Most of the stress happens to most human beings because we have been so dumbed down with scaremongering...whether it be fake 'news' on Tel-LIE-vision, or false flags or MSM being a tool of the greedy and rich and corrupt and evil to spread lies and false beliefs. We've also been dumbed down with our education systems believing that we're being taught truth where in actual fact most of it is lies. The result is peoples' minds have lost the ability to reason and critically think, we have lost touch with spirituality, peace, pausing and growing because most are caught in the red/blue divide...the red party is better than the blue party is better than the green party is better than the red party...without realising we've all had this 'system' imposed on us to keep us divided and fighting among ourselves...and believing fake 'authorities' like politicians, councils, police...keeping us hemmed in with ever increasing rules and regulations all disguised as goodness for our health and safety. Once one develops the ability to see that its all game playing, theatre for power and control...then we will know the source of our stress......
It is a stressed out world now. Our gov'ts are not ours anymore. They tried to kill us all. Where I live I have no rights. They can force me to have any poison they want. They can close down any industry they want, take away your job, your church, the list goes on. My bank won't let me access my money. I cannot go the branch to sort it because there is no branch. I call and they say it is fixed but it isn't. I can't talk to my best friend because she went turbo bonkers after her 2nd jab. My mother has had dementia since her booster. My son has not got off the couch since his university mandated him out. My husband has had two heart attacks and two strokes since he was mandated out of work. Yesterday my cousins husband, perfectly healthy 52 yrs old, died of a heart attack. I hope not every family has these kinds of stresses but when I look into peoples eyes I am not reassured. In the grocery store the misery is palpable. The inflation theft is frightening and the gov't just lies about it. I could go on but I am going to go outside for a beer and a smoke instead. Cheers.
After everything that has gone on the last 4+ years with zero accountability, I still find myself expecting some things to work as they used to, but then shake myself to realize whatever comes, it's never going to be the country it once was, as way too many people have been harmed by our own govt plotting this hellish scheme to cripple & kill innocent people. Then my thoughts return to the over 60 million unborn murdered since 1973, when SCOTUS butted in where they weren't wanted. America was majority pro-life in the Fall of 1972. Most of those abortions were for convenience. The mayhem from that carnage has taken a toll on this country. We reap what we sow. And millions of innocents suffer because of some else's freewill which nearly always overrides the voiceless. It's heart-breaking to learn of evil done to other countries in the false ideas of some in positions of power here, thinking they should have the last word on lives in other countries as well. Ukraine for a recent example, has been pretty much destroyed in a lie. Our country is being bankrupted. Thugs just keep printing the $ = there's the inflation folks. Everyday or nearly, the $ in your wallet or bank is worth a little less, so it takes more of it to buy anything. Freezing grocery store prices (as only a Marxist or an idiot would do) will only increase suffering, by wiping out the supply of food & necessary household products. What drives me a little crazy is so many folks don't see the manipulation & lies. I understand the young being fooled especially if they spent 12 or 16 yrs in govt prop schools, the young haven't lived yet. I don't understand the grown nuts looking to the govt to solve anything! But then I realize it's SIN that is the real elephant in the room. There'a cure for that. It's a great day to get right with God. Repentance is key. We need to get serious & quit asking politicians to help us or our pet project by stealing $ from our neighbors. Boy, there's a crazy thought, eh? Well, that's my thoughts for how we can do something to really make a difference.
God is my provider, not govt. Get right with God! Help your neighbor. Be a blessing, not a curse. Start small, God will show you how & bless you.
Participating in the Canadian truck convoy protest was a woman who lost two sons to the lockdowns.One had just got a job after struggling for many years. I believe he committed suicide.The other had a drug problem that he had finally got under control-- went back to drugs and ended up overdosing. I heard the mother interviewed. Sad story. Family stresses were another big issue, including child abuse -- often caught at schools. The psychological damage from some of the government misguided measures is unforgivable.
I'm reminded of the fact that, while reading about MKUltra/Monarch techniques years ago, one devious weapon involved telling the subject that they misapprehended whatever was blatantly in front of their noses. Often, if the scene was quite horrific, the mind split and created a "safe place" where the subject could "escape." Monarch "training" for the purported "Illuminati" included these techniques which they prized because the individual had to struggle to reintegrate themselves thereby becoming more hardened "mental Supermen." In the 1950s, this type of behavior in some individuals became known as multiple personalities and comprised fascinating reading and TV viewing.
The same technique has been used by the "progressives" strenuously in the last decade. People have been gaslit out the wazoo although their own eyes tell them what the progressives describe doesn't exist. One of the most famous examples is the often-stated progressive belief that men with beards and penises can bear children and breast feed like women. Probably a significant amount of stress exists in that bizarro hypothesis. The Stalin-esque command that "you will use my correct pronouns or I'll damage your face or kill you" would be another scenario where stress could certainly occur. How many older people, who simply can't grasp this subtle concept, have been disenfranchised and ostracized from their activities for using a wrong pronoun? I'm sure the results are rather depressing.
I agree to the same disclaimers with these additions. All de facto governance such as: the State of Oregon are a subdivision of the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc with forts, ports, armory and needful buildings. Operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be. So, we took them out on Oregon. November 2022. We are a result of MKUltra et al. Find your Jural Assembly
I do not think you can underscore the severity of psychological damage that has been done through the deployment of soft communism that has been quietly invading and infecting every level of lifestyle in what some think is a Constitutional Republic. The Democratic wax on and on about the threats to democracy while our current admin the possible ( God forbid) admin running for office Cackles and Tampon Tim are proud carrying socialist/marxist…. Finish the sentence. If you are a freedom loving liberty loving American who believes in and respects the Bill of Rights and the Constitution then darn straight the stress is immense. From Clinton to Obama and the current admin they have had no respect for the Rule of Law, The Constitution or The Bill of Rights. To think that our freedoms ( like during COVID ) can be suspended manipulated and taken under the guise of our safety is laughable. It’s all about control when you know you are seen as a useless eater Compliments of Kissinger opinion of the average American. I don’t know if stress is the right word. Those attempting to push Marxism are mentally ill and are trying to make those who aren’t just that. Each bioweapon forced upon us draws us closer to similar mental illness leftist suffer. What I don’t understand is if they like socialism/communism so much why don’t they purchase a one way ticket. Oh right let me answer my own question the elites think the rules are not for thee but for people like me! I have never felt the terror like I felt the night of the 2020 election I knew our country would NEVER be the same under the administration that was installed in January 2021
Most of the stress happens to most human beings because we have been so dumbed down with scaremongering...whether it be fake 'news' on Tel-LIE-vision, or false flags or MSM being a tool of the greedy and rich and corrupt and evil to spread lies and false beliefs. We've also been dumbed down with our education systems believing that we're being taught truth where in actual fact most of it is lies. The result is peoples' minds have lost the ability to reason and critically think, we have lost touch with spirituality, peace, pausing and growing because most are caught in the red/blue divide...the red party is better than the blue party is better than the green party is better than the red party...without realising we've all had this 'system' imposed on us to keep us divided and fighting among ourselves...and believing fake 'authorities' like politicians, councils, police...keeping us hemmed in with ever increasing rules and regulations all disguised as goodness for our health and safety. Once one develops the ability to see that its all game playing, theatre for power and control...then we will know the source of our stress......
It is a stressed out world now. Our gov'ts are not ours anymore. They tried to kill us all. Where I live I have no rights. They can force me to have any poison they want. They can close down any industry they want, take away your job, your church, the list goes on. My bank won't let me access my money. I cannot go the branch to sort it because there is no branch. I call and they say it is fixed but it isn't. I can't talk to my best friend because she went turbo bonkers after her 2nd jab. My mother has had dementia since her booster. My son has not got off the couch since his university mandated him out. My husband has had two heart attacks and two strokes since he was mandated out of work. Yesterday my cousins husband, perfectly healthy 52 yrs old, died of a heart attack. I hope not every family has these kinds of stresses but when I look into peoples eyes I am not reassured. In the grocery store the misery is palpable. The inflation theft is frightening and the gov't just lies about it. I could go on but I am going to go outside for a beer and a smoke instead. Cheers.
After everything that has gone on the last 4+ years with zero accountability, I still find myself expecting some things to work as they used to, but then shake myself to realize whatever comes, it's never going to be the country it once was, as way too many people have been harmed by our own govt plotting this hellish scheme to cripple & kill innocent people. Then my thoughts return to the over 60 million unborn murdered since 1973, when SCOTUS butted in where they weren't wanted. America was majority pro-life in the Fall of 1972. Most of those abortions were for convenience. The mayhem from that carnage has taken a toll on this country. We reap what we sow. And millions of innocents suffer because of some else's freewill which nearly always overrides the voiceless. It's heart-breaking to learn of evil done to other countries in the false ideas of some in positions of power here, thinking they should have the last word on lives in other countries as well. Ukraine for a recent example, has been pretty much destroyed in a lie. Our country is being bankrupted. Thugs just keep printing the $ = there's the inflation folks. Everyday or nearly, the $ in your wallet or bank is worth a little less, so it takes more of it to buy anything. Freezing grocery store prices (as only a Marxist or an idiot would do) will only increase suffering, by wiping out the supply of food & necessary household products. What drives me a little crazy is so many folks don't see the manipulation & lies. I understand the young being fooled especially if they spent 12 or 16 yrs in govt prop schools, the young haven't lived yet. I don't understand the grown nuts looking to the govt to solve anything! But then I realize it's SIN that is the real elephant in the room. There'a cure for that. It's a great day to get right with God. Repentance is key. We need to get serious & quit asking politicians to help us or our pet project by stealing $ from our neighbors. Boy, there's a crazy thought, eh? Well, that's my thoughts for how we can do something to really make a difference.
God is my provider, not govt. Get right with God! Help your neighbor. Be a blessing, not a curse. Start small, God will show you how & bless you.
Participating in the Canadian truck convoy protest was a woman who lost two sons to the lockdowns.One had just got a job after struggling for many years. I believe he committed suicide.The other had a drug problem that he had finally got under control-- went back to drugs and ended up overdosing. I heard the mother interviewed. Sad story. Family stresses were another big issue, including child abuse -- often caught at schools. The psychological damage from some of the government misguided measures is unforgivable.
I'm reminded of the fact that, while reading about MKUltra/Monarch techniques years ago, one devious weapon involved telling the subject that they misapprehended whatever was blatantly in front of their noses. Often, if the scene was quite horrific, the mind split and created a "safe place" where the subject could "escape." Monarch "training" for the purported "Illuminati" included these techniques which they prized because the individual had to struggle to reintegrate themselves thereby becoming more hardened "mental Supermen." In the 1950s, this type of behavior in some individuals became known as multiple personalities and comprised fascinating reading and TV viewing.
The same technique has been used by the "progressives" strenuously in the last decade. People have been gaslit out the wazoo although their own eyes tell them what the progressives describe doesn't exist. One of the most famous examples is the often-stated progressive belief that men with beards and penises can bear children and breast feed like women. Probably a significant amount of stress exists in that bizarro hypothesis. The Stalin-esque command that "you will use my correct pronouns or I'll damage your face or kill you" would be another scenario where stress could certainly occur. How many older people, who simply can't grasp this subtle concept, have been disenfranchised and ostracized from their activities for using a wrong pronoun? I'm sure the results are rather depressing.
I agree to the same disclaimers with these additions. All de facto governance such as: the State of Oregon are a subdivision of the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc with forts, ports, armory and needful buildings. Operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be. So, we took them out on Oregon. November 2022. We are a result of MKUltra et al. Find your Jural Assembly
I do not think you can underscore the severity of psychological damage that has been done through the deployment of soft communism that has been quietly invading and infecting every level of lifestyle in what some think is a Constitutional Republic. The Democratic wax on and on about the threats to democracy while our current admin the possible ( God forbid) admin running for office Cackles and Tampon Tim are proud carrying socialist/marxist…. Finish the sentence. If you are a freedom loving liberty loving American who believes in and respects the Bill of Rights and the Constitution then darn straight the stress is immense. From Clinton to Obama and the current admin they have had no respect for the Rule of Law, The Constitution or The Bill of Rights. To think that our freedoms ( like during COVID ) can be suspended manipulated and taken under the guise of our safety is laughable. It’s all about control when you know you are seen as a useless eater Compliments of Kissinger opinion of the average American. I don’t know if stress is the right word. Those attempting to push Marxism are mentally ill and are trying to make those who aren’t just that. Each bioweapon forced upon us draws us closer to similar mental illness leftist suffer. What I don’t understand is if they like socialism/communism so much why don’t they purchase a one way ticket. Oh right let me answer my own question the elites think the rules are not for thee but for people like me! I have never felt the terror like I felt the night of the 2020 election I knew our country would NEVER be the same under the administration that was installed in January 2021