climate change is malthusian eugenics. there probably won't be a civilization even though western world bombs, does regime chances, does austerity loans to second and third world countries for resources. irrelevant what elites exist or don't exist. people poop babies, resources per capita decline as energy declines and mineral quality ore content declines and angry population ensues. rationing of resources and permanent shut down of economy with data tracking for every inch of resources and choosing of population is only hope for mankind.

iq is genetic. humans are not infinitely valuable. you kill elites, nothing changes. still fat decadent lazy humans will expect superemarket to be stocked and fertilizer to be ready, if not ready they all get angry and axe each other to death. pick your poison. sociopathic elites or anarchist society. and yes coal reserves diseal peaked long ago. civilization has tech. tech requires authorianism because you overrule the rights of other people on the planet to get land, resources. and since people are not EQUAL in ability and thought levels, they want freedom to breed. 20 ppl, 2 bathrooms= must schedule. 2 ppl, 2 bathrooms=unlimited freedom. my friend, human greed is in everyone. elites are no different. womun demand household renovations and infinite purchasing power from men because evolution because survival because calories because energy.

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Great article!

In a long interview with Climate Skeptic Bjorn Lomborg, Jordan Peterson noted that since 2000 (?), in the age of CO2 fertilization of the atmosphere, some 15% of desert land has been greened. An area twice that of the continental US. Seems to me that that alone would account for the increased absorption.

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Excellent! Thanks for sharing this Peter.

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