Hi Peter, you may want to go back to this Highwire show, as the final segment, starting about 1 hr 14 min. is on his analysis of deaths from the shots, there's a brief video of John Beudoin Sr. presenting his data to the New Hampshire assembly. Here's his write up after the event: New Hampshire Testimony Today

Cultists Have Difficulty Making Eye Contact - - https://coquindechien.substack.com/p/new-hampshire-testimony-today?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Another article from the invaluable "HighWire" ....

For those fishing for “solutions,” I think a decades-old study on behavioral psychology explains “mass psychosis,” but also might provide hope on how we can change the toxic Status Quo. The movie “Twelve Angry Men” develops the same theme.

Thanks to Del Bigtree of the HighWire for interviewing the author of "The Indoctrinated Brain.”


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The Twelve Angry Men movie is such a classic. And from your view of "Why do I keep doing this?", it may be valid. However, don't know or its unclear to me if you may have missed something in your analysis, as Dr Nehls starts off by telling Del Bigtree that this drug, the clot shot, was initially developed to carry spike proteins to the brain, so his book is more along the lines of "the human brain on spike protein". This puts his premise in line with the Naz!'s use of fluoride to keep their prisoner's docile. That was my take of this interview, haven't gotten deep into Dr Nehl's book yet.

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Yep. His theory is more involved and I didn't get into summarizing all details of it. What jumped out at me was his reference to that behaviorial psychology study/experiment.

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Treaty, schmeaty. Any such announcement is a tacit declaration of war on the entire rest of the world, and should be immediately followed up by firebombing of the likely lab site. To sterilize it.

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Got my vote!

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