Seems we are seeing opposite of Solent Green open and actively push euthanasia of humans with the “vaccine” the people are conned into believing it was for their own health or outright mandated....but at least we are not recycled!..but I would not put that past the Dems. For all the cremations of late I am really surprised the climate change police have not barred such.
Here’s my question about these stats...if this 20% above normal (during COVID ) deaths , why are at the very least , insurance companies not reporting this? Is life insurance no longer a measure ? What about funeral homes , or just even county records? Where do these stats come from? If it’s true, it seems *someone* would be publicizing it..No??
".. In December the SOA found a 43% increase in excess deaths than what was expected for those under 45."
for disability also
"..there was about 1.2 million we calculated in September. It’s now about 1.7 million starting about February 2021 thru November of 2022." .. "That is a HUGE number of individuals who have been disabled due to the mandatory vaccines!"
two health insurers did particularly well in 2022 - United Health and Cigna - the other big players, not so much. Would love to see the relative Remdesivir orders and respirator usage.
Life insurance premiums 145.1 151.0 143.0 159.5 165.1
Though I doubt these are even half the story.
Life companies rely a lot on investment income to offset these apparent regular and costly losses. The investment income split between general insurance (short term investments) and life (long term) portfolios is not on that web link.
Net investment income 187.4 186.7 186.0 200.9 199.1
Isn't it depressing that those that are suppose to uphold the law in courts are NOT doing their jobs? It really shows us their true allegiances and how they have betrayed their important positions. They are losing all the trust not only in themselves, but also in the very institutions that are suppose to serve as a bedrock of our democracies. Reminds me of the revolutionary period in France. Pretty pathetic.
They are not afraid of facing the consequences of their crimes because they not only control the courts and judges, they now fully control the election system - we can't get rid of them because elections everywhere are rigged and fraudulent!
Truly the only solution is going to be when there is a "mass awakening" and those who have lost a child or spouse or parent to these jabs demand justice and retribution. It's like the scene in the kids' movie "A Bug's Life" - when the ants finally realize there are hundreds of thousands of them versus a few hundred grasshoppers. Doesn't end well for the grasshoppers.
Great comment! That Bug's Life scene is very telling. Always loved that movie. This will happen once more as it did many times throughout history. I think it will happen well BEFORE 2030. All we need is a solid number of awakened souls who will not submit, in the range of 5-10%. That is all we need. I am pretty confident that we will get it. This might be easier in some countries than other (like Canada and France) than others such as in the USA, especially given the four branches of the U.S. Military (at least the upper brass) are completely sold out to the tribe; unless the mid- and lower-level soldiers start to WAKE the F UP, Americans will have a hell of a challenge before them. Still baffled as to why so many are asleep at the wheel and oblivious to this democide.
Well said, Dan. Peter is continuously focussing on the greatest "crime against humanity" of our lifetimes. That crime IS "homicide." Excess deaths at 10 to 20 percent above the historic norms should be THE story of the world. The fact this doesn't even warrant ONE story in the "mainstream" or corporate press is yet another crime and scandal.
I have forwarded this to several of our MPs , including the party which holds the Health Ministry and our CMO.
Paul Frew MLA (our MPs) publishes on this topic every week.
Thanks PH. The fiddling with the excess death figures. Up there with Nero fiddling whilst Rome burned down round his ears.
Have you seen this presentation by Denis Rancourt on the excess deaths. Best research I’ve seen on excess deaths
Yes. I have posted his work in previous articles. I watched his testimony in that link disease, hospital protocols killed people, withholding anti-biotics from the poor killed people – 13 million dead globally, 330,000 in the US
here's some more was no pandemic. What has occurred over the last three years is EUGENICS - either by accident, ignorance or design. 350 million doses in India between April-July 2021 cause 3.7 million deaths?
Seems we are seeing opposite of Solent Green open and actively push euthanasia of humans with the “vaccine” the people are conned into believing it was for their own health or outright mandated....but at least we are not recycled!..but I would not put that past the Dems. For all the cremations of late I am really surprised the climate change police have not barred such.
Recycling has started - guess where? From September 2022
"California will begin allowing an alternative burial method known as human composting in 2027, under a bill signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sunday."
Here’s my question about these stats...if this 20% above normal (during COVID ) deaths , why are at the very least , insurance companies not reporting this? Is life insurance no longer a measure ? What about funeral homes , or just even county records? Where do these stats come from? If it’s true, it seems *someone* would be publicizing it..No??
There has been a lot of discussion, from here:
".. In December the SOA found a 43% increase in excess deaths than what was expected for those under 45."
for disability also
"..there was about 1.2 million we calculated in September. It’s now about 1.7 million starting about February 2021 thru November of 2022." .. "That is a HUGE number of individuals who have been disabled due to the mandatory vaccines!"
two health insurers did particularly well in 2022 - United Health and Cigna - the other big players, not so much. Would love to see the relative Remdesivir orders and respirator usage.
Analysing Life companies is a tricky business.
From here:
Over 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Expenses/Benefits 289.5 301.8 313.2 338.4 321.0
and these premiums
Life insurance premiums 145.1 151.0 143.0 159.5 165.1
Though I doubt these are even half the story.
Life companies rely a lot on investment income to offset these apparent regular and costly losses. The investment income split between general insurance (short term investments) and life (long term) portfolios is not on that web link.
Net investment income 187.4 186.7 186.0 200.9 199.1
Lots of other factors to consider as well.
We are witnessing the end of Western Civilization.
Isn't it depressing that those that are suppose to uphold the law in courts are NOT doing their jobs? It really shows us their true allegiances and how they have betrayed their important positions. They are losing all the trust not only in themselves, but also in the very institutions that are suppose to serve as a bedrock of our democracies. Reminds me of the revolutionary period in France. Pretty pathetic.
They are not afraid of facing the consequences of their crimes because they not only control the courts and judges, they now fully control the election system - we can't get rid of them because elections everywhere are rigged and fraudulent!
Truly the only solution is going to be when there is a "mass awakening" and those who have lost a child or spouse or parent to these jabs demand justice and retribution. It's like the scene in the kids' movie "A Bug's Life" - when the ants finally realize there are hundreds of thousands of them versus a few hundred grasshoppers. Doesn't end well for the grasshoppers.
I'm still waiting for that day of awakening...
Great comment! That Bug's Life scene is very telling. Always loved that movie. This will happen once more as it did many times throughout history. I think it will happen well BEFORE 2030. All we need is a solid number of awakened souls who will not submit, in the range of 5-10%. That is all we need. I am pretty confident that we will get it. This might be easier in some countries than other (like Canada and France) than others such as in the USA, especially given the four branches of the U.S. Military (at least the upper brass) are completely sold out to the tribe; unless the mid- and lower-level soldiers start to WAKE the F UP, Americans will have a hell of a challenge before them. Still baffled as to why so many are asleep at the wheel and oblivious to this democide.
Will the police enforce "let them eat bugs"?
Well said, Dan. Peter is continuously focussing on the greatest "crime against humanity" of our lifetimes. That crime IS "homicide." Excess deaths at 10 to 20 percent above the historic norms should be THE story of the world. The fact this doesn't even warrant ONE story in the "mainstream" or corporate press is yet another crime and scandal.
"Crime of Humanity" doesn't even get noticed in the popular media.