Censorship laws make discussion of the “information” here punishable with fines and jail – public/private partnerships (fascism) - have killed more than 2 million Amercans and maimed millions more
The Zelenko protocol for treatment of C19 using Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin and zinc was developed in March 2020. It was followed up in May 2020 by news that Ivermectin protocols were also an effective prophylaxis and cure.
I posted an article in early January this year here:
The War on Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) - by Peter Halligan (substack.com)
It cited a paper that included Ralph Baric as an author that acknowledged its efficacy (100) From the “things that make you go hmm..” files – in 2010 - Ralph Baric co-authored a paper that was the basis for the Zelenko protocol of Hydroxychloroquine + Zinc + Azithromycin (substack.com)
The first link has this quote:
“We quoted Denise Hinton, Chief Scientist at the FDA:
“Based on the totality of scientific evidence available to FDA, it is reasonable to believe that chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate may be effective in treating COVID-19, and that, when used under the conditions described in this authorization, the known and potential benefits of chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate when used to treat COVID-19 outweigh the known and potential risks of such products.”
The fantastic site here https://c19hcq.org/ has this table:
All this was known BEFORE the decision to engage IN EXPERIMNTAL clinical trials and the extremely hazardous roll-out of untried and untested “vaccine” treatments were rolled out globally .Many studies were conducted over the last four years, some intentionally designed to poison or fail in order to fake a lack of utility of HCQ.
The link to the War on HCQ above omitted evidence of collusion in the UK – fascism at work.
From the last link, the UK Government spent 20 million pounds buying up all supplies of drugs, effectively removing them from all retail outlets in the UK.
“In the last two months it has entered 16 contracts for chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, and chloroquine phosphate used for malaria and other diseases and placed major orders for lopinavir-ritonavir, which is normally used to treat HIV.
The contracts with a variety of British-based firms were entered into without going to tender on the grounds of “extreme urgency”, according to an online record of the deals.”
Luckily. supplies of Indian Tonic Water containing quinine were not impacted!
The success of Ivermectin has been widely documented. and highlighted by Pierre Kory in his book, “The War on Ivermectin” – success like the eradication of C19 in the Indian State of 240 million people, Uttar Pradesh. Here is a summary table from the same source as above:
Could HCQ and IVM be classified as “experimental” – yes – but there was clear evidence they actually were proven to work to prevent and cure C19.
Instead, the global fascist cartel, headed/enabled by the US DoD, and further enabled by the WHO, banned the use of HCQ and IVM – because it would disqualify the use of the experimental C19 injections.
Trillions of dollars of taxpayer’s money were at stake and Trump had to be stopped before he took down the global fascists at home and abroad.
Let’s just look at the alternative – giving everyone in the US Ivermectin.
A kilo of IVM costs around 200 bucks from China (though anyone can make it) and a single kilo is enough to dose 50,000 adults weighing 100 kilos.
340 million Americans = 6,800 kilos for a cost of 1.36 million bucks – let’s call it 5 million bucks for delivery and packaging etc. for treatment that is painless, safer and more effective than the “steenking” vaccines. Compare that to the hundreds of billions spent on the “vaccines” and the trillions spent on fascist C19 measures.
Remember that the clinical trials themselves forced mutations of the spike protein.
Skip to the 2 minute mark here: Rise of the VARIANTS (youtube.com)
At least the USA did not suffer the fate of India which used the especially deadly Oxford Biomedica/AstraZeneca injection.
3.7 million deaths in just 3 months in 2021 from 350 million doses!
Let’s check back to the (bogus) cases and deaths in the US in July 2020.
Enquiring minds want to know how many of those were in New York City and hw may were the results of bacterial infections from respirators - which were categrized as C19 deaths and cases, “diagnosed” with RT-PCR tests.
The US has ended up with 112 million “cases” ad 1.2 million deaths with C19 present (using the shitty RT=PCR test).
Maybe 80% of those extra cases from mid-July 2020 could have been precented and at least half the deaths – and that does not reflect the fact variants caused by clinical trials and injection rollouts would not have emerged (or mounting evidence that IVM prevents and even cures cancer!).
It is reliably estimated that the experimental C19 modified mRNA injections have caused 700,000 American deaths from around 700 million doses administered. There are reasonable grounds to estimate that amongst 40 million adverse events, over 8 million life altering injuries have been inflicted and almost 4 million life threatening injuries.
Censorship laws have been and are being passed to hide this abomination and assault on humanity by evil actors, making out like bandits from human suffering during a crisis they manufactured. The kind of information in this article will not be permitted to form the basis for discussion, rebuttal or confirmation. Using social media platforms to state the case laid out in this article is already likely to result in prison terms and fines.
Similar censorship, imprisonment and fining will be inflicted on those that point out the human trafficking and climate change criminal cartels hiding behind fascist devices like the “public/private partnership” label.
Please take a paid subscription or forward this article to those you think might be interested. You can also donate via Ko-fi – any amount from three dollars upwards. Ko-fi donations here: https://ko-fi.GXm/peterhalligan
Pleasant and soothing representation is civilized if we are in the right. Good prevails because parasitic criminals cannot destroy their host. This confidence and accuracy in reporting is leadership that has always been present in forming a posse to correct the impact of criminals. “Communist”, “globalist”, etc are just snazzy words for “criminal”. Criminals never hold referendums on whether to commit a crime. Good folks are never worried in regard to being able to chase them down and correct the situation. Free speech is how all criminals get caught all of the time.
A well represented meeting allows others to get involved. We have never been a mob of hanging folks. Obviously, …we met and drew up a constitution instead.
We've lost a much more substantial % of our population than 700K already. I can gauge this from my own circles and it looks more like 5% have dropped out in the past few years. And this is merely the tip of the iceberg, due to how many have been fatally wounded, and won't be here much longer, which is the majority of the losses we will ultimately suffer.
Now add to this, the number of healthy (productive) adults we lose to caring for the sick and dying.