Calculating death count from the mRNA jab is further complicated by the fact that it destroys the immune system, causing HIV, which takes years to kill and is always fatal. The NYT calculated that 72% of the world is jabbed.

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The NYT gets uts informatron second hand from here


who in turn gather information from other organizations.as part of


which looks like this


Data sources discussed here:


"Our World in Data is a research project of the Global Change Data Lab and researchers from the Oxford Martin Programme on Global Development at the University of Oxford. It focuses on compiling and publishing research on various topics including global poverty, human rights, COVID-19, and the environment. 1 2

Our World in Data notes that it has four main sources of research it uses for publication: “specialized institutes” such as the Peace Research Institute Oslo, research articles, international institutions like the World Bank, and “official data from government sources.” 8

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I'll remember that, thanx!

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I think maybe Elon Musk is a sponsor as well

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"The average Death rate over these four years was 10.1414, compared to around 8.7 for 2018 and 2019 – an increase in the rate of death of 16.6% FOR FOUR YEARS."

Pretty similar in Oceania (OZ and NZ).

I'm far beyond quibbling about what evidently amounts to cold blooded carnage. Wake up or not. If one no longer has a choice about WEF/WHO mandated shots applied with the compliance of your GOV/MOH and imposed with the enthusiasm and blind thuggery of local Lice and Military, there surely is little remaining beyond the ringing cry of 'bring it on' as people rapidly discover they have nothing left to lose?

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What will they do if - having discovered the vaxx con - a majority simply say to the entire vaxx criminal drug cartel, from governments, to regulators to pharma companies - "NO".

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Living in that nascent hope, I suspect an emperor with no clothes may become desperate, but surely to no avail? Once the 'fear' has been mitigated and/or expunged, the nudity of all the players should become the global laughing stock. One would anticipate the 'climatiism' narrative and the preposterous nonsense of Schwab's serfdom to follow, and then what little remains of the co-opted media to segue to sanity and integrity. ...?

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This guy is a must-watch, too...... This will not stop unless we start educating ourselves, in order to safe the next generation....... check this talk out...JJ Couey has lost everything because he wants the truth to prevail...forgo the Netflix, and the endless scrolling and take the time to listen.....he has study halls and they are all worth it....here is a recent one..... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2057395965

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He says he complied with the bs because he was afraid of being humiliated but in previous talks he has said he was totally sucked in by it which is logical given he claims to have gone into field of biology because science can't lie or so he thought. I even heard him say that had tptb offered him a prominent role in the scam, he would have snatched it up, i.e. he would have been willing to play gatekeeper like Brett Weinstein and numerous others he now spends his time denouncing. His viral clone theory is a complete joke. You either believe there was a virus or you don't. He's just muddying the waters with complicated gibberish his naive followers take as demonstration of a brilliant mind. Anyway I'll leave it at that because this has nothing to do with the subject of this newsletter!

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Well, I have been following him for almost a year now and I have not heard this.....I find him genuine and honest.... can you remember or provide links.....that would be very helpful.....he also is on the same side as Denis Rancourt, who is mentioned in this newsletter and addressing this whole scamdemic....

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Go to Charles Kovess' "Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics" channel on rumble. He must have done at least 3 maybe 4 presentations there.

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Ok...thank you.... I subscribe to Charles on Rumble....

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