Interesting analysis. Listening to a recent podcast, its clear the elites have determined what targets to destroy; how much money they can transfer from middle classes worldwide to line their pockets. Regardless of their takeover attempts, net-zero can be viewed as a death cult: as the environment approaches 0.02% CO2 concentration, plants start to fail. What about animals that depend on plants? No one knows if this is even possible, or if it could send the earth into a desertification and starvation the likes of which has never been seen.

Nightmarish. we get to witness idiotic agendas and theories being pushed on to the public by politicians, difficult to avoid this truism: its far more difficult in time and energy to build stuff from scratch, that concept seems to have eluded their planning or general unconsciousness.

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The chicken littles do not even state what the tolerable global average temperature "should" be and why - we can infer it - somewhere below the 1.5 C increase from the current "global boiling" temperature today.

There are areas of the planet that those living miles away would call yoo hot and other areas too cold - those livinng there might prefer a little more heat or cold - how do you even begin to base a case on a global average - and that is even before you think about the poles exhibiting less stability that the tropics and being responsible for more minor chages in global averages.

All cetibus paribus and excluding changes i the earth's orbit and orientationor seismic activity or factors impacting the earth frm planets inside and events outside the solar system.

The level of CO2? Again, inferred, somewhere under 500 ppm..

Humanity needs more plants, animals/livstock to sustain itself - not less.

So the depopulation agenda becomes more apparent.

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As grapes were grown in the UK during the “Roman warm period”, using temperature or average temperature alone can be misleading.

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Great analysis! Corporatism via The Great Reset is the ultimate goal. ALL "WEstern" leaders told us in 2020: "covid provides us with the a NARROW opportunity for The Great Reset", which would be followed by: "Build Back Better"... proceeded, of course, by destruction of the Middle Class (the only one able to stand up to the globalist cabal... then: "15 min cities"... "eating bugs" (with chitin!)... occassionally splurging on lab created (on CANCEROUS Cells!) "meat"... getting jabbed every few days... and reducing the human population to MAXIMUM: 1/2 a BILLION people!

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