We have seen the attempts to “grow” beef in the lab, we are aware of the threats of mRNA injected livestock – and even fish – we are told to eat bugs by the deranged billionaire crocks club – acting as high priests for the anti-human Cult of Moloch, but check out the video below (g/t Ranger71) about fake food on sale in China.
Fortunately, dinner is some hours away here, so watched the video. Our lingering suspicions that we were served horse meat instead of fillet steak in a Bruges hotel years ago, fades into mere horsespit compared to this!
It’s not just infant formula the Chinese use to kill their own, eh?
For Heaven’s sake never buy anything from China, it has taken over the world markets for garlic, ginger, apples and many other comestibles in the West. And if you’re tempted by organic anything from there, don’t just avoid, run a mile!
China has befouled its soil with pesticides and other poisons, to the point where desertification now encroaches all major cities, including Beijing. That’s why it can’t feed its own people. And why it seeks our farmland whenever it can grab any. A clear case for eminent domain to be used correctly, for a change, to take back our lands, agricultural or not. And shame on all those governments and businesses that continue to sell us out for money. (What else?)
None of the food in video is any different than canola oil. We went from eating healthy animal fat to liquid plastic. If you consume canola oil, then stop completely, it takes up to 2 years for your body to rid itself of it. Meanwhile it displaces healthy, natural lipids that contain many essential nutrients.
IIRC it’s really an industrial oil for use in trucks. A foul concoction.
But try finding any supposed ‘food’ in any supposed grocery that doesn’t contain this muck. Try to contain your mirth when you come across organic and ‘first pressed’ and ‘expeller’ processed versions!
Fortunately, dinner is some hours away here, so watched the video. Our lingering suspicions that we were served horse meat instead of fillet steak in a Bruges hotel years ago, fades into mere horsespit compared to this!
It’s not just infant formula the Chinese use to kill their own, eh?
For Heaven’s sake never buy anything from China, it has taken over the world markets for garlic, ginger, apples and many other comestibles in the West. And if you’re tempted by organic anything from there, don’t just avoid, run a mile!
China has befouled its soil with pesticides and other poisons, to the point where desertification now encroaches all major cities, including Beijing. That’s why it can’t feed its own people. And why it seeks our farmland whenever it can grab any. A clear case for eminent domain to be used correctly, for a change, to take back our lands, agricultural or not. And shame on all those governments and businesses that continue to sell us out for money. (What else?)
None of the food in video is any different than canola oil. We went from eating healthy animal fat to liquid plastic. If you consume canola oil, then stop completely, it takes up to 2 years for your body to rid itself of it. Meanwhile it displaces healthy, natural lipids that contain many essential nutrients.
IIRC it’s really an industrial oil for use in trucks. A foul concoction.
But try finding any supposed ‘food’ in any supposed grocery that doesn’t contain this muck. Try to contain your mirth when you come across organic and ‘first pressed’ and ‘expeller’ processed versions!