It's so horrendously evil, and just a few years ago I would not have believed it.

But seeing what this corrupt crowd in DC has been putting together for decades makes this all a too real possibility!

God will bring all the ugliness of it to light.

May God help people of conscience to stand up for the truth, no matter what, in the name of Jesus Christ. Innocent children are easy targets when unprotected by their parents. Dads play a crucial role in protecting their families. Too many Dads are not present, forcing Moms into jobs to provide a living, all too often leaving young children on their own. That's only one scenario for horrible outcomes. And when murder of the unborn became an accepted, championed, & taxpayer subsidized answer to millions of "unexpected & inconvenient" pregnancies, the value of human life sank to an all time low. Where does anyone stand in estimation of worth if the most innocent among us receive less consideration than a convicted mass murderer?!

God will have the last word. He's no respecter of persons. He is not impressed by $ of any brand, or anyone's stature or looks, or cleverness.

God came once as Saviour, He's coming back as Judge. Come, Lord Jesus.

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The Army hidden from we the citizens of this great Nation….World criminals sent here BY the Dems and “elites” to ensure we are controlled or kept in our place as their tyranny over us expands. A shadow Army armed by our own taxes no doubt already exists….coupled with our standing military forces would be very formidable. The military were purged of conservatives and then woked/DEI’d to ensure we “the deplorables” will be stay’d at home and no civil action is allowed…ever…and weapons will be confiscated for sure by the new Gestapo.

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