Had they ever actually fully tested vaccines, we would not be having to ask these questions. And the fact they still refuse to fully test tells me they know the answer.

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Dr Christopher Exley has shown aluminum (40 years research) toxicity in the brain biopsies of autistic patients. His book Imagine You Are an Aluminum Atom lays out the research.

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Hooker brings the RECEIPTS. "The debate is over." Vaccines DO cause autism.

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Well let’s first question why a woman with triplets decided to get them the first round of vaccines 💉 in 2024… what’s the odds of all three getting autism in the same week AFTeR the vaccine?… in actual fact they all did.. and for years this atrocity has been allowed to happen.. it is now 1 in 10 .. from 1:1500 in the space of 30 years… the writing is on the wall.. and high time to start taking the vaccine companies to court.. the ticket to death row should not be only given to babies .. but grown adults who nod and sheepishly grin.. the world should be ashamed to think it’s okay to do this to our next generations… boiling mad tis I.

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Very well said.

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Hi Peter, you may also want to watch this 1hr interview Nicole Shanahan had recently with Sen Ron Johnson, posted on X. My own take on this is discussion is still a bit too superficial, however, RFK Jr's reading list for Sen Johnson rattled off near the end is interesting: https://x.com/NicoleShanahan/status/1860412329583575473

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Thanks for this. Watching it now.

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All we see now from the left is everything to include the kitchen sink and even the mother causes autism….and a similar projection about turbo cancers…new major raising cancer in the young….The degree of the non-science projection is so massive and aggressive that it reflects the lie they are being used .

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Yes, vaccines do cause autism. The medical community is corrupted by big pharma.

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