Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Viewing Humpty as the healthy human race, Humpty did not fall – he was injected with a filthy, “steenking” injection – mostly not even with an aspirated needle! So far, all the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men of scientists and medics have not come up with a silver bullet “cure all” to sterilize the carrier of the spike protein or the contaminants and adulterations within the experimental, gene altering toxic doses.
The experimental C19 injections have been shown to contain practically every base metal in the periodic table, fragments of monkey virus, foreign DNA, bacteria, endotoxins, etc, as well as an unknown dosage of instructions to manufacture spike protein of varying vintage for an indefinite period and volume.
Truly Humpty got a serious shove off his wall.
We are approaching five years since the scamdemic began. There have been suggested treatments, but none have been shown to address each/all of the different harms - simultaneously – each person reacts differently to the different “ingredients” of the filthy, “steenking” injections at different times.
Then there is the issue of why some people barely reacted to the “natural” spike, whilst some did and why some people suffered horribly from the injections, and some did not. (And what does the body do with the pseudo-uridine and the mRNA? Just “crap it out” or store it for Ron (late-R ON).
Some sort of internal EDTA “soap” is needed to cleanse the system of all contaminants, without killing the patient!
Maybe the “soap” would have some or all of these components from here:
There is even the possibility of treating an unhealthy colon with healthy poop – I seem to recall an entire South Park episode on this – started by Kyle’s mom!
Faecal microbiome transfer (
Faecal microbiome transplant for Chromes disease!
Here’s a rabbit hole I went down a while back:
Some notes on stem cell research and developments with possible applications to C19 (
““Reviewing all the evidence we have seen regarding the Spike Protein over the years, one truth is very apparent: The Spike Protein has the ability to either kill or permanently alter cells. Therefore, it is only logical that replacing dead or altered cells with healthy, new cells should help the body recover from COVID and Spike Protein-related pathologies. Indeed, this appears to be the case.”
Another avenue of interest may be stem-cell research.
This article popped up on my Bing home page after I purchased some stuff (Lutein, Zeaxanthin & Meso-Zeaxanthin Eye Supplement: Vision Defender MAC) that contains the essential molecules salamanders eat that I am trying out because, apparently, salamanders repair their eyesight by eating it – hey I will try any natural ingredient if it might help! Maybe it is just a coincidence that the piece surfaced o my Bing home page, but, anyway, here it is.
Unlocking the secrets of long-lived hematopoietic stem cells (
Which links to this:
Uncovering the secret of long-lived stem cells (
And this paper, published In Nature:
Which prompted me to read this! Talk about herding cats before the illegal immigrants get them!
“This finding raises the new possibility that unintended proteins could be generated by any mRNA therapeutic. Also, it is not possible to be sure that, in the context of cancer treatment, unintended proteins and the immune responses they trigger will be harmless. However, this discovery gives new insights into how these unintended proteins are generated and, most importantly, how modifications can be made to prevent these from arising.”
This research is unrelated to adverse events from adulterations, contaminants ad the evolving spike protein harms – but if there is “inflation” why not cross-over into “conflation” right?
Unintended proteins = “misfolded” proteins?
Back to the article in Nature published in March 2024 titled “Cyclophilin A supports translation of intrinsically disordered proteins and affects haematopoietic stem cell ageing”.
Some sippets from the Abstract:
:” Loss of protein function is a driving force of ageing. We have identified peptidyl-prolyl isomerase A (PPIA or cyclophilin A) as a dominant chaperone in haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Depletion of PPIA accelerates stem cell ageing.”
My mind went to the reduction in life expectancy caused by the action of the experimental C19 injections on the immune system – a weakening immune system = “getting old”!
“We found that proteins with intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) are frequent PPIA substrates. IDRs facilitate interactions with other proteins or nucleic acids and can trigger liquid–liquid phase separation. Over 20% of PPIA substrates are involved in the formation of supramolecular membrane-less organelles. PPIA affects regulators of stress granules (PABPC1), P-bodies (DDX6) and nucleoli (NPM1) to promote phase separation and increase cellular stress resistance.”
Okay, that is getting quite technical - regulation of stress granules, P bodies and nucleoli promoting phase separation and increase cellular stress resistance. Quite a dumbfounder!
From the “Man” section:
“The recent realization that many functional proteins lack a defined structure has revolutionized our understanding of the protein structure–function relationship12. Intrinsically disordered proteins interact with proteins, nucleic acids or other molecules through conformational selection or induced fit”.
“Our research on chaperones within the haematopoietic system indicates that PPIA is a master regulator governing the synthesis of disordered proteins. Furthermore, genetic depletion of PPIA—or natural ageing—results in a stem and progenitor cell proteome distinctively lacking IDR-rich proteins, which is not reflected at the messenger RNA (mRNA) level. These results demonstrate that reduced structural proteome diversity is both a consequence of and a driver of the ageing process.”
Disordered (misfolded?) proteins – a lack of IDR> “These results demonstrate that reduced structural proteome diversity is both a consequence of and a driver of the ageing process.”
From the “Results” section: “Loss of PPIA causes an ageing-like haematopoietic phenotype”.
Maybe there is something that crosses over into the work on injection harms and treatments at the cellular level.
Or maybe conflation does not equal correlation!
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