one - Prince - 1999 (Official Music Video)
Plus, a host of others.
You get the picture? Haha
A repeat of a perennial life lesson – never despair, there is always love in the world. Perhaps not as physical as this is the “active” expression of the phenomenon!
Luis Fonsi feat. Daddy Yankee - Despacito (Official Music Video)
The forces arrayed against the pursuit of love, happiness and liberty will, hopefully, be assaulted head on. The policies of the Cult always lead inevitably to misery and despair.
Right now, the forces of the Cult – a term I use to describe the blob, the swamp, socialism/Marxism, and Islamic fundamentalism in general – remain intact but faltering.
The governments of Europe, Canada, South America, Australia and New Zealand are facing the “rise of common sense” that relegates their dictatorial powers as subservient to those that voted for them. in the UK’s case. 80% of the electorate did not vote for the “ruling” party, yet they continue to act as if they have popular support – they do not, they are hated more with each passing day, same with Germany and France.
I am hopeful, though not overly so, that the 2.6 million extra Americans killed by the C19 scamdemic will get acknowledged and recognised – and that the tens of millions of Americans harmed by what I consider to be the Cult’s greatest success over the last five years – the scamdemic that was launched to prevent Trump’s success in 2020. From the development and deployment of the spike protein to the rigging of the 2020 election using postal votes and fraudulent ballots and counting systems.
(100) Killing “useless eaters” – the American nightmare - 5 years of the scamdemic
Make no mistake, the war against the Cult is on-going.
We have come through a period where slogans like “vaccine hesitancy” and anti-vaxxer” can be exposed for the sham that thy are. People are rationally hesitant to take injections that are poisonous, and people are no more “anti-vaxx” than they are “anti-surgery” or “anti-bandage”. They are ludicrous slogans. People are “pro-health”. Period. They are anti0criminal psychopaths.
I hope that the new powers that be will clearly publish an easily viewable list of injections, the clinical trial methods and the adverse events from the clinical trials, post marketing reports and harm ratios of likely incidence of the disease or condition compared to the numbers – singular and cumulative of the adverse events per person with which to compare the claimed benefits.
ICAN has done a lot of work and often cites the pertussis and MMR injections. The pharma business models of fabricating clinical trials to target conditions that impact thousands by injecting tens of millions. Transparency is key. I wonder if, without the censorship prevailing since 2020 has meant that a cure to the effects of the spike protein have not been found over the last 5 years.
This post earned me a time-out on Linked-In a while back. Maybe Linked-I is about to issue an apology for the harm they have caused through its censorship policies.
(100) Not using Ivermectin is killing people - by Peter Halligan
Anyway, it is a time for celebration. The fog of oppression and fake science has its best chance in years of being lifted and the force for good unleashed.
One for all of us!
(7) Fatboy Slim - Praise You [Official Video] - YouTube
O/h, and to the squatter – GET OUT!
Vamos Brandon - Edition Feminine - Party Edition (Let's Go Brandon)
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Include the commies in that ‘party’. This ‘Party’ will go on till Jesus comes. Good & Evil are always rubbing each other raw! We have to keep the Devils in check,keeping our Freedom, Rights & Individualism healthy & out of the tyrannists’ clutches!
Another tip that has taken me through these ten years of horror is
" Anxiety sits right next to excitement"
This puts the kibosh on that continuous adrenal drain od fear.
Think bungee jumping or that old saying "There is nothing to fear but fear itself"
May love be with us all.