You don't read too well dude

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I think you need to read their words:


"Nearly half of Americans think COVID-19 vaccines may be to blame for many unexplained deaths, and more than a quarter say someone they know could be among the victims.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that (49%) of American Adults believe it is likely that side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths, including 28% who think it’s Very Likely. Thirty-seven percent (37%) don’t say a significant number of deaths have been caused by vaccine side effects, including 17% who believe it’s Not At All Likely. Another 14% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)"

Not going to express an opinion yet—I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA OF STATISTICS or even any numbers training above GCE. Other than that I trust their survey because we saw him in the Bannon WarRoom video.

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Your opinion is exactly that. Yours

I personally know SEVERAL someone's who died from the covid vax, or complications of the covid vax.

They were fine prior, and dead within months.

What about the long term effects? Why are pregnancies and births down over 75% among the vaxed? Those few who do manage to conceive, spontaneous abortions are up dramatically.

Time for you to admit there's a REAL problem.

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I would agree totally with that. I am having a hard time imagining Humanity is going to survive this in the long-term. It is APOCALYPTIC imo.

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Yes, opinions are like assh - um noses. Eveeryone has them and they all smell.

Try this for an opinion.

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/cumulative-and-calendar-year-snap Shot of Global and US Cases, Deaths and Doses. 6.7 million C19 deaths, 21 million "vaccine deaths" (665m C19 "cases" v 1.95 billion injection injuries)

or this

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/shifting-immunoglobulins-igg-proportions – low IgG3 and high IgG4 responsible for increased child RSV infections (and others) from C19 mRNA BOOSTED PARENTS

so, I try to INFORM my opinions and do a little research before I prove myself ignorant

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These are really rough statistical calculations but here's another way of looking at it. If I continue using my group of personal contacts number as 100. Then each time a person dies from the vax they cause 100 other people to answer yes to Rasmussen's question. In other words if I die and I know 100 people, those hundred people know me back and they're going to answer yes...

So if 924,000 people died and each of those people knows a hundred other people then 92.4 million people would answer yes to the question which is 28% of 330 million.

Yes there are duplicates of people that know the dead but there are also the duplicates of the people that know the non-dead.

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You've made an assumption that I don't think is advisable. That each person who says they know someone who died represents a unique death. One vaccine death will be suspected by multiple people, surely?

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Hence the depth of the sample. The sample is designed to be random and dispersed. It was drawn from 1,000 geographically, demographically, politically etc DIVERSE AND REMOTE people, not from a few neighbourhoods in one city.

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How does that make any difference? You would still have multiple people who know of each death. The depth and breadth of the study just makes it more compelling.

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With all due respect Peter, I believe the number can be correct. Here's why

The question is: do you personally know ONE person who has been killed by the vaccine?. 28% of Americans answered yes to that question.

How many people does the average American know personally? I would say a hundred is not out of the question for a single person.

So if 28% of Americans know ONE person (Out of that hundred) who died from the vaccine that would mean that .28 times .01 Americans are dead from the vaccine. Basically this means that 28% of Americans have 1% of their personal group dead from the vaccine.

.28 times .01 times 330,000,000 equals 924,000 dead. This lines up quite nicely with the ufr of 41 and the vaers data.

Of course married people will report a higher number because their circle is larger, but I wouldn't say it's double, perhaps the average married person knows 150 people personally.

I think it's just another interesting way to get to the approximate number of a million dead from these shots

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Fair call. (No respect due - haha!)

Hence my six degrees of separation comment.

1,000 people in the survey should be remote from each other (sample error around 5%?).

280 people per 1,000 know someone that died = 280 deaths per thousand is the inference. I doubt that most would follow your logic at first blush!

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"280 deaths per thousand is the inference."

No, no it's not.

280 people out of a thousand know ONE person who died.

It's unlikely they all knew the same (famous?) person, but taking that logic to the extreme, that "infers" 1 in 1000 died, and only 28% of their acquaintances knew about it and/or blamed the vax.

In reality most people know around 150 people, so we're talking 1 in 150, for those people. Since those people are themselves only 28% of the general population then we're actually talking a very realistic number, not super high but very WIDESPREAD.

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I did. (Going crimson because lack education on stats!!!)

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How many millions of Americans generally die each year? Is 92 million a huge increase from the average?

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Around 3.4 million)

Note from that CDC website that opioid deaths of around 140,000 are not present in the Top 10 leading causes of death!_

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