Chart of pre-meditated murder by the government of New Zealand where a whistle-blower has revealed that 30 people injected in a single clinic on the same day, all died in close temporal proximity
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Here’s a few more related articles from a year ago and 9 months ago.
“Deaths up 14%, Natural Birth Increase Down 28%, Disability is up 37.5%. New Zealand official birth and death figures for 12 months to the end of June 2023 released.”
“The number of annualized deaths in 2022 (annualizing the data to September 2022) is a whopping 20% higher than the annual average number of deaths over the 2015 to 2019, pre-pandemic period.
2021 was just 6.5% and 2020 was lower than the prior 5 year 2015-2019 calendar year average.
Using data from here, there were 30 C19 deaths in New Zealand in 2020, 29 in calendar year 2021 there were 2,900 to 30 September 2022 and 3,500 for the full 2022 calendar year.
“So, having said, here is a summary table of how 4 high levels age cohorts fared during the whole period of the pandemic by gender. For New Zealand’s population of 5 million
(Multiply these numbers by around 68 to get to US equivalents )
Data source: Births and deaths: Year ended September 2022 | Stats NZ
Excess NZ deaths:
Data up to 2022 - so a year old - NZ population 5 million so multiply by around 70 to get to US equivalents.
Notice that this is a cull of the elderly, suggesting that the use of end of life pathway protocols such as Remdesivir, or Midazolam plus morphine or bacteria infested ventilators were used along with the denial of sustenance and forced restraint, with no witnesses or loved ones allowed.
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Apparently there's going to be some sort of enquiry into this by new gov't (?). Would be interesting to have more details on the 30 people who died.
Thank you for this information, Peter, I'll be spreading this as much as possible. We all need to know the truth about these jabs - and that this is intent to kill, no doubts about it.