Thanks for this. Really shocked about the US. The Remdesovir must still be flowing like a river over there.

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You are welcome.

I have been pondering the "push me - pull you" about lockdowns v iatrogenic deaths (deaths by healer) on a relative basis between the two (3) countries.

On the one hand - if you make a population sedentary, accidental deaths and (maybe) stress related deaths should plummet (stop people moving and there should be fewer deaths)

but on the other

death by healer is way up high on both sides of the pond.

anyways, aside from that, the US now has a higher death rate than the UK. demographic progression or failure of the US

makes you wonder what the Gulf states are doing right - or whether they don't count seasonal immigrants in their numbers.


I haven't checked that website - so care needed - but "Globally, there are around twenty countries with a death rate below 4.5 per 1000. "

death rates half of the US and UK

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Wow Peter. One question that tangentially on topic: Why is it, do you think, the statisticians like to combine England and Wales? They’re two separate countries, right?

And why Wales? Why don’t they have a preference for combining England with Scotland?

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From what I understand it is probably because England and Wales have the same legal system - Scotland and Northern Ireland (the other two countries of the four in the United Kingdom) have different systems, so they gather stats differently and/or separately. We see different stats released at different times in Scotland, for example.

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Ah, that makes perfect sense. Thanks Peter!

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You are welcome.

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If You Are Heavily Vaccinated

Do Not Mistake

My Superiority For Mere Arrogance.

That Would Be Your Second Mistake.


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