Thanks PH & Mark Kennard. Mark's findings prompt me to get into the infant & childhood "vaccinations" again. Highly likely the metals intolerance is from them.

Only when the evil pharmas are eradicated. Then & only then, will the induced harms from everything we eat & drink & even breathe. Be treated with useful & cheap proper medicines. Only way to stop the conveyor belt of ever increasing meds & obscene profiteering by the cartel.

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I’ve been thinking about this thing for many years due to my own health history.

I believe we should be testing all 14 year olds for type 4 allergies to metals using the Melisa test. These are the people who are the susceptible in society and susceptible to adverse events. The Melisa test is a standardised diagnostic test that measures the harm.

Those who have type 4 allergies to metals are the ones who have bad symptoms when they pick up a virus

If every 14 year old was tested we would know who is at risk and would know if they would have an adverse event to vaccines before they even got vaccinated. We would know to be extra careful with dental work for these people and orthopaedic implants and surgical clips

If all 14 year olds are tested it would also provide invaluable health data which can be cross referenced with location as well. It would pick up if residents are being affected by high pollution in the area or not

It would lead to less heart disease and less of everything including arthritis and even endometriosis. It would also finally mean that the harm from vaccines would be recorded as it would debunk the fraudulent policy that states vaccines stay in the arm muscle and don’t get distributed around the body

With Melisa test results we could prevent people needing most healthcare in the first place

Unless we combine environmental medicine into allopathic medicine and public health there is no hope for the future health of the human race.

Allopathic medicine was never sustainable

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Excellent points. Maybe others can spread the word. I Have posted it to Children's Health Defence via its website contact form, hopefully it is monitored and they will pick up the baton.


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Awesome. The reason I say to test 14 year olds is because they have had plenty of time to be exposed to metals and to develop a type 4 allergy to them. But as the benefits of the testing program are realised I would expect the age at which people are tested for type 4 allergies to metals would be lowered.

The age of 14 initially though would mean if the child is affected by metals there is time to sort them out without it affecting too much of their schooling.

You would also want to add metal level testing too.

So basically at age 14 people get sent for a functional medicine type dr appointment who does these tests and does a complete family history check to see what their susceptibilities are. A comprehensive check.

Once the results come in you can give certainty to the patient about their health future. You can tell them what will happen if they do exceed their metal antigen limit. Suddenly it’s a known metric. You would be able to say what diseases they are susceptible to with certainty. And also how to avoid triggering those conditions that affected their past family members.

That’s what I’ve discovered over the last 17 years anyway and I’ve spoken with an awful lot of people round the world who have had adverse events to metals in pharmaceutical products and medical devices.

Even if you just ask patients whether they have ever had a rash from metals like a watch strap or jewellery or whether they have ever woken up in the morning with dark patches of skin under their eyes you will then know that they are likely part of this susceptible group. And that they are likely hypermobile to some degree.

That’s all that really needs to be known to predict whether they will have bad reactions to vaccines, dental work and implants and whether they would get bad symptoms if they got a respiratory virus.

But the Melisa testing and the metal level testing are what gives us the invaluable health data and are location based

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Excellent comment. Fingers crossed your efforts to get the word out gather (global) momentum. Governments and health regulators need to take what you say on board and implement actual health policies, rather than always enacting some sort of triage.

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Be interesting to see if all the Graphene Oxide particles and structures can be removed from the nooks and crannies of the central nervous system and brain etc...

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Maybe there will be a miracle of medicine and science if the big pharma/HHS/wokism complex can be removed from the research equation

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

So much to say here...I’m limit it to two things...

1) our clinic has seen an alarming increase of miscarriages, anembryonic pregnancies, preterm labor, and infertility since the shots began. This alarming trend did not increase at the onset of covid, only after the shots were introduced.

2) Understanding there is what is being called a “natalist” movement among those in Silicon Valley (who perhaps want to see very intelligent people reproduce and reproduce multiple children when they do), and there are potentially issues with some “vaccine” lot numbers, it possible only segments/areas of our country are seeing this trend described above and that it’s not occurring in “more desirable” areas of the country? A dark though I know

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I think under reporting is high because people do not connect what they are suffering with as a possible link to jabs particularly if they manifest two weeks or more since jabbination. Of people I know, plus anecdotes from them of their friends, none have reported, or doc reported. Examples: PE, TIA, skin cancers, GI probs, tremor, asthma, recurrent and hard to shift chest infections, amyloidosis affecting heart, eye problems, brain fog and memory loss, worsening of arthritis, both osteo and rheumatic. I suppose it is because they are unaware that these adverse events have been noted already but nobody is informing them to report theirs. Most of these are not immediately life threatening but certainly reduces quality of life. Elderly folk near me, previously fit and sprightly, look much older, need a walking cane or walking stroller with seat.

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Further so many medical professionals are captured - they’re literally incapable of connecting the dots...

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Captured by maybe losing licence to practice and therefore lose lifestyle they are accustomed to. If any of them had any inkling, they should have spoken out, some did we know, but their yellow bellied colleagues did not support them, ignoring their oath of first do no harm. These medics are despicable because if they had listened then supported, the world would not be in this unfolding horror situation.

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Agree. Plus, in my opinion, corporate medicine has made it very difficult for doctors to practice. I’ve been fortunate - I’ve able to change positions so as to not participate in any of it. Not everyone is as fortunate to have the option

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No, i cannot condone spin to make the best of the evil situation. Supposedly created against a disease so ridiculously low-risk for most, no jab would have been lifesaving compared to early treatment. How many deaths from a vax is un acceptable?


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but.. this is about recovery and diagnosis - not the spilt blood of the innocent and trusting.

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