Thanks PH. Outstanding post. Tragic that all of this can't be stapled to every politicoturd on earth's foreheads.

Please be careful Sir. You'll have the buggers scrambling the fleets of private jets, all dashing off to the next Climate Armageddon conference in some exotic, tropical paradise location!

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The IPCC UNEP 'climatism' Trojan horse looks as obvious and decrepit as the corporate globalist Watermelons who continue to peddle it, and the gullible pecksniffians who love it.

It was as obviously dead wrong in the 1970s (imminent ice age) as it was in the 1990s, and again in 1999 when 'they' seamlessly segued from falsified "global warming" to unfalsifiable "climate change™." (a 30 yr period, for those unaware of the definition).

From the Mannian fraud of the absurd Hockey Schtick to the abolition of the Medieval and Roman warm periods, to the loss of historical data and the ridiculous stream of pre-1950 adjust down, post 1950 adjust up of 𝛿T, to the sackings and biased publications, this is a scam on steroids that forms the 101 curriculum of presstitutes and journavists.

It's wearing thin, threadbare in fact. Many now appear to see (and experience) that destitution, de-industrialisation, de-population, disease and despair are not viable characteristics for a future replete with prosperity, freedom and happiness.

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Hi Igor - I nailed this way back in 2002, then in 2013, and then in Nov2022:

"This winter will be hell, especially in Britain and Germany." - MacRae, Nov2022.

Britain and Germany over-invested in near-useless Wind Power and made the heating of homes unaffordable. That energy shortage, along with the Covid-19 vaxx-caused deaths, contributed to this winter's carnage in those two countries. They were fortunate in that this winter was mild - it could have been much worse.

Politicians are energy imbeciles - keep them away from the hot stove.

I posted the following prediction in Nov2022:


This will not be easy to watch. I told you so 20 years ago.

This winter will be hell, especially in Britain and Germany.


The cull of the elderly and poor

We published the important conclusions to this debate in 2002 and nothing has changed:

The alleged Climate Crisis is a fifty-year-old scam, and “green energy” is not green and does not produce much useful energy.

The Climate scammers have wasted trillions of dollars and millions of lives on fraud.


1. “Climate science does not support the theory of catastrophic human-made global warming – the alleged warming crisis does not exist.”

2. “The ultimate agenda of pro-Kyoto advocates is to eliminate fossil fuels, but this would result in a catastrophic shortfall in global energy supply – the wasteful, inefficient energy solutions proposed by Kyoto advocates simply cannot replace fossil fuels.”

– by Sallie Baliunas (Astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian), Tim Patterson (Paleoclimatologist, Carleton U), Allan MacRae (Professional Engineer, retired (Queen’s U, U of Alberta)

I PUBLISHED ON SEPTEMBER 1, 2002 in the Calgary Herald:

3. “If [as we believe] solar activity is the main driver of surface temperature rather than CO2, we should begin the next cooling period by 2020 to 2030.”


3a. “I suggest global cooling starts by 2020 or sooner. Bundle up.”

[Some say global cooling started in Feb2016, but I prefer Feb2020.]


British Undersecretary for Energy and Climate Change, 31Oct2013

By Allan MacRae, B.A.Sc.(Eng.), M.Eng.


So here is my real concern:

IF the Sun does indeed drive temperature, as I suspect, Baroness Verma, then you and your colleagues on both sides of the House may have brewed the perfect storm.

You are claiming that global cooling will NOT happen, AND you have crippled your energy systems with excessive reliance on ineffective grid-connected “green energy” schemes.

I suggest that global cooling probably WILL happen within the next decade or sooner, and Britain will get colder.

I also suggest that the IPCC and the Met Office have NO track record of successful prediction (or “projection”) of global temperature and thus have no scientific credibility.

I suggest that Winter deaths will increase in the UK as cooling progresses.

I suggest that Excess Winter Mortality, the British rate of which is about double the rate in the Scandinavian countries, should provide an estimate of this unfolding tragedy.

See CorrectPredictions.ca and my papers listed therein for proof.

Allan MacRae, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., Calgary


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Hi Peter,

Dr Willie Soon is a good friend and one of the smartest men on the planet - others are Dr Will Happer of Princeton and Dr Richard Lindzen of MIT. All of these eminent scholars are in agreement - there is no CO2-driven real climate crisis!

Told you so 20 years ago.

We published the important conclusions to the Climate (CAGW) debate in 2002 and nothing has changed:

The alleged Climate Crisis is a fifty-year-old scam, and “green energy” is not green and does not produce much useful energy.

The Climate scammers have wasted trillions of dollars and millions of lives on fraud.


1. “Climate science does not support the theory of catastrophic human-made global warming – the alleged warming crisis does not exist.”

2. “The ultimate agenda of pro-Kyoto advocates is to eliminate fossil fuels, but this would result in a catastrophic shortfall in global energy supply – the wasteful, inefficient energy solutions proposed by Kyoto advocates simply cannot replace fossil fuels.”

– by Sallie Baliunas (Astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian), Tim Patterson (Paleoclimatologist, Carleton U), Allan MacRae (Professional Engineer, retired (Queen’s U, U of Alberta)

I PUBLISHED ON SEPTEMBER 1, 2002 in the Calgary Herald:

3. “If [as we believe] solar activity is the main driver of surface temperature rather than CO2, we should begin the next cooling period by 2020 to 2030.”


3a. “I suggest global cooling starts by 2020 or sooner. Bundle up.”

[Some say global cooling started in Feb2016, the El Nino peak, but I prefer Feb2020.]

And my explicit warning in 2013, correct to the year:


British Undersecretary for Energy and Climate Change, 31Oct2013

By Allan MacRae, B.A.Sc.(Eng.), M.Eng.


"So here is my real concern:

IF the Sun does indeed drive temperature, as I suspect, Baroness Verma, then you and your colleagues on both sides of the House may have brewed the perfect storm.

You are claiming that global cooling will NOT happen, AND you have crippled your energy systems with excessive reliance on ineffective grid-connected “green energy” schemes.

I suggest that global cooling probably WILL happen within the next decade or sooner, and Britain will get colder.

I also suggest that the IPCC and the Met Office have NO track record of successful prediction (or “projection”) of global temperature and thus have no scientific credibility.

I suggest that Winter deaths will increase in the UK as cooling progresses.

I suggest that Excess Winter Mortality, the British rate of which is about double the rate in the Scandinavian countries, should provide an estimate of this unfolding tragedy."

See CorrectPredictions.ca and my papers listed therein for proof and links.

Allan MacRae, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., Calgary


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There in lies the problem. The public is being kettled to meet agendas created by colluding corporations without evidence confirming anything. The propagate a duping, and sell the scheme through reiteration of unfounded crap. No one is coming to the rescue. It is incumbent upon each of us to see through the show.

We were never taught in school, key factors that ensure we remain victims, that is their point. ALL COMMUNICATIONS VERBAL OR WRITTEN ARE SIMPLY OFFERS TO CONTRACT WITH THE RECIPIENT OF THE.MESSAGING. AN OFFER THAT RECEIVES NO RESPONSE IS PRESUMED TO BE ACCEPTED BY ASSENT INTO WHAT IS DEEMED AN ADHESION AGREEMENT, IT DOESNT MATTER TO THE OFFERER OF THE OFFER WHETHER THE ONE WHOM IS DEEMED TO HAVE ASSENTED IS AWARE OR NOT. IN THE PUBLIC EVERYTHING IS COMMERCE AND IS REGULATED BY THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE (UCC) EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR DECLINE AN OFFER. MOST OFFERS GO UNRESPONDED, AND THERE IN LIES THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AGREEMENTS WE FORM UNWITTINGLY. THERE ARE 5 WAYS TO RESPOND TO AN OFFER. 3 WHICH ARE HONORABLE AND 2 WHICH ARE DISHONORABLE. WE WERE NEVER TAUGHT TO COMPREHEND HOW TO OPERATE IN COMMERCE, AND FOR THIS REASON WE ARE EASILY TRAPPED AND MONETIZED. THAT IS THEIR OBJECTIVE. THE EDUCATION WE RECEIVE ENSURES WE WILL BE REPEATABLY DUPED. WE WERE ALSO NOT TAUGHT THE UTILITY OF PRESENTMENT OF NOTICES OF NON-CONSENT, I SURMISE NOTICES, DECLARATION AND AFFIDAVITS ARE ESSENTIAL TO COMPREHEND WHEN OPERATING IN THE PUBLIC (in commerce, everything is commerce and every communications is an offer to contract) one may think in these terms be it oral or written, you are being made an offer, be it in public or private conversations, or presentations. Your TV verbiage are offers too. We were set up to take the bait. And we do. Only we can change our indoctrinated behaviors, towards avoiding being kettled to where they want to take us and further enslave everyone who isn't them. No one is coming to enlighten us. If you don't consent to or with a presentment one must express ones will to the party making the presentment. And one must do so using the commercial process. 3 notices just like they Notice us Notice-Default Notice- Final Notice and judgment. If they don't respond your presentment stands as truth in commerce. Do your own research to the point one is willing to take responsibility for ones own actions. No one can act in anyone's stead, just like no one can represent another, one can only present one's self. Yep we can't even represent ourselves. This is not legal advise or advise of any sort. If your looking to act in your own behalf, which is all one can do, you may want to purchase a law dictionary, Black's 5th edition is comprehensive. We are in a bad way, and the indoctrinated believe and are programmed daily to turn to elections for remedies, having no evidence that such an occurrence (remedy) has ever materialized. Had such an occurrence taken place would the circumstances we are confronted with be the matter at hand? NO!

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Thank you for your relentless quest to reveal corruption. When I first got on to Substack, it was to know I wasn’t alone in my beliefs that something nefarious was going on. Ever since, the rabbit holes have become a maze of elaborate schemes and lies. I thought once CoViD was over there wouldn’t be much to talk about but mannn was I wrong.

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All those years ago we had the climategate emails, and they didn't stop a thing!

Therefore, I state that it is a well known Communist Plot which the politicos are in favor of for reason of personal gain.

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Tony Heller ROCKS! Been watching him for years.

Thank you for covering this!

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There is no global warming ! IT’S CALLED THE WEATHER ! Stop the hoax !

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