I published this article on a medical site.



I identified the Covid-19 scam in Feb 2020 and published on 21Mar2020. See https://CorrectPredictions.ca

I analysed the Covid-19 data in Feb2020 and on 21Mar2020 I published the following correct analysis – NO GENERAL LOCKDOWNS!:

Six months later on 4Oct2020, world-class physicians and researchers made the same recommendation in their Great Barrington Declaration.

Alberta had NO significant increase in total deaths to 1Jul2021, because our physicians performed early treatment of Covid-19 symptoms. No excess deaths means no dangerous pandemic!

On 8Jan2021 I wrote Premier Kenney, NDP Leader Notley, every Alberta MLA and many federal and civic politicians the following strong recommendation, which has proved entirely correct – NO Covid-19 VACCINES!

Two years later, the Surgeon General of Florida published the same conclusion.

There was a large increase in total deaths for all ages after the toxic Covid-19 injections were deployed in early 2021 – deaths primarily caused by the toxic “vaccines”.


Based on Alberta total deaths and the increase post-vaxx, I calculated 12.9 million Covid-19-vaxx-deaths worldwide to end2022, increasing to more than 19 million by end2023. China is a wild card - not included.

That death count was just independently verified by Rancourt et al (Feb2023) based on Israeli and Australian total death data, at 13.25 million to 24Jan2023 – the same as my total.


These total global Covid-19-vaxx-caused deaths will increase by at least 1/2 million every month.

I am trying to make inexpensive, voluntary, over-the-counter “Ivermectin plus” (IVM + Nattokinase?) packages widely available for treatment of the Covid illness and the vaxx-injured.

This low-risk, high reward “Ivermectin plus” treatment will save millions of lives.


Front-line Alberta physicians deserve credit for practicing competent, early treatment, such that Covid-19 deaths in Alberta to 1Jul2020 were no different from other flu seasons. Covid-19-related deaths started after the deployment of the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” and to date have killed ~10,000 Albertans. At current rates, these toxic Covid-19 vaxxes will kill another ~4000 Albertans by end 2023, unless prompt curative steps are implemented – as I’ve recommended to this government since 20Nov2022.

The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” have now killed ~98,000 Canadians, more than twice all the Canadian Armed Forces killed in World War II. If we continue as-is, and do not act to treat the vaxx-injured, total estimated Canadian vaxx-caused deaths will exceed ~140,000 by end2023.

Incompetent, late treatment of Covid-19 patients caused ~530,000 mostly-preventable American deaths. The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” caused an additional ~1.08 million American deaths. The death toll in the USA from the mismanagement of the Covid-19 illness and the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” totaled ~1.6 million to end 2022, and it is far from over. The Covid-19 avoidable American death toll to date significantly exceeds the total 1.1 million American deaths in all their wars back to and including the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam.


"At a high level, corruption stems from the systemic disrespect of a nation’s institutions and legal system, especially by those in power. . . .The hallmark of virtually all corruption is “playing dumb”."

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

They (politicians of all stripes) cannot afford the political cost of revealing the captive agencies who participate in organized criminal racket, with universities. - There it is, in plain language,

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“CDC to send personnel to fight rare, deadly Marburg virus in Africa” Watch what happens they will say someone from the CDC brought it back from Africa to the US. The national emergency ends May 11th. So, it's coming. But that is what they will say someone from the CDC brought it in from Africa. https://nypost.com/2023/04/01/cdc-to-send-troops-to-fight-deadly-marburg-virus-in-africa/amp/

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Nobody is going to do anything because it is a script. These people are getting people to kill themselves through fear. The next pandemic is between now and May 11th. It is Marburg it's coming in hot same way as covid. Let's see how many buy into it. I believe the ones that bought into it the first time will buy into it again.

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THis is an uncensored link to the latest video of Dr. David Martin. Based on factual evidence, it is clear that with not a single arrest- the government, the military, the authorities such as FBI, CIA, and the judiciary HAVE ALL BEEN BOUGHT, and CORRUPTED at the highest levels .

That is not to say that there are not millions of good people in these institutions- but the people calling the shots at the highest levels were all paid off to look away .

This is WAR, and yes GENOCIDE and TREASON.

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Thank you, Peter, for bringing this to our attention. Paul sends out too many messages for me to be able to keep up with, so I unsubscribed from his stack ~ and I would have missed this extremely important update without your alert. Much appreciated!

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

David Martin spoke up early and SHOWED US THE TRAIL OF PATENTS...this man has the goods, he had a good legal strategy, and I too feel his frustration that NO ONE is doing anything...we the PEOPLE need to start a class action legal case based on the RICO ACT and SUE THESE BASTARDS.

and if a judge says we have no standing....we are gonna ignore him, and use the same tactics they use against the few reps above....play ball and here is some money. Don't play ball? Do you have a family?

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Remember, Fauci is protected. It's in law that he doesn't have to disclose his earnings.

It's total BS, but it's there. No doubt passed in legislation having zero to do with the subject.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Land of the free and home of the brave my ar$% This government is as evil as any other in the world when they, the government, wants to annihilate it's own citizenry all so that the globalist minority(Freemasons, Bilderbergs, etc. etc.) can rule over the masses, albeit a greatly reduced mass. This evil has been in the works for decades. One need only recollect semi recent world events which are but rungs on the ladder to the evil we witness, today. IF...if the masses would realize there are far more of them than the minority goons then there might be a chance. Until then...

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No virus was released. China isolated no virus. They claimed Covid-19. Everyone agreed. WEF and WHO win.

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