Chinada...... Nova Scotia Supermarket: $2.36 for a Potato

What are they planning for us all? https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/nova-scotia-supermarket-236-for-a?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=705029&post_id=135670077&isFreemail=true

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Author

I expect the EU is going to be upset because all crops/food is quota controlled from cheese to milk to beef to potatoes - bureaucrats don't care about value, just the volume of work they have to do - a single change in potatoes causes the same work as a million chinese teslas!

cross posted that article!

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With the obvious human rights, abuses, espionage and massive mind control. You would think that other countries would boycott Chinese goods altogether! Time to put Japan in first place for sales of EV cars, and leave China in the dust bin. The only way to clean their clocks and get them out of your country is to deny them buying rights in your country and stop buying their stuff. End of story.

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