Astute reasoning! And we are in Act III of the endless freak show. They will erase 50% sooner than later, and 50% of the left will be crippled if things go as up to date.

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Ha! Ha! health authorities doing anything else than coordinating the 7 genocides as planned?

I prescribe you 2 more red pills:



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I used to think generally America was different than most of the rest of the world. We were free born citizens of our country and most of the others were subjects in their country.

Now I realize most, maybe a super majority of the world are just subjects of their government. And Americans are no different. It’s a sad realization and explains why kings, queens and presidents for life have lasted so long.

We’re nowhere near as enlightened as I thought we were. We get lied to by governments and their allies, and most people fervently believe the lies without any attempt to think for themselves.

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Yes. Governments are just people like us, who are supposed to govern "of, by and for" the people. They do not. They consider taxation and borrowing to be their right to use for dogma, rather than for better results for cheaper costs than individuals could do themselves. Now it is the opposite. pork barrel politics for personal gain by individuals who can convince others they are honest.

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These stats well exceed those of WW2 and Korean War and yet there is little desire by the Dems to stop the “vaccine”.....and yet we prosecuted many Germans for their part in WW2 but NO the uniparty GOP RINO band with the Dems to keep the Media suppressing all of the data....no wonder the conservative spin their tires...they are back stabbed by spineless deceitful RINOs...if we had similar behavior in WW2 we would be speaking German.

Least we forget about the UN...that corrupt body meant to “protect the World” from such a calamity...well they were part of it too via their WHO corruption and playing politics in support of the CCP’s desire to allow spread from Wuhan to the rest of the World...They too were instrumental in condemning the very drugs they later allowed India to use( HCQ and ivermectin) and told them to cover it up...their superb results.

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I am currently supporting 6 people who have been injured by this vaccine, 3 of then very severely. None of them have been reported as vaccine injuries because their doctors have told them, out of hand, that it is unrelated to the vaccine. 40x under reported seems very conservative.

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Incredible work. Big thanks for all that you do investigating this horror story.

Not holding my breath yet!

For the next tri££ion$ of profit from the long covid jibjabs to kick off.

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thanks - we can each do our bit to at least get numbers out in the open, for challenge and debate. without this challenge and debate there can be no progress towards ever evolving truth.

the "trusted news initiative" run by left wing radicals like the BBC, Reuters. NSNBC etc has to be exposed for what it is as well. That is, a ministry of propaganda based on lies and the suppression of all debate and any challenge to lies concocted by mad scientists, corrupt governments in order to make big pharma billions from human suffering - just so those propaganda machines can grab a few crumbs from those billions.

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I often wonder if anyone reads my comment's. Thank you for reading mine. ------ I, Grampa

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No problem. we all have contributions to make, none is any more valid than any other - a fact that politicians ignore, forget and belittle.

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Americans and the citizens of the world have seen the agendas of leaders that have a goal of the reduction of population and absolute control of the ones left. It starts with the intentional use of a crisis. Giving medication to prevent the spread of a virus of doubious creation. The speed with which it spread is questioned by many scientific reserchers around the world. While the published intent was to prevent the spreading of the virus, the hidden intent has a very dark reason. Reducing the populations of prolific breaders of the higher populated areas of earth. To enhanse and add testamony to the reason. Evidence is manufactured. Drought is used to lower food producton power consumpton problems have been created with the need to import vast quanities of oil to provide transportation of human food and for animals as well. Fires that destroy the industries that process it all as well as storage. driving up the price of everything. These problems, government believed would create the demand of the vaccines, and the demand that government take action. Thinking that the people would accept the controls and lockdowns without question. Laws passed would give powers to control the population when a crisis was happening. They only need crisis that never ends to have absolute rule. The problem is that power corrupt. absolute power corrupts absolutely. politicians, greedy for power are predictable and will push power as far as they can. America even with our rights slowly taken in the last half century will not stand for such blatantly, and forcfull actions. Even with the outright violation of our first ammendment they were not able to convert us to the single person ruler they wanted. Even as we push back, demanding they enforce the constitution their efforts continue. Had we not had the setback of the Trump adminastration we would no longer have a republic. Too many now see the desperation of the actions they now take. our electons are now under full attack with clearly outward fraud. America will not be defeated. They tried with the only way possable, from within. What has taken many decades to build will not be removed within a day, week, or year. Corruption that is well hidden, like the virus that sits and awaits for conditions to be right for its growth. Growth that will raise quickly. If we are not ready, will kill the patient. While it will take a unified effort, each of us must be ready. What are your plans? -------- I, Grampa

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Yep. These are not governments of, for and by the people. These are tiny minorities that promise one thing and deliver something else entirely or promise things that cannot be delivered or that cost multiples of any benfit. They are idealogues that have been co-opted into a psychotic view of eugenics, enabled by the corruption of electoral systems - via machines, proportional representation, second round voting, ballot harvesting etc. The return to clean voter rolls, voter ID, public lists of those that voted (not their vote, that must be audited in private) and so on.

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I have had thoughts of how to correct this ballot fraus and harvesting. It would include changing the way we elect our president. I would propose that each state elect four people. two to send to washington as president and vice president and two remaining with the state to have close contact with the people. the elected sent to Washington would elect among their number a president to stand to represent the people and the nation. residing in the whitehouse and having the same powers of a commander in chief. the other presidents as his or her cabinet and voicing the people as to which laws are passed or vietoed. this system would make it much more dificult to control the presidency. As this is a brief discription I would like to send it to someone who would listen. So far the people in Media ignore me. Yes I know it sounds complicated but I read about efforts to change how we elect the president that would take control away from the people. Is their anyone you would recommend that would listen. I know It isnt perfect, but it may give direction to someone with a better idea. Again Thanks for reading. It means a lot to me. ------I, Grampa

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Thanks for a very useful article incl. all the references. I will maybe copy it to the few people who are still speaking to me! On the plastic garbage patch in the Pacific, it's apparently more like a soup of dissolved micro plastics floating below the surface. If there really was a plastic island the size of Texas out there, we would see it flying over the Pacific and I'm sure pilots would point it out to us. Not to say that micro plastics aren't harmful. They're probably far worse for the fish and harder to clean up.

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yes. the satellite photo may have been tweaked. micro plastics are a major problem as they get i the food chain. nobody talks about the pollution caused by the pandemic response. i knew that there are a trillion masks now in rubbish tips that should not seep into waterways, masks have lots of micro plastics. i had no idea that the same number of wet wipes - a trillion - were also destined for garbage patches.

i posted about the anti-green stuff here. one of my first posts!


The environmental cost of CoVID19 measures have escaped the attention of policy makers and what passes for journalists these days. A few paragraphs dotted about here and there and the odd article like this one:

Chinese City Testing Fish For COVID | ZeroHedge


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I didn't realize plastics can be recycled back to oil. Amazing.

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Immune escape? Or propaganda? If its on youtube it is probably propaganda https://youtu.be/X6kuIY8ZKE8

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Good stuff!

Smart guy. I suggest he gets in contact with Geert vanden Bossche here: https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/

He will find that he has some coincident views!

(My posts get deleted from YouTube - a lot, haha

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One other point.

For the vaccine industry as a whole, how many long term safety studies of medium to long term adverse events have been completed? My guess is double O, triple O, eff all, blank

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Peter, everything here is a fantastic effort!

I will be recommending this to my pool of readers for sure!

BRAVO, my good friend!

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You are welcome. We each do our bit, "standing on the shoulders of giants" to contribute where we can.

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