Cross posted. Wll doe what yu have doe and are doing!

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though the website says this :

"The Australian Government secured 56.3 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

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Also from that link, we have this:

"The last batch of pandemic supply stock expired on 20 March 2023."


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From that link: "AstraZeneca has made the decision to formally discontinue Vaxzevria in Australia. The TGA-approved provisional status of the AstraZeneca vaccine on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) was voluntarily cancelled by AstraZeneca on 23 April 2024."

Three years after the Europeans withdrew it. and from here: https://apps.tga.gov.au/Prod/daen/daen-report.aspx

"Number of reports (cases): 48451

Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 47182

Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 490

Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 490"

Australia does not publish the doses given by manufacturer.

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FOI documents reveal the manufacturer whose jab was the last received in Australia before the victim suffered.

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Hi Peter,

The Covid-19 Scamdemic was a deliberate fraud from Day 1. Covid-19 was a serious lab-made flu, but it never was a pandemic, because in locations like Alberta that practised competent early treatment there was no increase in total all-cause deaths to well-past 1July2020. Countries like the USA and others that exterminated hundreds of thousands of their citizens through incompetent late treatment, Remdesivir and ventilators deliberately fabricated false evidence of a pandemic.

Denis Rancourt and I 100% independently reached the same conclusion:


More references:

MURDER OF MULTITUDESCovid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull




In 2020, humanity was again violently assaulted, this time by the Covid-19 Lockdowns and “Vaccines” scam. I correctly called this scam in Feb2020, within the first month of its public existence, and published on 21Mar2020:


Isolate Protect people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five.

This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH.”

Six months later world experts published the same recommendations in the Great Barrington Declaration.

On 8Jan2021 I wrote government representatives and media and strongly advised:”The Covid-19 vaccine developments were rushed and are not proven safe or effective and should NOT be taken, especially by the low-risk population - those under-65 or recovered from Covid-19. The two experimental Covid-19 vaccines that contain mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) are especially risky – due to unknown future side-effects, the risk-to-reward is far too high for the low-risk group.”

Two years later the Surgeon General of Florida made the same recommendation.

FigureI first published this graph in 2021 – IMPORTANT: there was no major increase in Total Deaths in Alberta to 1Jul2020, the end of the first Covid-19 flu season. That means NO real pandemic!Total Deaths are typically much greater in the Winter flu season every year.

The reason there was NO significant total death increase in Alberta in the 12 months from 1Jul2019 to 30Jun2020, the first “Covid-19 flu year”, was because competent Alberta physicians practiced early treatment. Pre-Covid 2017-2018 was a worse flu-year than Covid flu-year 2019-2020 for total deaths. This proves that the Covid-19 illness was not a dangerous plague, was not fatal to the general population and the panicked over-reaction to Covid-19 was wrong, and needlessly cost trillions of dollars and millions of lives.NO EXCESS DEATHS MEANS NO REAL DANGEROUS COVID-19 PANDEMIC!

The Covid-19 “vaccines” were deployed in Alberta in Jan2021. There was a large increase in total deaths for all ages AFTER the toxic Covid-19 injections were deployed.

The big increase in Total Deaths happened by 1H2021 and was caused by the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines”. There is credible evidence that this carnage was not an error, but was known to insiders in advance.

Based on total Alberta total deaths:Deaths attributed to the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” in 2021 & 2022 totaled 98,000 Canadians to end 2022, increasing to 145,000 by end2023. Justin, Jagmeet and their corrupt leftist cohorts have now killed more Canadians than the 105,000 lost in WW1 & WW2.

FigureBased on USA total deaths:Incompetent, late Covid-19 treatment, Remdesivir and ventilators caused ~530,000 mostly-preventable American deaths in 2020. The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” caused an additional ~1.1 million American deaths in 2021 and 2022, equal to all the deaths in all of America’s wars back to 1776. The death toll in the USA from the mismanagement of the Covid-19 illness and the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” totaled ~1.6 million to end 2022, and it is far from over.

Based on total England and Wales deaths, I ran an approximate analysis and calculated total British Covid-19 vax-caused deaths in 2021 and 2022 of 172,000. I posted that message at Metro.UK and it was censored after one day.

On 9Feb2023, based on Alberta total deaths, I calculated 12.9 million deaths worldwide caused by the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” and this total was independently confirmed by Rancourt et al based on Australian and Israeli total death data. I estimated that total vax-caused deaths would increase to 19 million by end2023. These totals exclude Covid-19 vax-caused-deaths in China, India and Russia.

In the Western world, the Covid-19 vax-caused death toll increases by ~500,000 per month. Globally, including China, India and Russia, total vax-caused-deaths increase by approx. one million per month. I estimate approx. 40 million vax-caused-deaths globally by the end of 2023…   and so it continues. These Covid-19 vax-deaths will continue for many years.

IMPORTANT: Video of Denis Rancourt’s interview by the National Citizens’ Covid-19 Inquiry.Denis Rancourt expert testimony National Citizens Inquiry - Ottawa 17 May 2023 (odysee.com). It is excellent! Rancourt also states: NO REAL PANDEMIC!

Since Nov2022 I have advocated simple, over-the-counter worldwide treatments of the vaxed with "Ivermectin Plus" that would save millions of lives.

My initial posts on this book summarize the important points of these global scams. Subsequent chapters will include my many letters to politicians and media who were complicit in these crimes against humanity. Nuremberg 2.0!

Best regards to all, Allan MacRae in Calgary

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Look out for my upcoming post on how many UK vaccine disabilities actually occurred.

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The above "14,000 vax-injured" allegation in Britain is far too low.


I wrote in my book, cited below:

"Based on total England and Wales deaths, I ran an approximate analysis and calculated total British Covid-19 vax-caused deaths in 2021 and 2022 of 172,000."

That UK death toll would have increased to over ~250,000 by end 2023.

We know that Covid-19 vax-injured numbers vastly exceed vax-deaths.

We also know that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA "vaccines" were generally more harmful than the AstraZeneca jabs.

As with most government data on Covid-19, this "14,000 vax-injured" figure is government propaganda, the usual whitewash.

A very rough guess is that 10-20% of those Covid-19 vaxed have some form of vax-injury, from minor to severe.

A few leading scientists say that the real carnage will hit in 2025, with the Covid-19 vaxed dropping like flies. Hope they are wrong.

Since Nov2022 I have advocated simple, over-the-counter worldwide treatments of the vaxed with "IvermectIn Plus" that would save millions of lives.

Best personal regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

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And this is before the “open “analysis of Pfizer, J&J and especially Moderna.

What we know about already does not make comfortable reading.

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