Dr David Martin carpet bombs the truth on quiescent politicians across the US who refuse to act – points to 400 million bucks of kick-backs to Fauci’s NIAID from Moderna as “royalties"
h/t Dr Paul Alexander today who linked to this 20 minute video from nine days ago, when the inestimable Dr David Martin spelt out the criminal racketeering that no politician will touch:
(Dozens of detox links below the video as well)
Cliff notes from the video:
September 2019 – the WHO knew what we were going to get, virus on the cover of a WHO publication – was it an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen?
Use of the word “RELEASE” – not leak not zoonotic transmission - A RELEASE
The virus was let out WITH INTENT
Who gains? The Moderna report just released.
Covered briefly here, but Dr Martin applies much more surgical precision in his video:
Cost of sales 1.9 billion (39% of sales) for 4q22 including a royalty payment 604 million of which 400 million was a catch-up payment for A NEW royalty agreement – executed in December 2022 before Fauci left NAIAD – new agreement has low single digit royalty on sales of C19 injections (Ed: plus other mRNA injections?)
RACKETEERING, PONZI SCHEME – “we the people are paying NIAID 400 million for the privilege for sole-source to the perpetrators of the crime.
Received for review in 2015 – approved January 2016 – during Gain of Function moratorium. (SEVEN YEARS AGO).
Rand Paul has not been able to hold Fauci accountable for this gain of function research IN THE US.
WIV1 = Wuhan Institute of Virology 1 – poised to emerge in human epithelial respiratory cells.
SYNTHETIC CLONES – who’s the “we” who constructed the synthetic pathogen – including the components that make it infectious.
The thing that killed Americans who flocked to the C19 mRNA injections was engineered from an infectious clone – not natural – engineered in the US by UNC Chapel Hill.
NIAID, NIH, National Academy of Sciences are all part of the criminal conspiracy.
The objective was to have the virus replicate in human cells, not just a mouse model.
So… robust infection in humans was needed and derived:
Smoking gun
Then it was put “in vivo” – which means a clone of a synthetic virus was inserted into animals. GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH IN LIVE ANIMALS.
At UNC Chapel Hill – against the law – criminal offence - 18 US Code violation.
Published admissions of guilt – ignored by ALL politicians.
They (UNC) knew it was a problem. Approved by UNC Bio-Safety Committee.
BEFORE THE DELIBERATIVE “Gain of Function Moratorium”
Reviewed by NIAID and approved by it, also by the NIH.
Fauci lied to Congress and asked for more funding.
Who is RSB? In January of 2020. SARS-COV2 novel? Ralph Baric – the criminal who created it in UNC – Chapel Hill.
Dr Martin is embarrassed by the Republican Party who claim to be looking for origins of SARS-COV2 - all politicians are suppressing these facts.
“Humanity we have a problem” – the crime is being wilfully covered up. They (politicians of all stripes) cannot afford the political cost of revealing the captive agencies who participate in this organized criminal racket, with universities.
Who in the House or Senate or Governors will get to the heart of the criminal racket?
Too hot to handle. We the people are subject to an ongoing criminal conspiracy.
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Land of the free and home of the brave my ar$% This government is as evil as any other in the world when they, the government, wants to annihilate it's own citizenry all so that the globalist minority(Freemasons, Bilderbergs, etc. etc.) can rule over the masses, albeit a greatly reduced mass. This evil has been in the works for decades. One need only recollect semi recent world events which are but rungs on the ladder to the evil we witness, today. IF...if the masses would realize there are far more of them than the minority goons then there might be a chance. Until then...
David Martin spoke up early and SHOWED US THE TRAIL OF PATENTS...this man has the goods, he had a good legal strategy, and I too feel his frustration that NO ONE is doing anything...we the PEOPLE need to start a class action legal case based on the RICO ACT and SUE THESE BASTARDS.
and if a judge says we have no standing....we are gonna ignore him, and use the same tactics they use against the few reps above....play ball and here is some money. Don't play ball? Do you have a family?