Thanks PH. Despite this information. Govturds worldwide still injecting the death juice into their own citizens.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

How in the hell were so many people complacent in this scam and continue to lie? The elderly as you stated were given an injection that had no data behind it and because of age not a great immune system. The medical establishment murdered millions of people and I hope that they were boosted 5x but I think they knew better and what about the prime minister boris johnson's dad thinks 3/4 of the population should die, this philosophy is what these demons grew up with. The US has been evi for a very long time and us peons assuming we were the good guys!

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So it is levelling off for 2023? Let’s hope this doesn’t get lost in history now.

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Hmmmm, I’d say no. The deaths and disabilities I’ll continue to skyrocket.

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I am having a problem with the data. It seems that the first period of reporting has the most adverse effects including deaths. After that the number seem to drop significantly. As seems to be the case after unblinding. So this is not making sense to me as more people getting the shots should show increasing adverse effects until maybe the last 6 mos when it seems people are refusing the boosters. I would expect that as the number of shots given drops that we might see lower numbers of new adverse effects. Is this what I am reading correctly? If not, please enlighten me.

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Look at the numbers on the far right in each table - deaths and injuries per million people for 6 months. compare them with the deaths and injuries for the 2021 calendar year, two columns to the left.

for example,

for the EU, the deaths per million people injected twice is 122, with injuries of 19,440 per million. this is for the six months to June 2022.

two columns to the left, the deaths per million people injected twice is 62 with injuries of 5,790 per million. this is for the calendar year 2021.

122 deaths in the six months to June 2022 is almost double deaths of 62 for the 2021 calendar year. Injuries of 19,440 per million is almost FOUR times the number of injuries for 2021.

the numbers for the entire 18 month period are in the middle column - 70 deaths per million double-dosed with 7,693 injuries per million people double dosed.

I hope this helps.

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The under reporting rate for VAERS is over 99%. That is to say, less than 1% of vaccine injuries are ever reported to VAERS. Here is the study which proved this, https://digital.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/electronic-support-public-health-vaccine-adverse-event-reporting-system (Referred to as the "Lazarus" study, which was conducted by Harvard-Pilgrim Healthcare.)

Note the key CONCLUSION: "Adverse events from vaccines are common but underreported, with less than one percent reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)."

This study has never been refuted, and the VAERS reporting rate only got MUCH worse than it was during the "warp speed" death jab roll-out due to new directives from the CDC which ordered all hospitals to report JABBED people as "unvaccinated" if their symptoms began after only one jab, or if it had been less than two weeks since their 2nd jab. A person's vaccine-induced injury or death is hardly going to be reported to VAERS as a "vaccine-related injury" when they are classified as "unvaccinated" in the 1st instance.

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Yes. There are a range of under reporting factors detailed here from February 2023:

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/refresher-on-the-under-reporting (URF) – The Giant Syringe in the Room

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

The numbers are catastrophic, how is this information not readily available to everyone to see. I have sent things like this to my sister but she refuses to read it, she's had 4 jabs, as has the rest of her family. Thank you for trying to wake people up to the truth.

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Hope you got your black dress ready? Me, I need a new one, mine is getting a bit frayed these days.

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You are welcome. We can only keep trying to find the truth. No doubt her view is that without the injections, there would still be a pandemic.

Pandemics have a beginning. a middle and an end. Health Regiulators from the WHO down made no attempt to show how any measures, including injections, impacted the cycle.

In my view, the pandemic ended on July 2020 - but the clinical trails forced the evolution of the virus into other variants that caused it to last years longer.

I cannot prove this with any data, because the data is always corrupted and hard to access.

Morons and the malicious know this and exploit it.

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Actually I think the plandemic began in June, 2020 when the covid shots were released and caused such health havoc. This continued till the lockdowns ended, people went back to work and they stopped those shots.

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